You, sir, are a Luddite. Period.No, what yall want will keep us on the bottom forever. We have to educate Mississippians. Educating Texans helps Texas.
@Maroon Eagle - is this the reincarnation of PDH?
You, sir, are a Luddite. Period.No, what yall want will keep us on the bottom forever. We have to educate Mississippians. Educating Texans helps Texas.
Just sticking up for Mississippians here, no one else seems to want to. I'm equally earnest about this. We have always been the People's University. It's the place that Mississippians of modest means looked to to better their family's lot. My Dad was the first in his family to attend college. My family has lived it. I'm just worried about that tradition being damaged in the head long pursuit of money from out of state. That tradition is the absolute essence of who we have been and who we are. Long may it continue.Nah. PDH > L4
L4 needs to talk to Vince McMahon again about changing his persona.
His earnest medical schtick 4 years ago was way superior to what he does now. (Earnest heels >>>>>> Idiotic heels)
Ah, NOW you bring it up after I point it out to you. LOL!!! You are a piece of work. It turns out we are already doing most of what you wanted, and under Keenum. I knew that of course. You obviously didn't till you looked it up.Why are you "cut the number of in state kids you take"? Who other than you has said that? Why not limit the out of state kids if you hit capacity, but still plan on growing the university?
You continue to make a capital investment to allow more students. maybe we can call it "Mississippi State Capital Improvement plan" I'd have released something like that in august 2022 to update a plan i'd have made in 2011...
Oh and also
yeah adding 3,000 students to our 22,000 current students was Completely "Pulled out of my itchy ***"
It's a long term plan....sounds like something someone here pointed out was needed. So you went and discovers it was already being implemented! Lol at you.nope found the document Plan is to support 26,600 how many more is that from our 22,000 max enrollment?
Can you do math?
I'm the middle of three generations at MSU. Finished sending my kid there a very few years ago. He went on to a very prestigious masters elsewhere. All the things y'all are saying MSU doesn't do, they dang well did for him. I know of many others. That is one reason I think most of y'all are clueless about what MSU actually does. As for sports, this whole thread was precipitated by people wanting to fire Keenum because of freaking football. That's just insane, Dude.Dude.
We ain’t talking about your alma mater Shangri-La Attendance Center where two-thirds of the boys and girls played sports.
Believe it or not, Mississippi State University has thousands of students…
More students than you can comprehend…
Now if all of those thousands of students played sports, Mississippi State’s athletics budget would be way too high and in the red.
And while you got by because the teachers at Shangri-La were above average and gamed the state’s standardized tests….
…You’re still a dubmass.
My kids are 4th generation State students. I have two at State, one in grad school, one a Jr. I know exactly what's going on at State. Im also not against Keenum, I just think he's not doing enough and doesn't always see/deal with the problems the students/families see and deal with. He does a lot of things great, but he's not perfect. He got too hands on with athletics a few times. He needs to stop micromanaging athletics, and maybe he has since it burned him. But to act like only MS kids should have access to ou great university is ridiculous as hell. An educator should never want to limit access to education by capable students-EVER!I'm the middle of three generations at MSU. Finished sending my kid there a very few years ago. He went on to a very prestigious masters elsewhere. All the things y'all are saying MSU doesn't do, they dang well did for him. I know of many others. That is one reason I think most of y'all are clueless about what MSU actually does. As for sports, this whole thread was precipitated by people wanting to fire Keenum because of freaking football. That's just insane, Dude.
I'm the middle of three generations at MSU. Finished sending my kid there a very few years ago. He went on to a very prestigious masters elsewhere. All the things y'all are saying MSU doesn't do, they dang well did for him. I know of many others. That is one reason I think most of y'all are clueless about what MSU actually does.
Eh.As for sports, this whole thread was precipitated by people wanting to fire Keenum because of freaking football. That's just insane, Dude.
MSU is what you make of it. You can go just as far as you put in the work and effort for from here. ONCE AGAIN, y'all are making up arguments to argue with. I'm fine with out of state students, so long as the pursuit of them is no detriment to Mississippi students. In order to take in more students of any kind we need to be building up the physical plant and infrastructure of the university. As I posted in one of my first one or two posts in this mess, we are doing exactly that, and doing it under Mark Keenum. Y'all take the cake. I've really been enjoying this thread, it's been very revealing.![]()
I think you’re clueless about SPS’s wealth of knowledge.
I know many people — and related to some — who have done well in graduate school at other universities after they’ve gotten their degrees at MSU.
MSU does a decent job of mass producing graduates who do well in their careers as well as advancing to further education.
MSU though is hampered by a poor K-12 setup and at the same time are handcuffed by the state government and the federal court system as to who they can educate (an aside— you may favor the People being educated— but here’s a Secret: the People are dumn and tend to be anti-education).
That’s why MSU is only decent.
At the same time, universities in other states (think SEC) are being more flexible and doing great work to attract out of state students (you hate out of state students? well, blame the emphasis to recruit them on decreased state funding of higher ed)
And not only are they attracting out of state students, they’re sending them forward to places offering good jobs and better universities.
Those SEC universities are Mississippi State’s peer universities. Those are the universities MSU has to be like.
And guess what? Compared to Our Peers, MSU sucks. We are Short Bus U.
If you want MSU only to continue to be Short Bus U to the detriment of not having out of state students, then you’re doing a disservice to the State of Mississippi.
I'm sure he will. If he retires then why would I not want that? Running him off would be incredibly stupid, but according to you we should expect stupid from MSU.Eh.
It’s a moot point anyway.
Keenum is 63 and eligible for state retirement.
I expect him to retire in four years but he could leave sooner.
Just be ready. It’ll likely happen sooner than you want it.
Dude. We’re in SPS.I'm sure he will. If he retires then why would I not want that? Running him off would be incredibly stupid, but according to you we should expect stupid from MSU.
It's a long term plan....sounds like something someone here pointed out was needed. So you went and discovers it was already being implemented! Lol at you.
Ah, NOW you bring it up after I point it out to you. LOL!!! You are a piece of work. It turns out we are already doing most of what you wanted, and under Keenum. I knew that of course. You obviously didn't till you looked it up.
If you "Knew this all along" Why argue with me about " building tents int eh drill field", and where will we put all the people" and all the other ******** you said?
Because you were just using unicorn logic and obviously had no idea what was going on on campus, or what it would take to do what you want. Go back and look at my first post in this thread. It's on page two.Ah, NOW you bring it up after I point it out to you. LOL!!! You are a piece of work. It turns out we are already doing most of what you wanted, and under Keenum. I knew that of course. You obviously didn't till you looked it up.
If you "Knew this all along" Why argue with me about " building tents int eh drill field", and where will we put all the people" and all the other ******** you said?
Go back and look at my first post in this thread, it's on page two.In we called this Jonah Fishing.
AACbbs: The #1 Board for American Athletic Conference sports on the
The Irrevelant Yawner Bowl. Those were the days.
Then Why did you argue with me that we don't have the room for more students" and that it will take "a massive increase in our infrastructure"?Go back and look at my first post in this thread, it's on page two.
Then Why did you argue with me that we don't have the room for more students" and that it will take "a massive increase in our infrastructure"?
You fight for 5 pages about something "you knew about all along"? ********.
Nice try Larry.
We don't. We are still catching up from previous large enrollment increases. We were absolutely bursting at the seams a few years ago. It will still take a massive increase in infrastructure to do what you want. I'm still posting under the original premise of this thread, which was that Keenum needs to be let go. From what I can see we are doing about all we can do to add infrastructure. I've been through campus this summer a few times, I'm not sure I have ever seen as much construction going on. We just need to quit bitching so much about non-existent problems and let it work through.Then Why did you argue with me that we don't have the room for more students" and that it will take "a massive increase in our infrastructure"?
You fight for 5 pages about something "you knew about all along"? ********.
Nice try Larry.
Just drive through. I did several times this summer. You don't see THAT much construction if there is no growth. I will however, bow to your obvious intellectual superiority. You obviously must know more than me.“There is growth everywhere” absolutely reeks of being a knowledgeable post. **
I'm about done, but if it's so exhausting, why are you even reading it?I vote that L4Dawg and ChemE1997 both take the rest of the day off. As of this post by me ChE1997 has 40 posts in this thread and L4Dawg has 65. You 2 need to go get a room somewhere and fight it out because this is getting exhausting for the rest of us
OK this has to be a troll.Lol, the hire that he made that pulled us out of the dark ages, you won't give him credit for. That explains the rest of what you have posted. It's been fun!!!
Wait.....did @L4Dawg really say that LT hired King Jackie? Wowowowowow what a moronOK this has to be a troll.
I want you to give me ONE other hire that Larry T made that is close to a bold as Jackie.
You would assume, based on the success of "bringing us out of the Dark ages" that after hiring Jackie, Larry would go back to the retired successful older coach route if it was his hire. so let's look at the big ones he made
Baseball: Pat McMahon, Ron Polk II. Pat was the Pitching Coach promoted, Ron was the easiest call for anyone. No searching, just advancing the next assistant to head coach
Basketball: Rick Stansbury Promoted the head assistant....
Football: Pressured into Hiring Croom by the SEC
Bobby Wallace: Former MSU player and assistant
Based on what he did the rest of his tenure, We should be lucky Larry wanted Wallace, and didn't promote Bill Clay....
And someone on Dr Zach's office told me they vetoed Larry and Hired Jackie.
Not what I was told at the time by a pretty high up BC guy. It fits the narrative here of course. This place has a LONG history of enshrining BS as canon law.Wait.....did @L4Dawg really say that LT hired King Jackie? Wowowowowow what a moron
I'm not going back to look....but that sounds like what I think he said.....
Talk about clueless. That was all Dr. Z.
No troll, and I don't necessarily disagree with y'all on everything LT. I personally could not stand the man. I don't like being ignored by someone and not being spoken to when I'm the one running the meeting. I was seated next to him the whole night. The fact remains that we did not have money back then. He kept the athletic department afloat and has taken the blame for doing so ever since.OK this has to be a troll.
I want you to give me ONE other hire that Larry T made that is close to a bold as Jackie.
You would assume, based on the success of "bringing us out of the Dark ages" that after hiring Jackie, Larry would go back to the retired successful older coach route if it was his hire. so let's look at the big ones he made
Baseball: Pat McMahon, Ron Polk II. Pat was the Pitching Coach promoted, Ron was the easiest call for anyone. No searching, just advancing the next assistant to head coach
Basketball: Rick Stansbury Promoted the head assistant....
Football: Pressured into Hiring Croom by the SEC
Bobby Wallace: Former MSU player and assistant
Based on what he did the rest of his tenure, We should be lucky Larry wanted Wallace, and didn't promote Bill Clay....
And someone on Dr Zach's office told me they vetoed Larry and Hired Jackie.