Christ is risen! If you haven't already, please reflect on what we celebrate

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Well-known member
May 6, 2009
I asked genuine questions and pointed out genuine inconsistencies. You responded to the questions with honesty and provided differing views.
Seems like really healthy communication.

The predetermination still doesnt make sense to me, mostly since the level of it seems to vary depending on the person who is citing their belief and/or the religion they follow. Only 1 is ultimately right...right? Not sure how we as a species managed to come up with so many incorrect versions.
Also, its always seemed like following what is written is a way to live a 'good' and more meaningful life. If its all pre-determined, then whats the point in making the effort to live a good and more meaningful life?...those who were apparently chosen to reach Heaven before time even existed will drift upwards when they die, and everyone else will sink down when they die. But since that contradicts what others think, then it all actually does matter. And we get back to the reality that only 1 view is ultimately right.

As for Adam and Eve, the 'big 3' came up with that before they could even explain what stars were. The whole 'original sin' thing isnt shared by Islam or Judaism. Thats kinda key to the origin story for Christianity.
The Biblical books you are referencing as historical fact are anything but. They were written by man based on stories passed down for, well I honestly dont even know how long. They were also argued over and voted on for inclusion/exclusion to being official script.
Was man created by clay? Was man created in God's image? Who is 'us' when God declared man should be made?

I dont know how the universe appeared. I dont know how bacteria came to be on the Earth(though Ive learned the theory many times over). Perhaps it was all created by a being(God). Maybe He created it only 6000 years ago and moved on. Maybe He created it and stays involved in every little detail of everyone's day from the beginning of time. Maybe He created it 4.5 billion years ago by seeding the planet with a touch of bacteria and just the right distance from the sun, yada yada.
God's existence and Evolution can co-exist if you allow it to.

Perhaps this was a novella, I dont know. The thread has been interesting, as I really like reading the views of everyone when it comes to belief. Its surprising to see how varied beliefs are, even though this is very much a Christian dominant message board that is tied to a University in a religious dominant region of the country.
I have really enjoyed reading posts and people have taken a lot of time to type out their views on this issue. It is a topic which deserves thought and time when discussed. This sort of thing shouldnt be filled with 5 word posts only.

I will admit I hate the thought of predestination . I hate the idea that some are just never going to believe and it was designed that way. To be honest, I don’t really know if I believe that is the case or not. There is certainly scripture that indicates predestination to be the way and other that indicate heaven is available for anyone who repents and believes Jesus is the only way to heaven. As much as I don’t like it, I do have to admit that if you believe God is all powerful then you kinda have to believe he already knows who will believe and who won’t. It’s a complicated topic for me and honestly an uncomfortable one as well. But at the end of the day, the people i know who don’t believe, really have no desire to. So, I’m not sure if they care if they are predestined to go to heaven or hell.


Well-known member
Nov 4, 2015
I surely don't have all the answers. But everyone can ask questions.

If only those "drawn" to him are the chosen ones, someone explain Barrabas. Was he chosen, or did he display faith at the very end when it counted? What about the prostitute Rahab? Was she chosen, or did she make a decision? It makes me wonder about whether a robber/murderer and a prostitute lived lives of sin while being "chosen", or they made some good judgement decisions apart from their typical nature.

Judas was certainly chosen. Did his free will of choice squander that?


Mar 7, 2023
Eph 2:1 And you were dead in the trespasses and sins
Eph 2:2 in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience—
Eph 2:3 among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind.
Eph 2:4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us,
Eph 2:5 even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you have been saved—

If we are dead (and we are as the Bible clearly states) we cannot have free will or any will at all, for that matter. Dead is dead. God makes those whom He has predestined alive together with Christ by His own Grace; not by our own free will.
I've always struggled with the idea of predestination. If God has predetermined who is saved and who isn't, why does Jesus give us guidance on how we should live our lives? For that matter, if it is all predetermined, why even bother sending Jesus to live and die among us?

With the caveat that I'm not remotely a biblical scholar, I'm not even sure that the Bible does clearly state that we are "dead." At least not in the passages above. Ephesians 2:1 and Ephesians 2:5 use past tense - "were dead" - which to me indicates that we aren't "dead" anymore. And then the rest of 2:5 seems to indicate that Jesus made us all "alive" again, without really specifying that only one group has been made alive. In other words, Jesus gave us a Do Over and, if we choose to follow him, we have a chance to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Only 1 is ultimately right...right? Not sure how we as a species managed to come up with so many incorrect versions.
I realize this will be tantamount to heresy to many people, but maybe they're not all incorrect. We tend to ascribe human-like motivations and characteristics to God even though his/her (see, even I'm not immune) very nature is beyond all human understanding. God is infinite and all-powerful, so the idea that he/she would create an entire planet and all the people on it and only give one group the "right" answer seems, to me, to be imposing limits on a creator who is limitless.

My view has tended to be something like this... The two great commandments are to love God and to love our neighbor (Matthew 22: 37-40). Almost every religion has some version of "love your neighbor" as one of its central tenets. Perhaps God putting us all on this planet together with differing belief structures is his/her way of giving us the opportunity to put that commandment into practice.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Our Faith comes only as a free gift by the Grace of God. We do not decide on our own to have Faith because we are, as you acknowledged, dead in our sins.

To the point of Grace being available to everyone, the Bible just does not teach us that.

Joh 17:9 I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours. (Jesus’ words)

Joh 6:44 No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day.

*No one* can come to me *unless* the Father who sent me draws him. If God draws someone he or she will certainly come. God is infinitely powerful and His efforts never fail. If God does *not* draw someone they will *not* come.

The gift of Grace is *not* available to everyone; only to those whom He, in His infinite wisdom, chose before the foundation of the world. If you want to say, “That’s not fair!”, then consider that God was not obligated to save anyone. The fact that He chose to save some and not others is His sovereign right.

If Jesus died for everyone, then everyone would be saved and we know that is not the case. Jesus’ atonement for our sins was *perfectly* effective. No part of Jesus’ death was in vain. Jesus perfectly accomplished exactly what God sent Him to do. No more - no less.

God didn’t send Jesus to merely make it possible for people to be saved. God and Jesus are not up in Heaven right now sitting around thinking, “I went to the trouble of becoming Man on earth, living a perfect sinless life, and then dying on a cross to pay for their sins. Boy, I sure hope they decide to have Faith in me as their Savior but I’m not sure if they will or not. The suspense is killing me!”

No. Jesus’ death was specific and effective as you would expect from a sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, perfect being and Creator of all things.
Do you think that missions is a waste of time?


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I realize this will be tantamount to heresy to many people, but maybe they're not all incorrect. We tend to ascribe human-like motivations and characteristics to God even though the very nature of him/her is beyond all human understanding (see, even I'm not immune). God is infinite and all-powerful, so the idea that he/she would create an entire planet and all the people on it and only give one group the "right" answer seems, to me, to be imposing limits on a creator who is limitless.

My view has tended to be something like this... The two great commandments are to love God and to love our neighbor (Matthew 22: 37-40). Almost every religion has some version of "love your neighbor" as one of its central tenets. Perhaps God putting us all on this planet together with differing belief structures is his/her way of giving us the opportunity to put that commandment into practice.
All very well said.
Giving one group the 'right' answer and to hell with all the rest is representative of quite a vengeful God. OT style and all.

I am just not even sure why an all knowing ever existing all seeing being would go thru all the trouble of creating a universe, solar system, world, and everything that makes up this world, if they were only going to let a small % of the population into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Like...why? Why do all that? Seems not just vengeful, but a waste of time. Its even a waste of time for a being that has always existed and always will exist.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
All very well said.
Giving one group the 'right' answer and to hell with all the rest is representative of quite a vengeful God. OT style and all.

I am just not even sure why an all knowing ever existing all seeing being would go thru all the trouble of creating a universe, solar system, world, and everything that makes up this world, if they were only going to let a small % of the population into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Like...why? Why do all that? Seems not just vengeful, but a waste of time. Its even a waste of time for a being that has always existed and always will exist.
People miss the point of Christianity as well os other faiths. It is not about getting to heaven. It is about the life we live here. It is about living a full life. The only way to truly do this is to put others before yourself. The rules arent set to make someone miserable. Quite the opposite. The Bible says sin is fun for a season. It is. If I cheated on my wife I’m sure it would be great in the moment, but it would destroy my long term true happiness. If one follows the rules laid out in the Bible (or most other religious texts for that matter), ultimately they will he happy and they will make those around them happier. The problem with religion is it usually misses the forrest for the trees. I have nothing against the healthy theological debate we are having above, but ultimately where you stand on those issues has nothing to do with the things that are most important.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
People miss the point of Christianity as well os other faiths. It is not about getting to heaven. It is about the life we live here. It is about living a full life. The only way to truly do this is to put others before yourself. The rules arent set to make someone miserable. Quite the opposite. The Bible says sin is fun for a season. It is. If I cheated on my wife I’m sure it would be great in the moment, but it would destroy my long term true happiness. If one follows the rules laid out in the Bible (or most other religious texts for that matter), ultimately they will he happy and they will make those around them happier. The problem with religion is it usually misses the forrest for the trees. I have nothing against the healthy theological debate we are having above, but ultimately where you stand on those issues has nothing to do with the things that are most important.
And here I was thinking we'd all come out of this thread firmly all Calvinist, or not.***


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
You Calvinists have such a screwed up misconception of God its astounding. John Calvin did more to harm the word of God than anybody in history. He was truly a pawn of the enemy.

For God so loved the world. The entire world, and all his creation, that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

The sacrafice of Christ is sufficient to all men and Grace is a gift freely given to all those who ask for it
It seems to me that the issue we disagree on stems from not understanding the Order of Salvation. God first gives the free gift of faith to those whom He predestined and foreknew before the beginning of the world. Since all men (I’m using the term “men” to mean all people including women) are dead in their sins, they cannot decide on their own to have faith unless God first gives them that gift. Unsaved people do not decide on their own to have faith because, being dead in their sin, they cannot. God first gives his elect the free gift of faith and only then can they call on God for Salvation.

It is true that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life but God’s gift of faith precedes belief in Him.

Secondly, Jesus’ death on the cross certainly would have been sufficient for every person in history if that was who He died for but He didn’t. He died only for his elect. No part of his death was in vain. None of it was “wasted” on anyone the Father had not given Him.

God’s free gift of Grace is surely a gift given freely to those who ask for it. The difference is that no one will ask for it unless God first calls them.

Finally, fortunately for us, we do not have to understand the Order of Salvation in order to be saved. It is there in the Bible for all to see but is not a requirement for Salvation.
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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
It seems to me that the issue we disagree on stems from not understanding the Order of Salvation.

So, if I'm saved out of order who takes the automatic out, me or the Lord?*

This has been an interesting thread. I don't concern myself with the dogma of religion. Perhaps I should, but my faith and relationship with Christ, whom I see as a necessary conduit (due to His sacrifice) to God, are what's important to me personally.

Semi related, I stumbled across this a few weeks ago about all the different types of Christianity. Who knew there were Protestants before the Reformation?!


OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
People miss the point of Christianity as well os other faiths. It is not about getting to heaven. It is about the life we live here. It is about living a full life. The only way to truly do this is to put others before yourself. The rules arent set to make someone miserable. Quite the opposite. The Bible says sin is fun for a season. It is. If I cheated on my wife I’m sure it would be great in the moment, but it would destroy my long term true happiness. If one follows the rules laid out in the Bible (or most other religious texts for that matter), ultimately they will he happy and they will make those around them happier. The problem with religion is it usually misses the forrest for the trees. I have nothing against the healthy theological debate we are having above, but ultimately where you stand on those issues has nothing to do with the things that are most important.
Uh, yeah it is. Living a full life here is a byproduct of having a relationship with Christ.

It's sort of like fasting. It's meant to bring you closer to the Lord via the discomfort. But there's also a host of health benefits that can come with it.
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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
Uh, yeah it is. Living a full life here is a byproduct of having a relationship with Christ.

It's sort of like fasting. It's meant to bring you closer to the Lord via the discomfort. But there's also a host of health benefits that can come with it.
Putting others before yourself is the most important part of having a relationship with Christ. You and I are not disagreeing here. Semantics. Getting to heaven should be a byproduct of the life you live and that relationship. It shouldn’t be the only focus


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
Respectfully, did Adam and Eve have free will or were they forced into original sin? If they had the freedom to choose to sin, why did we inherit their sinful nature but not their free will?

I agree that this is an interesting thread and I hope it doesn’t get locked.
I don’t have Biblical references to prove it but my personal belief is that Adam and Eve did have free will until they sinned against God by eating of the one tree which God specifically told them not to do. I believe that once they had sinned they were tainted by it for the rest of their lives and they passed it down to all their descendants as God tells us in the second Commandment and other places in the Bible.

Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,
Gen 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

On a related note, I have often wondered how hard it might have been for Adam and Eve to recognize a lie when they heard it. Up until the point where Satan deceived them they had only talked to God and each other and thus would have had no experience with lies. In their conversations with God they had always heard only Truth. Also since, at that point, they had not ever sinned, they also would have only spoken truth to each other. I don’t have any answers about this; I’ve just wondered about it.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
On a related note, I have often wondered how hard it might have been for Adam and Eve to recognize a lie when they heard it. Up until the point where Satan deceived them they had only talked to God and each other and thus would have had no experience with lies. In their conversations with God they had always heard only Truth. Also since, at that point, they had not ever sinned, they also would have only spoken truth to each other. I don’t have any answers about this; I’ve just wondered about it.

You need to read the works of C.S. Lewis, but more specifically his 'The Space Trilogy'.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2018
Putting others before yourself is the most important part of having a relationship with Christ. You and I are not disagreeing here. Semantics. Getting to heaven should be a byproduct of the life you live and that relationship. It shouldn’t be the only focus
From the apostle Paul in Romans.

Romans 10:9-10
“That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. ”

You can be a horrible person, but if at some point the above occurs, your life will be different, you will want it to be different, and you’ll be saved. Paul is a fine example of this.
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Mobile Bay

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2020
I don’t have Biblical references to prove it but my personal belief is that Adam and Eve did have free will until they sinned against God by eating of the one tree which God specifically told them not to do. I believe that once they had sinned they were tainted by it for the rest of their lives and they passed it down to all their descendants as God tells us in the second Commandment and other places in the Bible.

Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,
Gen 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

On a related note, I have often wondered how hard it might have been for Adam and Eve to recognize a lie when they heard it. Up until the point where Satan deceived them they had only talked to God and each other and thus would have had no experience with lies. In their conversations with God they had always heard only Truth. Also since, at that point, they had not ever sinned, they also would have only spoken truth to each other. I don’t have any answers about this; I’ve just wondered about it.
Genissis and Exodus are origin tales of the Israelite. They are not factual and not even meant to be taken as literal truth.

That being said, if there was an Adam he was with Eve. Eve being a woman, Adam had many experiences with lies.
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Bulldog from Birth

Active member
Jan 23, 2007
The free will vs predestination debate is beyond human comprehension. These are not mutually exclusive terms. They are both simultaneously true.

If a human has free will (and I believe this to be true), then their choices in life matter. But if an omniscient God creates humans, and He already knows in advance who will choose Him and who won’t (which I also believe to be true), then there also is a predestination aspect that is also true. God created humans who He knew in advance would reject Him. In one sense they had free will, but in another sense….did they really? The omniscient nature of God blows up the equation you are trying to solve and the logic of all this becomes irreconcilable to the human brain.


Jun 4, 2014
I don’t have Biblical references to prove it but my personal belief is that Adam and Eve did have free will until they sinned against God by eating of the one tree which God specifically told them not to do. I believe that once they had sinned they were tainted by it for the rest of their lives and they passed it down to all their descendants as God tells us in the second Commandment and other places in the Bible.

Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, “You may surely eat of every tree of the garden,
Gen 2:17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.”

On a related note, I have often wondered how hard it might have been for Adam and Eve to recognize a lie when they heard it. Up until the point where Satan deceived them they had only talked to God and each other and thus would have had no experience with lies. In their conversations with God they had always heard only Truth. Also since, at that point, they had not ever sinned, they also would have only spoken truth to each other. I don’t have any answers about this; I’ve just wondered about it.
Thanks for replying, Phred, and for engaging in the discussion.
I, too, think that Adam and Eve had free will, and that this was the basis of their guilt/blame. I can't hold someone responsible for something that is outside of their control. In the same way, I don't believe that God would a just judge if he acted that way. In other words, Adam and Eve were guilty not because they believed the lie but because they could have rejected it.
If we inherited their sin, I think we also inherited their free will.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Putting others before yourself is the most important part of having a relationship with Christ. You and I are not disagreeing here. Semantics. Getting to heaven should be a byproduct of the life you live and that relationship. It shouldn’t be the only focus
Yes, we are disagreeing. Big time. You cannot earn your way into heaven.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Yawnnnn!!! I'm so glad i let go of these mythologies a long time ago. So much happier and free now!!!
That's all fine and good, but when you approach death, you'll have to rationalize the idea that you will simply be reduced to infinite You have to ask yourself what your relationship with the higher power will be.


Active member
May 23, 2022
That's all fine and good, but when you approach death, you'll have to rationalize the idea that you will simply be reduced to infinite You have to ask yourself what your relationship with the higher power will be.
I'm perfectly fine being reduced to nothing after i die. The latter part is a trick statement: there is no such thing as a higher power, and I'm fine with that. beats the heck out of play worshiping some middle east sky daddy in a long list of worldwide sky daddies.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
I'm perfectly fine being reduced to nothing after i die. The latter part is a trick statement: there is no such thing as a higher power, and I'm fine with that. beats the heck out of play worshiping some middle east sky daddy in a long list of worldwide sky daddies.
The theological discussion can continue, but the belittling comments about one's faith will not continue. Got it?


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
That's all fine and good, but when you approach death, you'll have to rationalize the idea that you will simply be reduced to infinite You have to ask yourself what your relationship with the higher power will be.
But if there is a higher power, then there is a Hell and a non-believer wont have to accept being reduced to infinite blackness, they will have to accept a quick trip to the fires of Hell.
If there is no higher power, then we are all reduced to infinite blackness, and the only difference is that while alive some people accepted that while others built an entire way of life around not accepting it.

I am not saying I know what happens after death and I am not demeaning either approach. I just dont think you can have it both ways(and it looks like you are claiming both can exist).
...unless you are saying 'Hell' is infinite blackness. That very well could be correct.
Or perhaps we are the only being on this planet advanced enough to worry about the inevitability of our own mortality and also feel we are too important to not be here, so we created millennia worth of stories to help us feel more comfortable with the complexity that comes from advanced knowledge and understanding that death is coming.

I certainly am not bold enough to claim that I know what is to come and which approach is true.
What I do know is that if God is OT style vengeful, as many here claim, and He already decided who will make it to Heaven before Man even existed, I clearly was left off that list. Well that sucks, but OK then.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2010
I'm perfectly fine being reduced to nothing after i die. The latter part is a trick statement: there is no such thing as a higher power, and I'm fine with that. beats the heck out of play worshiping some middle east sky daddy in a long list of worldwide sky daddies.

That would mean all moral queries are trick statements because there is no such thing as moral truths either. Moral beliefs aren't empirical. They never will and never can be subjected to any measurement whether they are thought to be based on the authority of a deity or completely secular.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Says Lord of the Rings Game of Thrones Dawgfan? That's uh... that's interesting.
Someone can enjoy a subject as fictional entertainment while not wanting it in their life or not believing in it.
One can enjoy a movie about car chases, bridges collapsing, and bombs going off while not wanting that in their actual life.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
The theological discussion can continue, but the belittling comments about one's faith will not continue. Got it?
That’s the problem with most atheists… they have such a disdain for something they think does not exists.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
Someone can enjoy a subject as fictional entertainment while not wanting it in their life or not believing in it.
One can enjoy a movie about car chases, bridges collapsing, and bombs going off while not wanting that in their actual life.
I said interesting, not hypocritical.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I said interesting, not hypocritical.
Yes, you did say 'interesting'. You said it after saying 'thats uh...' which, to me, showed you were pointing out what you viewed as a quirky viewpoint. Quirky can mean inconsistent, hypocritical, etc.
I am not sure why you would type 'thats uh...' before, but if it was for a different reason then please allow me to apologize for misinterpreting your post.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
Yes, we are disagreeing. Big time. You cannot earn your way into heaven.
No. We aren’t. I never said you had to earn your way into heaven. I said the most important thing about having a relationship with Christ is putting others before yourself. Having that relationship with Christ should make you want to do that, and putting others first brings you closer to Christ. Like I said, faith like a child and don’t be a d*ck.


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast

The thief on the cross did no good deeds, wasn't baptized, etc. He had faith and asked for mercy mere minutes before his death.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
That's all fine and good, but when you approach death, you'll have to rationalize the idea that you will simply be reduced to infinite You have to ask yourself what your relationship with the higher power will be.
To quote Mark Twain, "I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it."

Of course the process of getting from alive to dead could be a bit grizzly.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast

The thief on the cross did no good deeds, wasn't baptized, etc. He had faith and asked for mercy mere minutes before his death.
Very true. But because he didnt pursue a relationship with Christ prior to that and obviously never put others before Himself he was never truly happy in the life on this world.
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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
Getting to heaven should be a byproduct of the life you live and that relationship.
Respectfully, this is not Biblical. The life that we live does not determine our Salvation. Good Works are a by-product of our relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,
Eph 2:9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
So, if I'm saved out of order who takes the automatic out, me or the Lord?*
I'm not sure I even understand your question but the fact is that we have no control over the Order of Salvation. Just like when a home run occurs in baseball the order is always the same in that the ball is pitched, the batter hits the ball with the bat, and the inertia of the ball along with the angle of trajectory carries the ball over the fence. The ball cannot be hit before the pitcher pitches it and so on and so forth.
When Salvation occurs, it always occurs in the same order. The first step is always the free Gift of Grace from God.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
The above is why I hate religion. I have been told multiple times how wrong I am that the main focus of Christianity is to show love to your fellow man. Considering that is literally what Jesus spent his entire life on this planet doing, I feel comfortable in my stance. And if I’m not 100% right? What does it matter? Showing love is still pretty damn important. Forrest for the trees.
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