Marshawn Lloyd? Any intel?


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2022
I would take him back! Dynamic when he’s healthy we open some running room. No he won’t run over people like Kevin did but he can jump over them. As long as he didn’t trash us I would love to have him back.
At this point I would bring him back as a backup RB with the agreement he should continue to "fit in." However, he has shown his propensity to go AWOL and I would not game plan around him.

Rogue Cock

Joined Sep 11, 2000
Jan 22, 2022
I would LOVE if he decided he wanted to come back and Shane said “sorry, we’ve moved on.” That’s the attitudes we need to take here. Playing here is a privilege.
But you also run the risk of alienating some of the current players IF they would like to have him back.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2022
Beamer won't take him back on the team. Bridges were irrevocably burnt. Phone calls weren't returned.
I hope you’re right. Again, Beamer needs to start building an atmosphere where it is viewed as a privilege to play here. Not something you can walk away from, see if you can find something better, but we’ll still be here to take you back if you decide we’re the best you can do. Screw that.

I’d make it real simple form. No hard feelings, I understand you needed to look out for your best interest and see if there were better opportunities out there for you. But I’ve gotta look out for our best interest. You weren’t so sure this is the right place for you, but I’ve got other guys lining up to play here.


Joined Jul 11, 2012
Jan 20, 2022
It is also not that simple. The overwhelming majority of us are grown men and women. I’m sure there are still high school and middle school kids that may get on here and post.

I work with kids for a living. The amount of issues that these types of reactions cause (when about people or situations in things that truly matter in life) is tremendous. Part of growing up is learning when and how to express your thoughts.

Understand, I am not criticizing your feelings about players leaving. You are entitled to you thoughts and opinions. To a point, I agree with you. I don’t like the setup anymore than you do. I don’t like it that these kids just pick up and leave on a whim. I’m sure some have legit reasons, some don’t. CFB right now is turning into a shell I what we all enjoy.
Think we should go back to sitting out a year unless your coach is fired or you have graduated.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2022
I probably wouldnt take him back. It has nothing to do with him, but more to do with the guys I have on the team.
I may not have the whole story, so I'll say if bridges were burnt, I'm teaching the guys the risks involved in burning a bridge. Secondly, I'm teaching them on the pitfalls of the portal itself. I think the future of my program will benift more from not taking him than doing so if I can get guys to pause before jumping. You go in there at your own risk so dont count on me to bail you out if things go south. We are a team and we look out for each other. Once you decide you are not a member... best of luck to you, we are moving on. We'll be fine without you
Excellent post….I first thought hate to lose him but oh well. Production wise easy to replace. Then thought anyone leaving us for MD unless he has a family matter deserves them . Glad he didn’t bad mouth us, but he quit before the bowl. If he does try to come back what is that teaching everyone else. Is college not for learning at any level? More I think about it… good luck Marshawn and time for SC to move on. If he wears a gamecock uniform again, then I will pull for him.