I respect y’all’s opinion, and I see the strategy, but if we can’t agree that Madison and even Flora are in the Jackson Metro, and also that their success is due to being in a metro area (and Nissans decision to locate there), then we may as well not even keep this discussion going.
Again, I say that investment in all these small towns has already been happening, ie the Milwaukee plant as DCD mentioned. But without a consolidated effort and some momentum in a place, it’s not moving the needle.
I can’t see this as swimming perpendicular to the tide. We are falling behind so fast that it literally doesn’t matter. Y’all honestly need to see what’s happening in other cities outside the state. Literally ALL growth is there. We all should know, just like in the other thread, as soon as someone mentions moving to MS, we all tel them to move to an out of state metro.
But we’re talking about our small towns? Let me ask this - Home Town came in and invested in Laurel - has that moved the needle for MS? Heck no. Maybe if a town in every single county got that, we might see a bump, but that’s next to impossible.