jethreaux hit the nail on the head earlier and I responded.I’m confused why you won’t just come out and plainly say what it is you’re looking for in a community. That would be helpful to some. I can tell you don’t like outdoors stuff, not sure if you MSU sports is enough to keep you entertained. The only thing I have to go on is you consider meridian to be a more cultured city than Starkville. I’ll admit to not spending much time (or any at all) in meridian but I can’t imagine there being many perks to meridian over Starkville… but again, I really have no idea what you are looking for in a community.
Perhaps you missed that post...
I prefer places with a livelier social & live music scene which I've rarely seen people mention when talking about Starkville and Columbus with the exception of Main Street Festival.
MSU supports the music events in Meridian with the Riley Center. Do they do anything in Starkville?
Does anyone do anything in Starkville musically other than MSU and Rick's?