And what were US Dollars backed by in those days??
Or simply made out of in the case of coinage?
Same thing it is backed by today….the full faith and credit of the US Government. Who even then when they were “backing” it with silver more or less set what the conversion rate was.
If you want to stock up in precious metals, be my guest. Not much downside (or upside) risk, so its going to generally keep some form of value. But I don’t think the potential possibility of some Mad Max society taking root is a good reason to do it. If you are a person who is convinced that is a possibility in your lifetime, you’re much better served to just liquidate your 401k, all your accounts, and selling all your property, and starting over in Costa Rica or something. And if you’re not one of those people, you are paying a tremendous opportunity cost vs. what you’d get in the stock market, real estate, bonds, etc. with the same money.