There is no one that testified seeing a shooter - at either TSBD or picket fence. There was a deaf mute gentleman whose testimony was not included but you can view his testimony via numerous sources.
Wait, these are your exact words, "a number of people testified they saw a shooter behind the picket fence". Now there is no one that testified to seeing a shooter at either location. You represent the conspiracy faction very well. When presented with facts that undermine what you are saying. You just change your story and keep on going. Cyrill Wecht and Josiah Thompson have nothing on you. Maybe you've made money selling a book. Basically, you have no idea what happened, but you are certain of what didn't happen, and you'll change your story to anything, except what probably happened.
Three people testified as to seeing a shooter in the window of TSBD. They testified to the Dallas police, the FBI and in front of the Warren Commission. Anybody who was looked into the Kennedy assassination knows this. There were all interviewed by police immediately on 11/22/63. Here, I'll help one last time, but I am tiring of presenting you with documented facts while you rebutt with your opinions that are often just wrong. These are the police statements taken the day of the shooting.
Voluntary statement made by Howard Leslie Brennan at the Dallas Police Department on November 22, 1963. Brennan states that he saw a man standing at a window of the Texas School Book Depository building as the Presidential motorcade passed by. The man was pointing a rifle out of the window.
Voluntary statement by Amos Lee Euins as a witness in Dealey Plaza. Euins states that he attends Franklin D. Roosevelt High School and is in the 9th grade. After watching the President drive by in the motorcade he heard a gunshot and saw a man in the window of the Texas School Book Depository...
Affidavit In Any Fact by James Richard Worrell, Jr. concerning seeing a rifle in the window of the Texas School Book Depository. Worrell describes watching the motorcade drive by and hearing gunshots. He noticed a gun in the window of the Depository building and watched it fire another shot. He...
I know, you'll say the Dallas police were in on it, but the police officers that were in on it really didn't know the whole picture, because thats how these things work. Do you really understand how foolish that sounds?
For me the topper is bringing up Ed Hoffman (the deaf mute for those of you that don't know). Talk about grasping at straws. He first went to the FBI in 1967, his own father and brother both said he is lying. Also, if his story is true. The two guys in question would have been running right at Lee Bowers, and he never mentions them in his testimony. Bowers had an elevated view of the back of the picket fence from a RR control tower. IF anyone would have seen a grassy knoll shooter it would have been him. At his location the back of the fence was directly between and Bowers and the JFK limo at the time of the shooting, and Bowers was looking that way.
You have made one really solid statement that explains yourself, "I know it hard for people to move off of cherished long held beliefs. Even with the evidence overwhelming."
Yep, thats you in a nutshell. I'm done, I've corrected you enough. I still think you are just jerking people around for some reason. I can say that if you were out there representing the conspiracy theory faction. Within a year or two an overwhelming majority would believe the Warren report.