My thought has always been to ANY group black, white, Hispanic, straight, gay, Jew, Christian, Native Americans, Martian....whatever: if you feel your group or friends are being discriminated against or insulted by a business, don't take your business to them. The Dollar carries a lot of weight. I remember when I was a kid, my Dad ran 2 retail businesses. One was a liquor store. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to work in the liquor store. I guess I was not trusted that I might drink some of the profits. But I was allowed to work in the other. In that store, we sold all kinds of things: ice cream, sodas, hamburgers, hot dogs, milk shakes, magazines (including Playboy and Penthouse), comic books, cookies, cakes, crackers, cigarettes, cigarsetc. My Dad hired teenagers to work in that store. Whenever I finished giving the customer whatever he or she was buying, I'd say: "Thank you, sir" or "Thank you, ma'am". One day, one of the older white boys took me aside and said "Don't say 'sir' or 'ma'am" to blacks" (I suspect he didn't say the word "blacks"; but I honestly don't remember). I do remember wanting to buy a bike and other expensive items back in the day. Thinking about it, I concluded that a black person's dollar bills would go just as far as a white persons dollar bills to buy whatever I wanted back then. Consequently, I ignored the white teenager's advice. Nothing motivates human behavior, outside of a gun, more than money. I know it motivated me. Similarly, I always say about blacks who might be stopped for traffic violations: I have no sympathy whatsoever for them if they get hurt or even killed if they did not do what the cops told them to do. I say "Do whatever the police tell you to do. If you feel you have been mistreated, then that's what lawyers and the courts are for. If you're lucky, you might get life-changing money".
If highly recruited black athletes don't want to go to the Florida schools, I hope they will strongly consider my alma mater.