149 R2: #13 seed Beau Bartlett vs. #4 seed Sammy Sasso (Ohio State)
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Beau active early. He reaches for a leg, nothing. He nearly gets a leg but they are OOB with 2:25 left. Beau working underhooks, and a stalemate with 2:04 left. Sasso with an ankle pick, Beau jumps over and grabs an ankle, and a stalemate with 1:42 left. Sasso with a low double and hips behind for the TD, 0-2. he quickly flattens Beau. Beau works up, tries a roll, but Sasso stays with him. End. RT @ 1:02 for Sasso
Per 2
Beau takes bottom. He's to his feet, tries a roll, and grabs an ankle, he lifts the leg, and is able to get the reversal, 2-2. They go OOB with 1:20 left. Sasso to his feet and Beau cuts him, 2-3. Sasso pushing in, and they are OOB. Stall call on Beau (I disagree). RT @ 1:09 for Sasso
Per 3
Sasso to his feet, and they go OOB, but a stall call on Beau (I disagree again), makes it 2-4. Beau cuts him, 2-5. Beau in on a head inside single, Sasso with a whizzer, but Beau clears that and after a scramble gets the TD, 4-5. 36 sec left. Surprised he doesn't cut him, and Sasso grabs an ankle, and a stalemate with 18 sec left. Beau does cut him, 4-6. RT not a factor. Beau reaches, but can't get anything. End. Beau loses 4-6 to Sammy Sasso.