If you know anything about ballistics (I trust you do not), this is a complete joke to think that very, very slight change would have been cause by the magic bullet is hand slapping ludicrous.
Ask Dr. Wecht.
Ask the Doctors in the ER?
What would they know?!
Actually this is a good point to show how the conspiracy theorists only show the side view without deformation. These angles show the forceful changes in shape. Of course, this view is not a good one to show if you want to push an argument that is ********. The bullet went thru Kennedy, but his soft tissue, and was decelerating as it injured the Governor. No less a student of criminal activity, Arlen Spector then Philadelphia DA, looked at the evidence and found this compelling. It sizes up with the appearance of Kennedys throat exit wound and that the bullet was found on the Governors stretcher. So do not act as though uneducated people with little experience came up with the single bullet conclusion. Like most things from the critics, that is not true.