125: Hildebrandt vs. Patrick McKee (Minny)
Consolation R2
Per 1
Not a lot thru 1 min. McKee in on a double and gets the TD, 0-2. Hildebrandt works up but they go OOB with 53 sec left. Caution on McKee - his 1st. Hildebrandt to his feet, and they are again OOB. Hildebrandt to his feet, returned, and OOB with 27 sec. Hildebrandt working up, and he's out, 1-2, and they go OOB with 11 sec left. End.
Per 2
Hildebrandt defers, and McKee takes neutral. McKee works in, nothing. Hildebrandt tries a high crotch, nothing. McKee in on another double and gets the TD, 1-4. Damn. They go OOB with 29 sec left. McKee working under the arm, Hildebrandt with a shoulder roll, and they go OOB with 15 sec left. 2nd caution on McKee. Hildebrandt to his feet and they go OOB with 10 sec left. Hildebrandt tries a sit-out but they go OOB with 2 sec left. End. RT @ 1:43 for McKee
Per 3
Hildebrandt takes top. McKee tries to hit a reversal but gets the esc as they go OOB, 1-5. Hildebrandt shoots and McKee sprawls, nothing. Hildebrandt shoots, McKee tries to counter and they go OOB with 1:06 left. McKee shoots a double, Hildebrandt ties up the elbows, and a stalemate with 36 sec. RT is locked for McKee. Hildebrandt in on the legs and gets a TD, 3-5. Needs a tilt or he'll lose. He tries the double grapevine, gets McKee extended, but he runs out of time. End
With RT, it's a 3-6 DEC, McKee over Drew Hildebrandt.
Not going the way Drew or CS imagined.