Thank you man, I was beginning to think I wasn’t explaining it effectively. Basically at the root….. prosecutors know a winning and losing court case when they see one. Prosecutors like anyone don’t like to have losses on their resume.she KNEW IT BOILED DOWN TO…as far as criminal charges that it’s a he said she said and would be difficult to impossible to PROVE. So she did what we all would do. She made her problem go away! Big time personas like Watson with unlimited resources would have ate her alive in the court of law. That’s what many in here are not getting. So I believe he’s guilty? Sure. Do I believe he’s got a fetish? Sure. Is he a rapist? Doubt it. Did some of these meaaage ladies jump on the bandwagon? Probably. Sheriffs in the case, the nfl, and Sue Robinson all agree. And let that sink in for a min….THEY ALL AGREE…. That this guy did what some of these ladies said he did, he was shady in the process, lied to the judge and the nfl, so that alone, also with the sheer numbers of accusations gives the nfl no wiggle room. Also the climate in which we live today…. He was a dead man walking, and the conduct policy in the nfl will end up getting him. 12-15 games. Again I don’t know Derek from Adam…. I do hate Clemson and how he made that team relevant, but the guy is a shady predator and this is unprecedented even for the National felons league.