More OT: "Do you remember where you were when..."

Aug 15, 2011
To keep this on topic:

Watching the Berlin Wall fall at my folks old house in the living room, hearing about Columbine, and seeing Moulds jump 20 ft. up in the air to catch a TD against Bama only to blow a 10 point 4th quarter lead in 94 at a friends house


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2023
Can pretty much tell you where I was for a lot of these. Will add these five-

Martin Luther King assassination.
Bobby Kennedy assassination
Nixon leaving White House after resigning
John Lennon assassination
Elvis dying


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
I remember my parents always telling me "I remember exactly where I was when JFK got shot," or "when Armstrong walked on the moon."

What will you be telling your kids/grandkids?

The obvious ones are 9/11, or the OJ trial, or when Reagan got shot, or whatever.

I'll start: I remember exactly where I was the day the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up. We were watching it live on TV in my physics class in 10th grade.

I also remember the exact day and time when this happened:

After That Daytona race TV switched their coverage before we knew what happened to Earnhardt. I got in my truck and rode and picked up a radio station carrying the post race. That was a sad day to me. I had met him once and got to visit with him a bit.....I was a fan.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
After That Daytona race TV switched their coverage before we knew what happened to Earnhardt. I got in my truck and rode and picked up a radio station carrying the post race. That was a sad day to me. I had met him once and got to visit with him a bit.....I was a fan.
I wasn't a huge NASCAR fan at the time, but my wife and father in law were. She loved Jeff Gordon and he loved Dale. It had become a Sunday afternoon ritual for us to have dinner with them and watch the races. She and he would talk shlt with each other over Jeff and Dale. That was such a bizarre ending and it was strangely personal given how he was such a piece of my wife and her dad's lives.
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Aug 26, 2012
When Columbine happened I was back in Mississippi for my Grandfather's funeral. I remember my dad trying to get my to do my schoolwork I had while the coverage was all over the news.

I always remember looking up to see the clip they kept showing of the kid pulling himself through a 2nd/3rd story window onto the top of the truck that the first responders had pulled up and his bloody foot smudged the wall on the way down


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2008
I was going to say Dale E before I scrolled down far enough to see rest of your post.

The space shuttle Columbia would be another one for me (also around that 2002/2003 time to relate to the Peterson thread). Couldn't believe a space shuttle disaster like that could happen more than 20 years after its first mission.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
1. Hurricane Camille: I was roughly 3 years and 2 weeks old but remember it like yesterday. We lived 100 miles inland and the eye wall passed just to our west. The funny thing is, the first moon landing was around a month earlier and I don't remember it but, I remember that I used to remember it if that makes any sense at all.
2. Death of Elvis: Was in the car with my mom on Hwy 49 between Collins and Mount Olive heading back to Mount Olive when we heard it on the radio.
3. Death of Thurman Munson: Was in the car with my mom on Hwy 35 between Raleigh and Forest headed to my grandmother's in Kosciusko when we heard it on the radio.
4. Challenger accident: Was in calculus III at JCJC. Learned about it after the class on the way to physics class. Needless to say, we didn't have class. We watched tv the whole period.
5. Start of Desert Storm: Was at the bank atm over by Little Dooey to get some cash to run to Sonic when reports came over the radio of noise in the skies over Baghdad. Got back to the apartment and got into an argument with my roommates who were watching some stupid s h i t on tv and didn't want to change the channel. I informed them that it was MY tv and I was turning it to CNN.
6. 9/11: Was on Blackjack Rd about a mile from campus heading to work and listening to NPR news when they broke in that a 'small' plane had hit a world trade center building. A couple of minutes after I got to work, the 2nd plane hit.

People have mentioned JFK in this thread. I knew someone who wasn't as the parade but heard the shots. He was painting about a block away. I asked him how many shots he heard and of course he couldn't remember because he said it took a few seconds for it to register what it was. I was hoping I had stumbled up on someone who could definitely say if there were 3 shots or 4 shots. ( I think there were 4 shots)

Rupert Jenkins

Well-known member
Nov 29, 2017
I think I saw everything everyone has mention but for some reason this was the most unforgettable to me

View attachment 512337
Another thing that will be similarly repeated very soon. How many have we let in that are on the terror watch list ? And where are they today ? About the pandemic they are already saying there is a new version of covid that is 200% more deadly that we need to be preparing for


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Another thing that will be similarly repeated very soon. How many have we let in that are on the terror watch list ? And where are they today ? About the pandemic they are already saying there is a new version of covid that is 200% more deadly that we need to be preparing for
Yep. Very few are laughing about my mentioning this previously simply because the odds have increased. I hope I am wrong.
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OG Goat Holder

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Sep 30, 2022


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Mar 26, 2019
I remember watching Sunday Night Baseball (I believe it was a Phillies game) and a big USA chant started as people in the stadium were finding out the news. Chills.

Yep, found it.

The weather was horrible that day, rains, storms, tornadoes across the river. So by the time this happened, me and a good buddy were drunk and shirtless in what was ramping up to be a mosh pit from hell because the bands power kept getting cut off. Right before this, he had walked off stage for like the 4th time and people were getting pissed. Then, sully came back out and made this announcement. I’ve got chills remembering it.


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Jan 25, 2015

I still beat myself up over this. I HATED Dale Earnhardt with a passion, 1.) Because everyone liked him and 2.) I was a big Ford guy, so obviously I loathed Chevys. Anyway I laughed and cheered a little when Earnhardt hit the wall. I mean, how many times did you see wrecks like that in NASCAR and the driver gets out unscathed? Anyway my friend called later and told me he was killed and I've hated myself for laughing ever since.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I remember my parents always telling me "I remember exactly where I was when JFK got shot," or "when Armstrong walked on the moon."

What will you be telling your kids/grandkids?

The obvious ones are 9/11, or the OJ trial, or when Reagan got shot, or whatever.

I'll start: I remember exactly where I was the day the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up. We were watching it live on TV in my physics class in 10th grade.

I also remember the exact day and time when this happened:

Space shuttle, OJ chase/trial, 9/11, 1/6(you asked)


Well-known member
May 2, 2006

The heel turn heard around the world.

There are a lot of really wild things that we've all witnessed in our lifetimes. We've some communism fall, spaceships explode, presidents get shot, terrorists attacks, OJ going from beloved former athlete to definitely a murderer, the Miracle on Ice, and State winning a Natty. So much joy and so much tragedies. But above all, a lot of us are forgetting the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
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Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I don't know. The 90s were pretty eventful to me.

Desert Storm and the birth of 24/7 live war coverage 1990

Oklahoma City Bombing 1995

Rodney King Riots 1992

Bill Clinton Scandal 1998

Princess Diana death 1995

JFK Jr plane crash 1999

World Trade Center Bombing 1993

Mississippi State Final Four Appearance 1996

Just to name a few.

Y'all have done a good job listing all the big ones. The JFK Jr plane crash reminded me of Payne Stewart. My dad and I were in a Lenny's Subs in Memphis, when they announced on TV that his plane was gliding with apparently no pilot and no communication. So we sat there and watched the whole thing. I still can't eat a Philly Cheesesteak without thinking about it.

That last part was a joke, but it was a sad day, we had just watched him win the US Open on Father's Day.
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Jan 23, 2023
I was only a little over a year old on 9/11 so I have no recollection of it, so the most memorable "remember where you were" moments for me were probably Kobe's death and March 11-12, 2020.

I was working at McAlister's in New Albany at the time when Kobe's death was announced, because it was a Sunday and we were EXTREMELY busy on Sundays. After the lunch rush had died down, one of my coworkers who was a HUUUUUUGE Lakers fan all of a sudden gets up and walks to the back and keeps saying "NO.... NO...... NO..... NO 17IN WAY...." and not long after that we found out that Kobe died. It didn't feel real at all.

Then of course the start of Rona, I was jogging on the track at the high school and I stopped to drink some water and got the notification on my phone that March Madness was gonna be held without fans, which I thought was absolutely insane. Then NBA suspending their season, then NEMCC giving us another week of spring break, then everyone raiding Walmart for all the supplies they could get. I'll never forget my Business Law prof at NEMCC telling us that he would see us after Spring Break and that this would all blow over within the next few days... and then I never stepped back on NEMCC's campus.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2022
your memory of the OJ chase could be flawed from the jack and Cokes because it was on a Friday. I bought a car that afternoon and went home and watched it on TV.
It was a Friday, and it was Game 5 of the NBA playoffs between the Rockets and Knicks. We all went to a sports bar after work to watch the game.

The game went to commercial and we were all talking and joking, and I realized the commercial break was taking too long. Looked up and saw the Bronco on the freeway and said, "that must be OJ!!!"

It took the sports bar a while to figure out they needed to switch their audio to a radio broadcast of the game. Eventually NBC gave us a split screen. I guess the local Houston channel raised a fit, because we got the game back on once OJ was at his house.
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
Where were you the night Nolan Ryan took Robin Ventura to the woodshed…. My answer is I was in the stadium!

The Challenger disaster. Wow. I was in 4th grade and we were watching it live in our classroom. None of us had any idea what had just happened, we figured it was just some kind of space shuttle thing. Awful.

Bin Laden being taken down is one I remember. For hours, I’d heard about big news coming, and lots of speculation it was about that POS.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Less of a world event and more a sports thing, but I vividly remember being at a church party to watch Super Bowl 44 and seeing Tracy Porter pick off Peyton Manning and take it to the house. I was watching with my youth group and a room full of old men and everyone went nuts. As a lifelong Saints fan that has only known losing otherwise, that night was incredibly special.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
May be Germans but , this one shook our Liberties to the core

The search for these guys was scarry.

Man I remember following that search like I was working for the dang FBI. Constantly watching the news. They finally found the one brother that was still alive once I left for Dudy Noble that last night. They found him hiding in someone’s boat under a tarp in their back yard.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I was class of 1999 and I've had to call out many people the same age as me for claiming they remember watching the Challenger disaster in school. Not many preschools were watching that event.

One weird event I'll always remember was going to a New Orleans Saints game in the early 1990s and the field caught on fire in the third quarter. They did some pyrotechnics during the halftime show and there was some kind of burning ember up in the catwalk above the field. Many of us in the cheap seats saw it and watched as some worker went up there and instead of extinguishing it he knocked it down onto the field. The Gatorade jug was emptied onto it not long after it landed.


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2021
To make this sports related but what about the miracle on ice and one of the greatest calls in sports history? Do you believe in miracles? .

I was 12 years old at the time. I was sitting at home and my parents had been out at a gathering and they came home and we finished watching it. I had never been prouder to be an American. Funny fact that most don't remember but it wasn't the ruskies the US beat to win the Gold. They actually beat Finland two days later to win the gold.

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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Death of Elvis. I was a kid in a Ford station wagon with the family on a trip to see relatives in Nashville. We were going to drive by Graceland on the way, got stuck in traffic, and after about 30 minutes someone on the radio said Elvis died.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Munich 1999 with Bayern Munich up on Man U with about 10 minutes left in the Champions League final in a sea of ecstatic drunk, singing Bayern fans. The city was electric. Then Man U scored two to win it ruining what was going to be an awesome night.
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
The heel turn heard around the world.

There are a lot of really wild things that we've all witnessed in our lifetimes. We've some communism fall, spaceships explode, presidents get shot, terrorists attacks, OJ going from beloved former athlete to definitely a murderer, the Miracle on Ice, and State winning a Natty. So much joy and so much tragedies. But above all, a lot of us are forgetting the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
And Montreal Screwjob on November 1997


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
The heel turn heard around the world.

There are a lot of really wild things that we've all witnessed in our lifetimes. We've some communism fall, spaceships explode, presidents get shot, terrorists attacks, OJ going from beloved former athlete to definitely a murderer, the Miracle on Ice, and State winning a Natty. So much joy and so much tragedies. But above all, a lot of us are forgetting the fact that in 1998, The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.
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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
Where were you the night Nolan Ryan took Robin Ventura to the woodshed…. My answer is I was in the stadium!

I love this clip. Ventura puts his head down to rush the mound, looks up to see Ryan walking towards him unfazed. He knew he had bitten off more than he could chew but he was already pot committed and couldn’t turn around.
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Wesson Bulldog

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2015
Desert Storm
Me and my roommates were getting ready to head to the Hump for MSU vs. UGA. Suddenly on CNN we see bombs dropping and AA and gunfire and were thinking they are killing our planes flying over Baghdad. We ventured to the game in sheer silence. The crowd was large but subdued. MSU lost by 5 or 6 and nobody was concerned. We went back to Jarnigan St and watched CNN all night.
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Aug 5, 2023
Bataclan massacre was a big one for me that I haven’t seen mentioned.

State related, the firing of Rick Ray.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2010
Mark McGwires 62nd home run.

It was after a jv football game and I was standing in the field house after just taking my pads off when our coach told us about #62. I looked down at my feet and told myself to always remember where I was when I heard that news, because I was old enough to have heard adults talk about remembering where you were when hearing something like that. Turns out it wasn’t worth remembering, but it was fun following that HR race at the time.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
I can remember just about all of these things except Kennedy's death I was a baby. I remember mother telling me because I was just a baby and how scared she was when we had the Days of October with Russia over the nuclear weapons in Cuba. She said she'll never remember barely sleeping wondering if the world would wake up in the morning or not.


Oct 25, 2014
Okay, this one still pisses me off. I had been following the hockey team for some reason, and was really excited about their match with the Soviet Union. It was still early cable TV days, and the game was played in the afternoon but would not be televised until prime time.

I had a paper route that kept me busy for the afternoon. I avoided the radio, and knew nothing about the game when I turned on the Olympic coverage.

Then my mom comes in the door chanting, "USA! USA! USA!" She knew I was following the team and would be excited....but she ruined it for me.

Fun fact: The US won a total of 6 gold medals in the 1980 Winter Olympics. The Hockey team, and Eric Heiden's 5 individual skating medals.
I need to add - We watched the game but it wasn't the gold medal game . The gold medal game was on Sunday morning. We didn't get the game in Madison so we drove to my uncle's house in Raymond. They cut off the gold medal game in the first period to show the Baptist church live! Only in Mississippi.
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