Actually, the Amendment was intended to have a fighting force ready to mobilize should the government have to call on them to fight off invading countries, or to stop our military from overthrowing the government ... or to prevent States from rebelling/attacking other States. As such, a "true" reading of the Amendment would require said militias to have the latest weaponry. They wanted a bare-bones military during peace times to guard against military coups .. the well-regulated (by the government) militia was to serve as the bridge between that bare-bones military and the assemblage of a proper fighting military in war times, and as a supplement to that military thereafter ... or to be the force that repelled our military and protected the government should a coup rear its head. Of course, we all know that's not at all realistic in today's day and age and, as such, the Amendment is useless. They just retrofitted it to protect something it was never meant to protect (in an amazing display of irony). But, yeah, if we actually cared about the Amendment, as intended, we'd have a teeny, tiny military, and the States would be warehousing the latest tech, and the biggest baddest weaponry we have ... and we could go to the armory to get our weapons when needed.