@KingWard is accurate and kind.Thanks, I figured as much. Really a shame to let this thread die, from a historical perspective if nothing else. Especially over some nonsense, but that's just my opinion.
The originator very rarely contributed and yet claimed that all the success was due to him. When he did contribute over the last 18 months, it was posts that were racist or continually trolling by extolling the virtures of Caitlin Clark in a dog whistle manner. He was called out on this and asked to stop. He told us In essence to eff off, he actually said “It’s MY thread, I will not be silenced!” No one asked him to leave, just stop being a racist jacka$$.
As I said, he rarely showed up but when he did he roiled the thread for days. I was asked by many posters in this thread to start another. These requests came over a year long period. King Ward can attest to this. I demured. After his last troll, regular posters (more than 5 less than 15) contacted me and said they were quitting the thread, that it just wasn’t worth it.
I contacted them and I said that I would start a new thread on TIF. I sought their advice on how to proceed, Shoe was even contacted to let him know, seek his approval and advice. So May 29 we started.
I too have sad feelings about leaving this thread. It chronicles a long stretch of WBB History and the posters love of the Gamecock Women. It should kept around for history. I miss KingWard, Conway Cock and others who are only on FGF. They were key in this threads success. If I had the money I would pay their membership but I don’t.
The originator however actually paid money and joined TIF to lurk and read the material