In how many of those interactions did the person killed assault the officer or make an aggressive move toward the officer?
"If police departments walked back their training to embrace the reality that most people are law abiding and don't have contraband or any desire to cause officer harm would it make a huge difference? I think so" - Evidence would indicate that police are dying in the line of duty at greater numbers than before.
Crime Data: Law Enforcement Officers Killed in the Line of Duty Statistics for 2021 — LEB (
FBI Releases Statistics for Law Enforcement Officers Assaulted and Killed in the Line of Duty — FBI
Intentional killings of law enforcement officers reaches 20-year high | CNN
How many police officers were shot nationwide in 2022? (
Since then, and to this day, you have officers being trained to be very aggressive on traffic stops, assume the worst, etc. and the problem is that this doesn't apply, or work in areas that are not high crime; - And you know this how? So, you are going accuse police officers of assuming the worst of citizens, by assuming the worst about all police officers? Where exactly in the training manual does it say to assume the worst? Can you point me to page and paragraph? When you say to be "very aggressive" on traffic stops, what exactly do you mean? Be specific, no generalities.
I am the son of a retired City of Memphis police officer. He had to retire because he was injured in the line of duty by a criminal (Literally stabbed in the back). Had his partner not acted as quickly as he did, I would have grown up without a father, so this issue is
VERY personal to me. My uncle was also a police officer with the City of Memphis for over 15 years.
You seem to only be analyzing one side of the coin. You have, whether intentionally or not, absolved everyone but police officers of any wrongdoing in any encounter that they may have with police. Here's a newsflash for you, some individuals don't want encounters with police to be de-escalated no matter how much training an officer may receive.
Kudos to you though because your ignorance is invincible.