You saying football runs at a loss?
I most certainly did not say that.
Now, if one wanted to, they could say:
- Neither PSU FB or ICA has any appreciable current assets set aside.
- On the other hand, they have a growing mountain of debt..... a mountain that is just getting started, and will soon be swelling up like Barry Bonds' head circa 1994.
- Spending and borrowing - largely for things that show no appreciable return - is growing at a trajectory that would make Sandy B look like a miser (how scary is that?). Oh, and the Beaver Stadium thing looms on the horizon.
- And we haven't even mentioned what happens when revenue sharing with student athletes hits the fan - and it will soon.
Yep, probably gonna' see $20 million per annum or so in increased media revenue sharing (so long as the "playoffs" hit targets). Great.
Of course, would have to multiply that by a factor of 5 to keep pace.
Cutting the Men's gymnastics team and the Women's cross country squad (and another 1/2 dozen miscellaneous sports programs) won't amount to rounding error.
Now, if someone said all those things, I suppose someone else could take issue or disagree with any part of it. But, they (the second bloke) would be wrong.
Now, if someone else (the 3rd bloke) said "Who cares? PSU is only useful as a life support system for football." I suppose they (the 3rd bloke) are as welcome to their opinion as anyone else is to theirs'. I certainly wouldn't try to dissuade them.