OT: carcinogenic beer


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Anybody else here cutting back on consumption based on the recent studies that indicate alcohol is a strong contributor to throat, esophageal, stomach, colon and breast cancer?

I’ve never drank enough to have an issue with liver or any of the usual suspects but the recent news I’ve been seeing has me thinking I’ll introduce a little more moderation.

Pack thoughts?


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010
I know giving up alcohol is a very trendy thing these days. It’s a poison. No reason to pretend like it’s much different than smoking on your health.

I know the National Heart Association use to say something like “a glass of red wine is good for you” but they’ve removed all of that.
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Well-known member
May 29, 2013
I drink, but cancer risk definitely makes me decrease consumption. It’s been a known risk for a long time, but I am glad it’s getting more attention with additional studies
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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
Anybody else here cutting back on consumption based on the recent studies that indicate alcohol is a strong contributor to throat, esophageal, stomach, colon and breast cancer?

I’ve never drank enough to have an issue with liver or any of the usual suspects but the recent news I’ve been seeing has me thinking I’ll introduce a little more moderation.

Pack thoughts?
You gotta die of something.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I try to keep it in moderation, but I'm never quitting drinking. My goal is to get my buzz but not be hungover. I figure if I can accomplish that, the body is properly handling the poison. I mean if I'm being honest, avoiding a hangover is my only true motivation. If it makes you feel bad, it's probably bad for you.

And the expense of it, especially at restaurants.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2010
As with all cancers there are two risk variables and those are genetics and environment. In many situations the genetic profile plays an outsized role, and people have no idea which cancers they are predisposed to because genome wide screening at reasonable cost is not come to fruition yet. Of course the safest thing to do is look at your family history and if it's there, abstain from that risk factor.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
I had gotten into a bad habit of having a beer or two every night. I’m pushing 50 and that is a bad idea for a multitude of reasons. Wasn’t that hard a sacrifice. My username is based on beer, so it isn’t like I don’t live the stuff, but it needed to be done. I still have it on the weekends and special occasions. If I go a few years earlier because of that, so be it
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atomic dawg

Apr 4, 2019
We’ve been told for the last few years that sitting is the new smoking with the idea that sitting a lot or a sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on health. It really does make sense. A new study out of Australia now shows that over the long term, prolonged standing could increase circulatory issues… so that may be bad as well. So a lot of sitting is bad. A lot of standing is bad. It’s almost like use of your body can have a negative impact on its health. My point regarding any of these studies whether it’s alcohol or standing or eating whatever is…as Warren Zevon once sang… life will kill ya! Use some common sense and moderation but there will always be another study that says living can have negative impacts on your health.

Perd Hapley

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I’m just to the point of diminishing returns with drinking. I nearly quit without even trying when I had kids. Beer I’ve given up pretty much entirely….I’ve found that it makes me feel terrible the next day even when its just 1-2 of them. A few cocktails in the afternoon or early in the evening is enough for me, not really looking to do more than 2 of anything. Rarely more than one. The way it 17s with your sleep is enough to keep me off of it most days. Just not worth it.
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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2011
Well, that's one thing I don't have to be concerned about. I don't remember the last time I had beer or anything else. I don't even like beer.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
We’ve been told for the last few years that sitting is the new smoking with the idea that sitting a lot or a sedentary lifestyle has a negative impact on health. It really does make sense. A new study out of Australia now shows that over the long term, prolonged standing could increase circulatory issues… so that may be bad as well. So a lot of sitting is bad. A lot of standing is bad. It’s almost like use of your body can have a negative impact on its health. My point regarding any of these studies whether it’s alcohol or standing or eating whatever is…as Warren Zevon once sang… life will kill ya! Use some common sense and moderation but there will always be another study that says living can have negative impacts on your health.
crap! I only stand at my standing desk. I guess I have to incorporate sitting now too...

ETA: never mind, I found the study. sedentary is bad regardless of standing or sitting. incorporate "sudden bursts of movement" throughout the day


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2023
Anybody else here cutting back on consumption based on the recent studies that indicate alcohol is a strong contributor to throat, esophageal, stomach, colon and breast cancer?

I’ve never drank enough to have an issue with liver or any of the usual suspects but the recent news I’ve been seeing has me thinking I’ll introduce a little more moderation.

Pack thoughts?
This is new??? I have loooooonnnnng known that alcohol is a contributor to cancer. Main reason I don't drink because I've had 3 uncles die in their 50's from colon cancer and they were all alcoholics. Also it contributed to Toby Keith stomach cancer and he was a heavy drinker. Hell his songs much like all other country songs glorify it. But the country music world goes silent when we see the ugly side of what alcohol does. I also learned from an oral surgeon of 20+ years that alcohol is a much bigger contributor to mouth and throat cancer than tobacco.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
Is this one study or are there enough studies to see a meta-analysis?

You can find a study for anything that says that “xyz” will give you cancer and you shouldn’t eat/drink it.

I’m not a drinker so I’m ambivalent. Just wondering. Alcohol is a poison but as long as it’s done in moderation it’s risk factor is reduced.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
This is new??? I have loooooonnnnng known that alcohol is a contributor to cancer. Main reason I don't drink because I've had 3 uncles die in their 50's from colon cancer and they were all alcoholics. Also it contributed to Toby Keith stomach cancer and he was a heavy drinker. Hell his songs much like all other country songs glorify it. But the country music world goes silent when we see the ugly side of what alcohol does. I also learned from an oral surgeon of 20+ years that alcohol is a much bigger contributor to mouth and throat cancer than tobacco.
Yeah there's no question it's a bad deal for you.

Problem for me is, I don't know what else to do with my life without it.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Is this one study or are there enough studies to see a meta-analysis?

You can find a study for anything that says that “xyz” will give you cancer and you shouldn’t eat/drink it.

I’m not a drinker so I’m ambivalent. Just wondering. Alcohol is a poison but as long as it’s done in moderation it’s risk factor is reduced.
I seem to be seeing lots of articles and studies and for the first time I'm hearing rumblings about the FDA possibly requiring warning labels similar to cigarettes.



OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I seem to be seeing lots of articles and studies and for the first time I'm hearing rumblings about the FDA possibly requiring warning labels similar to cigarettes.


The thing with scigs is that people who smoke, generally do it all day long, constantly.

I think with alcohol, the cancer risk is similar.....if you were to drink all day long, every day, like a hardcore alcy, i.e. heavy drinking.

So I think that risk is probably a good bit less than smoking, for that reason. It's simply too hard to drink that much. So....while the studies are legit, there's a little bit of BS in how they are being portrayed.
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The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
Nobody likes a quitter.

"I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings"

"AA is for quitters"

I feel the need to joke about it after living w/ an alcoholic father, who had an alcoholic father as well. Mine went to rehab, twice. He relapsed the first time, went back and came out dry and never had another drink as long as he lived which was about another 15 years or so. I went to AA w/ him occasionally when he went to open meetings (closed meetings are for alcoholics only, not friends or families) and spent some time with him in treatment when they had "family week". It's eye opening to go and listen in on the stories. I consume more than I should but way less than I would if I had not been exposed to what it can do to a family and the alcoholic too.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
"I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings"

"AA is for quitters"

I feel the need to joke about it after living w/ an alcoholic father, who had an alcoholic father as well. Mine went to rehab, twice. He relapsed the first time, went back and came out dry and never had another drink as long as he lived which was about another 15 years or so. I went to AA w/ him occasionally when he went to open meetings (closed meetings are for alcoholics only, not friends or families) and spent some time with him in treatment when they had "family week". It's eye opening to go and listen in on the stories. I consume more than I should but way less than I would if I had not been exposed to what it can do to a family and the alcoholic too.
Kudos to you for not letting his alcoholism start a family cycle in you! I did not have any direct family, but I did have a best friend and a high school girlfriend with alcoholic fathers, and it was incredibly sad to see. Enough so, that I made a decision then that I would make sure that substances never controlled me. Even t-totaled for a couple of decades when I wasn't sure that my decision making would lead me to moderation.
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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2022
Anybody else here cutting back on consumption based on the recent studies that indicate alcohol is a strong contributor to throat, esophageal, stomach, colon and breast cancer?

I’ve never drank enough to have an issue with liver or any of the usual suspects but the recent news I’ve been seeing has me thinking I’ll introduce a little more moderation.

Pack thoughts?
I have a feeling this is going to go like the flip flopping on eggs. It’s bad for you, it’s good for you.. no its bad for you… no wait… good for you…


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
I’d be willing to wager my entire net worth that beer is not even in the top ten of things I regularly consume that cause cancer or shorten life. I don’t plan on turning out the lights at the nursing home. On a similar Subject, someone needs to build an assisted living facility in Starkville with a SPS wing. We could finally settle all this BS face to face over morning coffee and Metamucil!


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
I’d be willing to wager my entire net worth that beer is not even in the top ten of things I regularly consume that cause cancer or shorten life.
As far as Class 1 carcinogens, unless you smoke it's fairly unlikely you're regularly eating/consuming more of 10 things on the list than alcohol. (You could be breathing them in or something, but if so you may wanna see about some ventilation.

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