Any Memphis Area Dawgs Following the Tyre Nichols Story?

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
That’s on 196MM whites vs 42MM blacks. 374 whites killed by police vs 220 blacks. That is statistically significant. I don’t make things up and if I post about numbers it’s because I know I’m right not because I’m trying to support some position. The reason I hold the position is because I have done the research. Now why do you hold the obviously incorrect view? Because it sounds better to you and absolves you of doing anything about it if you just deny it?
The Sad Truth you are ignoring is the vast majority of crime happens in areas that are dominated by black people. All reasonable people wish that were not the case but it is what it is. Your "racism" take is false and without merit.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I think there are very few "bad" police officers.
So you know this, yet still think police are the problem? What are you trying to prove to yourself? That police can be perfect? Not happening.

You'd have far more success trying to change 99% of criminals, rather than changing 1% of police.

THAT is how silly your viewpoint really is.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
We can compare numbers if you want, but the figures aren’t going to prove what you want them to prove. I’ll save you the research that you weren’t going to do any way. White dudes are more likely to be killed by police than black dudes.
White dudes also outnumber black dudes 2-1.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
You're right. There should be significantly more. We need a more meaningful deterrent to committing crime. Criminals have grown too comfortable due to favorable treatment from big city DAs and police departments made up of leaders with agendas and officers walking on egg shells because they're afraid they'll be the next cop made famous on TV by some moron with a cell phone.

We need cops. And we need to empower cops instead of neutering them. If you're not a criminal, you should have no problem with this.
I dunno, sounds a hare facist-y to me
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Maybe there *shouldn't* 2.2 million arrests a year. That's kind of the point.
And what types of arrests would you prefer not happen? I'll start by pissing off my fellow conservatives here by saying the war on drugs has been just as destructive and futile as the war on poverty.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
The Sad Truth you are ignoring is the vast majority of crime happens in areas that are dominated by black people. All reasonable people wish that were not the case but it is what it is. Your "racism" take is false and without merit.
The vast number of crimes happen in areas with high poverty rates. Black areas are typically more often than not always high poverty rates.
Check out poor white neighborhoods with low education and tell me how their numbers look. Almost exactly like black neighborhoods.
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
The vast number of crimes happen in areas with high poverty rates. Black areas are typically more often than not always high poverty rates.
Check out poor white neighborhoods with low education and tell me how their numbers look. Almost exactly like black neighborhoods.
It's not the fault of cops that blacks commit more crimes than whites on a percentage basis but that's what you are promoting. Sad.
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She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Do any of y'all actually read the thread before spending 10 minutes typing a response that has been given 3 times before you typed it?
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She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
The most surprising stat to me is that less than 1,000 people are killed annually by police in this country with some very violent areas. Seems pretty impressive since I have a feeling 90%+ of those were completely justified.

Wonder how much property damage to innocents and injuries and deaths arise out of protests over the very few unjustified and the many justified police shootings?

Jacob Blake springs to mind.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
"I'm suggesting that the fact that police are killing people way more often than in the past suggests that it is a policing issue." - In how many of those interactions was the person killed also armed?
6715 out of 8139 since 2015 so 82.5%
In how many of those interactions did the person killed assault the officer or make an aggressive move toward the officer?

"If police departments walked back their training to embrace the reality that most people are law abiding and don't have contraband or any desire to cause officer harm would it make a huge difference? I think so" - Evidence would indicate that police are dying in the line of duty at greater numbers than before.

Crime Data: Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty Statistics for 2021 — LEB (
FBI Releases Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted and Killed in the Line of Duty — FBI
Intentional killings of law enforcement officers reaches 20-year high | CNN
How many police officers were shot nationwide in 2022? (

Since then, and to this day, you have officers being trained to be very aggressive on traffic stops, assume the worst, etc. and the problem is that this doesn't apply, or work in areas that are not high crime; - And you know this how? So, you are going accuse police officers of assuming the worst of citizens, by assuming the worst about all police officers? Where exactly in the training manual does it say to assume the worst? Can you point me to page and paragraph? When you say to be "very aggressive" on traffic stops, what exactly do you mean? Be specific, no generalities.

I am the son of a retired City of Memphis police officer. He had to retire because he was injured in the line of duty by a criminal (Literally stabbed in the back). Had his partner not acted as quickly as he did, I would have grown up without a father, so this issue is VERY personal to me. My uncle was also a police officer with the City of Memphis for over 15 years.

You seem to only be analyzing one side of the coin. You have, whether intentionally or not, absolved everyone but police officers of any wrongdoing in any encounter that they may have with police. Here's a newsflash for you, some individuals don't want encounters with police to be de-escalated no matter how much training an officer may receive.

Kudos to you though because your ignorance is invincible.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Lies, damned lies, and statistics.

The flaw in your numbers is that you are using raw totals as a baseline. Since criminal behavior is far more likely as a percentage of total population in the black community versus the white community, you have to weigh those numbers accordingly.

So, instead of calling someone else "obviously incorrect," I would suggest a more honest data sample that doesn't start with a baseline assumption that 196M white people and 42M black people are all equally at risk of being killed by a cop.
Imagine if the media showed 10 police shootings per year with this break down

4 whites being killed
3 blacks
2 hispankcs
1 Asian


9 blacks and 1 other

We wouldn’t be talking about police shootings at all.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
The issue is thugs that don’t respect the law, society, or any authority. They only respect the law of the jungle
agree 100% with the first part.... disagree with the second part only because they are too stupid to know the law of the jungle. no respect, just stupid...
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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Good call out. I really quickly pulled the US totals because someone tried to pull out the raw number whites killed vs black, which is for sure flawed logic.

Not arguing that crime is more pronounced in poor communities, as I suspect all of history would show as well, and that many of those are predominately black, which is somewhat unique to the US, although in most countries, marginalized/minority communities often find themselves also poorer with more crime.

If I apply the numbers below, there are 16MM whites in poverty and 8MM blacks. Roughly 2:1 white but cop killings are 1.7:1. That's a not as large of a gap as i thought but still there.

View attachment 300593
No you are 100% wrong.

it’s exactly 1.9:1 since 2015
1,904 blacks
3,615 whites
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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2019
I'm not against additional training for police but how does that become the go to remedy? How about additional training for DA's and judges to make sure repeat offenders aren't hitting the streets? How about additional training for voters to make sure they are properly informed when voting for DAs and judges to ensure individuals who will uphold the law are elected to those positions.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Well, this is still flawed because it's assuming that all people in poverty are in danger of being killed by cops, and that nobody above the poverty line is in danger of this.

I'd be trying to figure out how to get to number of police interactions as a percentage of population for each demographic. Maybe arrest numbers get you there. But I suspect what you will find is that black criminals aren't more likely to be killed because they're black, but that black people have significantly higher numbers of police interactions as a percentage than white people do. The population gap that you cited earlier is almost completely canceled out by the difference in criminal activity by demographic. And there are other variables you can't a cop being less likely to use force against a black criminal than a white criminal over social justice fears.
Certainly all possibilities. Appreciate the thoughtful engagement over name calling just because there is disagreement. Refreshing to see some thought put into a response.


Well-known member
Sep 16, 2013
I didn’t read the whole thread because I get tired of the arguing so this may have been posted. The cops are facing charges, they shouldn’t have beat that guy to death, we know what the death penalty is for, and running from the cops isn’t it.

The pic I saw is bad, his face is unrecognizable. Just senseless IMO, they murdered the guy, and now they will face a jury of their peers. We can’t allow LE to do this. When a peep isn’t a threat to the life of the cop(s), deadly force should never be considered.

I see the police encounters stats argument, which is ********, no one should ever die at the hands of LE unless a threat to them and/or others. Race of perp shouldn’t matter as well.

As far as riots, that’s just an excuse to get a free tv. I imagine DS will partake, one of his 27 tv’s has gone out.


Sep 29, 2022
I live in Pigeon Estates and my wife now refuses to walk by herself. They did get a pretty good picture of the car from someone's camera doorbell thank goodness, so hopefully they will be caught and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I told my son this morning (he's 13) that when he starts driving, NEVER EVER RUN from the cops. Doesn't matter if you think you did nothing wrong. You will not be killed or beat to within an inch of your life for complying.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Certainly all possibilities. Appreciate the thoughtful engagement over name calling just because there is disagreement. Refreshing to see some thought put into a response.
Been plenty of thought into responses you’ve received.

You just don’t want to engage with people who prove you wrong.
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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2022
I’ve never had a run in with the popo but I have been pulled over a couple of handful of times, even gone thru roadblocks a few times and on one occasion with probably one beer too many but I’ve never had an issue with police.
I’m pretty sure you act decent and do what they ask of you, show some respect and basically don’t be stupid or a *****, you’re going to be ok- no matter your skin color.
Why this is so hard to comprehend is beyond me, but, as the old saying goes - you can’t fix Stupid!

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
To go ahead and push this off the political cliff - bottom line, Democrats could literally take over this country if they'd get off this 'F the police' narrative. It's sh*t like that, that will continue to keep me from voting blue, even though the Republican leaders have done just about all they can do to piss me off.

It's simple. I can't move beyond the basics. Safety is paramount. horshack is doing everything possible to convince himself that his narrative is logical, he can't because its silliness.

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
I’ve never had a run in with the popo but I have been pulled over a couple of handful of times, even gone thru roadblocks a few times and on one occasion with probably one beer too many but I’ve never had an issue with police.
I’m pretty sure you act decent and do what they ask of you, show some respect and basically don’t be stupid or a *****, you’re going to be ok- no matter your skin color.
Why this is so hard to comprehend is beyond me, but, as the old saying goes - you can’t fix Stupid!

Problem is there are a lot of young people in this country who have no idea what "act decent" means because they have no positive role models in their lives.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
Powers that be decided that showing black officers beating a black man wouldn’t have the same political effect they hoped!

Pictures of officers were released to the public today and officers fired.

Rumor on video release is that National Media will be in town for Lisa Marie's funeral so they are trying to keep from mucking that up with National spotlight on them. Video to come out later next week and like many have said it's supposedly very brutal.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
And what types of arrests would you prefer not happen? I'll start by pissing off my fellow conservatives here by saying the war on drugs has been just as destructive and futile as the war on poverty.
Maybe we should try something other than a warfare approach to our problems because we cannot win the war on either drugs or poverty. I don't have an answer myself because I'm not that smart, but I bet if we ALL discussed these subjects with zero tolerance for people who want to "win' the debate and give and take for the sake of progression, we might get somewhere.

I'm 17ing sick of our leaders arguing and never admitting they might have been wrong or acted wrongly.

The #1 thing I want to do is pay politicians on the bonus system. We have a vote every July; everyone can vote if the elected officials did a good enough job to earn a bonus reflecting their work accomplished. Use an independent group to make report cards of their work in the past year.

We all as a nation are paying too much for salary and benefits for the craptastic amount of gridlock we have to deal with.
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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
I do know one thing: If there is one group of people who understand what it’s like to be a black man in the inner city interacting with the police it’s a bunch of white dudes from Mississippi posting on a sports message board
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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
No but they did release a pic. No motive behind this release at all. View attachment 300890
Maybe if had we waited for the facts we could have actually been able to discuss police misconduct instead of racism but we as a people never wait for stupidity.

It is a disservice to the actual problems with racism to blame everything as being racist before you know what actually happened.

It creates ear fatigue.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Maybe if had we waited for the facts we could have actually been able to discuss police misconduct instead of racism but we as a people never wait for stupidity.

It is a disservice to the actual problems with racism to blame everything as being racist before you know what actually happened.

It creates ear fatigue.
Waiting for the facts is lacking on many topics these days. Gotta have that hot take before anyone else
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