You a just an angry skeptic.
That said, here are my general feelings on vaccines. The data strongly supports its effectiveness with regards to preventing severe disease, hospitalization, ventilation, in the over 65/risk factors category. (I am in that category, and while I understand that disease prevention may be 70-90% effective, the milder symptom effect is good enough reason for me.) I have had several friends and a few colleagues die from COVID, so I know the disease is not a government made-up hoax. So if you are over 65 and/or have significant risk factors, I would recommend the vaccine. I believe the benefits outweigh the risks.
As far as side effects, the numbers quoted in the "millions" is way off. For example, myocarditis is no more prevalent than with covid itself, or the flu, or with other vaccines such as smallpox. That said, if you are a person under 30-35, I would support your decision NOT to receive a vaccine, for the reason that you have less than a 1% chance of dying from the infection. Odds overwhelmingly in your favor. Therefore, the benefits may not outweigh the risks.
I am not in favor of either side beating up the other. If one chooses not to be vaccinated, he doesn't deserve to be called "an idiot" or "part of the problem" or "you don't care about the health of other people". And conversely, the vaccination recipients do not deserve to be bullied by false information simply to frighten them. Neither side needs to attack the other.