I asked genuine questions and pointed out genuine inconsistencies. You responded to the questions with honesty and provided differing views.
Seems like really healthy communication.
The predetermination still doesnt make sense to me, mostly since the level of it seems to vary depending on the person who is citing their belief and/or the religion they follow. Only 1 is ultimately right...right? Not sure how we as a species managed to come up with so many incorrect versions.
Also, its always seemed like following what is written is a way to live a 'good' and more meaningful life. If its all pre-determined, then whats the point in making the effort to live a good and more meaningful life?...those who were apparently chosen to reach Heaven before time even existed will drift upwards when they die, and everyone else will sink down when they die. But since that contradicts what others think, then it all actually does matter. And we get back to the reality that only 1 view is ultimately right.
As for Adam and Eve, the 'big 3' came up with that before they could even explain what stars were. The whole 'original sin' thing isnt shared by Islam or Judaism. Thats kinda key to the origin story for Christianity.
The Biblical books you are referencing as historical fact are anything but. They were written by man based on stories passed down for, well I honestly dont even know how long. They were also argued over and voted on for inclusion/exclusion to being official script.
Was man created by clay? Was man created in God's image? Who is 'us' when God declared man should be made?
I dont know how the universe appeared. I dont know how bacteria came to be on the Earth(though Ive learned the theory many times over). Perhaps it was all created by a being(God). Maybe He created it only 6000 years ago and moved on. Maybe He created it and stays involved in every little detail of everyone's day from the beginning of time. Maybe He created it 4.5 billion years ago by seeding the planet with a touch of bacteria and just the right distance from the sun, yada yada.
God's existence and Evolution can co-exist if you allow it to.
Perhaps this was a novella, I dont know. The thread has been interesting, as I really like reading the views of everyone when it comes to belief. Its surprising to see how varied beliefs are, even though this is very much a Christian dominant message board that is tied to a University in a religious dominant region of the country.
I have really enjoyed reading posts and people have taken a lot of time to type out their views on this issue. It is a topic which deserves thought and time when discussed. This sort of thing shouldnt be filled with 5 word posts only.
I will admit I hate the thought of predestination . I hate the idea that some are just never going to believe and it was designed that way. To be honest, I don’t really know if I believe that is the case or not. There is certainly scripture that indicates predestination to be the way and other that indicate heaven is available for anyone who repents and believes Jesus is the only way to heaven. As much as I don’t like it, I do have to admit that if you believe God is all powerful then you kinda have to believe he already knows who will believe and who won’t. It’s a complicated topic for me and honestly an uncomfortable one as well. But at the end of the day, the people i know who don’t believe, really have no desire to. So, I’m not sure if they care if they are predestined to go to heaven or hell.