Forester/Certfied prescribed burn managers/Wetland biologist/Program manager over many different type of ecosystem restoration projects here. As posted here previously someone mentioned a relative of theirs who was a research forester warned of these disasters years ago. Our professors at State told us this was coming 30 years ago when the CA stepped away from prescribed burning. CA & FL are defined as all season fire states. Fire is natural and necessary for most of the environment. Removing yearly wildfires fires and not prescribed burning created this situation.
The removal of fire from the area has changed the historical species composition from predominantly early successional species to a scrub/shrub environment.
Realistically there’s no way to prescribe burn all of CA forest. The acreage is crazy, but you can create containment zones for the extremely rural areas by burning perimeters. As for the high density areas like the Palasides prescribed fire would have definitely prevented this catastrophe. But due to politics your balancing smoke management, carbon output policies, and budget cuts to the US Forest Service and USFWS as well as state and local forestry/wildlife departments proper management hasn’t occurred.
Unfortunately the path forward to find a solution will be dominated by politics and not sound science and in 20-30 years this fiasco will probably be repeated.