OT: Covid - Well, I got my 2nd booster today for a total of four covid injections. If I'm not protected now, I'm never going to be. LOL!


Feb 1, 2022
That’s what I figured. Nothing. Just a smart *** response from someone who thinks he knows it all. Not one example of what a doctor heals.
Doctors use their knowledge, training and divine inspiration to improve and prolong life spoiled by poor genetics, bad lifestyles, accidents, bad luck, etc. They remove lethal tumors, perform transplants, replace defective heart valves, etc. which I consider life saving treatments. Never heard one claim to be a healer. Maybe what you are looking for is a "witch doctor".
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Jan 20, 2022
Doctors use their knowledge, training and divine inspiration to improve and prolong life spoiled by poor genetics, bad lifestyles, accidents, bad luck, etc. They remove lethal tumors, perform transplants, replace defective heart valves, etc. which I consider life saving treatments. Never heard one claim to be a healer. Maybe what you are looking for is a "witch doctor".
Those or surgeons. I’m talking about the family doc you go to and he says. Here, try this med and let’s see if it helps you feel better. If it doesn’t, come back in 3 months and we will try another. Let’s throw some darts at a board and see which one helps.
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Active member
Jan 29, 2022
I got the first 2 shots because I didn't want to catch it and give it to my mother. Unfortunately she was in the hospital when I got my 2nd and passed ( not from China virus) and I haven't gotten any boosters and don't plan too. If I had known she was going to die I wouldn't have gotten the first 2. I'm not so sure the vaccine didn't help her out the door.
I took the two vaccines for the same reason, I didn't want to give it to my Mom who is in her 90's, and we were told it would protect us, I mean it's a "vaccine" right?? But now that all the data and studies are in we now know the vaccines might give us some benefit for a few weeks or months, maybe, and the boosters haven't been shown to do much of anything. So I won't be getting any boosters and my Mom has decided not to as well, she has followed it closely and says that the "science" doesn't justify it. Gotta lover her!!! Let's be honest, the current Covid variant is nothing like the first two, mainly cold symptoms for most people. The bottom line for me and I think most that look at the facts is no different than what we said two years ago. If you are elderly or have other compromising health concerns, you may want to consider it, it's a personal choice, otherwise, you are falling into the political narrative.


Active member
Jan 29, 2022
Don't really understand why so many people are dead set against the vaccine. It doesn't cost anything. I got mine and it didn't even hurt, barely felt it at all.
Most aren't dead set against the vaccine, most are dead set against being forced to take a vaccine that they don't need, because they are not at risk, and the vaccines have harmed and killed many people, All the latest studies show Covid is being passed on more by the vaccinated, so why inject yourself with a substance that the long term health effects are unknown, if it serves no purpose? Where are all those "follow the science" people? My question is, why are so many people dead set again Americans having the choice to freely choose whether or not to inject their own body with something they don't need, and that may be harmful? There are thousands of drugs I could inject myself with that "don't hurt", not sure what that has to do with anything, but why would I?


Joined Mar 20, 2002
Jan 31, 2022
Most aren't dead set against the vaccine, most are dead set against being forced to take a vaccine that they don't need, because they are not at risk, and the vaccines have harmed and killed many people, All the latest studies show Covid is being passed on more by the vaccinated, so why inject yourself with a substance that the long term health effects are unknown, if it serves no purpose? Where are all those "follow the science" people? My question is, why are so many people dead set again Americans having the choice to freely choose whether or not to inject their own body with something they don't need, and that may be harmful? There are thousands of drugs I could inject myself with that "don't hurt", not sure what that has to do with anything, but why would I?
What studies are you referring to? I've never heard anywhere other than Facebook or message boards that the vaccinated are passing Covid more than the unvaccinated. I'm not even sure if that kind of data exists. There's no way possible to tell whether or not you got Covid from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person. There is data however that shows that vaccinated people who get Covid have milder symptoms than those that aren't vaccinated. If you want to talk about long-term effects, what about the long-term effects of actually having Covid? I'm all for free will but if something is actually for our well-being then I don't see a need to buck. I do realize that some people don't like to be told what to do. Hey, kids hate being told to brush their teeth and I'm sure if the government told people that it was mandatory to brush their teeth, there would be plenty of adults refusing to do it.
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Feb 1, 2022
What studies are you referring to? I've never heard anywhere other than Facebook or message boards that the vaccinated are passing Covid more than the unvaccinated. I'm not even sure if that kind of data exists. There's no way possible to tell whether or not you got Covid from a vaccinated or unvaccinated person. There is data however that shows that vaccinated people who get Covid have milder symptoms than those that aren't vaccinated. If you want to talk about long-term effects, what about the long-term effects of actually having Covid? I'm all for free will but if something is actually for our well-being then I don't see a need to buck. I do realize that some people don't like to be told what to do. Hey, kids hate being told to brush their teeth and I'm sure if the government told people that it was mandatory to brush their teeth, there would be plenty of adults refusing to do it.
Check the studies coming out of the UK
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Apr 11, 2022
Don't really understand why so many people are dead set against the vaccine. It doesn't cost anything. I got mine and it didn't even hurt, barely felt it at all.
Maybe it's because of the 25,000 + deaths and over 1,000,000 severe adverse reactions attributed to the "vaccine" . Doesn't cost anything? Tell that to those people!
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Apr 11, 2022
Further proof that some people will believe anything.
Keep putting your trust in the CDC,FDA,NIH ,AND WHO.They have lied to you since the beginning of this "pandemic". They ALL RECOMMENDED no early treatment of the "virus". All covi D hospitalizations can be treated with REMDESIVER ONLY which has been proven to do great harm to the kidneys and liver!Keep your head buried in the sand or get a little courage to do some research on your own.IF you have been fully vaxxed ,you won't like what you will discover!


Apr 11, 2022
Where, a coloring book?
No, from the lips of your own Dr.Fauchi who in said in 2008 that natural immunity was far more protective than ANY VACCINE when referring to the flu. Was he lying then or is he lying now? Does not matter, you're fully vaxxed and protected from what? Hospitalization and death? Wrong , the fully vaxxed now account for the most hospitalization and deaths. Some people don't tolerate FACTS very well. Your choice to take the jab , but don't force it on others.
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Carolina Doc

Joined Aug 16, 2019
Jan 25, 2022
No, from the lips of your own Dr.Fauchi who in said in 2008 that natural immunity was far more protective than ANY VACCINE when referring to the flu. Was he lying then or is he lying now? Does not matter, you're fully vaxxed and protected from what? Hospitalization and death? Wrong , the fully vaxxed now account for the most hospitalization and deaths. Some people don't tolerate FACTS very well. Your choice to take the jab , but don't force it on others.
Your choice to decline the jab. You're not being forced to take it.


Joined Apr 17, 2019
Feb 5, 2022
No, from the lips of your own Dr.Fauchi who in said in 2008 that natural immunity was far more protective than ANY VACCINE when referring to the flu. Was he lying then or is he lying now? Does not matter, you're fully vaxxed and protected from what? Hospitalization and death? Wrong , the fully vaxxed now account for the most hospitalization and deaths. Some people don't tolerate FACTS very well. Your choice to take the jab , but don't force it on others.
I am not obsessed with Fauci and people on TV, but if he said that about the flu then it is not logical to extend it to other illnesses.


Joined Jan 23, 2004
Jan 25, 2022
Plus, my wife and I both tested positive for Covid this past December 28th. So, in a way that is the equivalent of five vaccines. I'm ripping the band-aid off at this point. Well, actually I've already have ripped off the band-aid.
FBC because of our age one more thing to consider evu shield. it is a monoclonal anti body. i had to get it because of my kidney transplant.
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Carolina Doc

Joined Aug 16, 2019
Jan 25, 2022
Employers WERE mandating the vaccine after pressure from CDC and other gov't officials. Many lost their jobs by refusing to take the jab - some choice! Choose to decline the jab and loose your source of income.
Choice works both ways.


Apr 11, 2022
Please don't fall prey to misinterpretation of VAERS data.
Pfizer finally had to admit that 1200 people died FROM THE JAB IN the first 90 days of their trials.This was part of the damaging data that they wanted to conceal from the public for 75 years. This is not misinterpretation from VAERS. This is not the first time PHIZER has killed thousands of innocent people with their poisons. Sounds like maybe some people on this forum may be receiving "incentives" for pushing the jab .

Carolina Doc

Joined Aug 16, 2019
Jan 25, 2022
Pfizer finally had to admit that 1200 people died FROM THE JAB IN the first 90 days of their trials.This was part of the damaging data that they wanted to conceal from the public for 75 years. This is not misinterpretation from VAERS. This is not the first time PHIZER has killed thousands of innocent people with their poisons. Sounds like maybe some people on this forum may be receiving "incentives" for pushing the jab .
Your information is faulty. Including the wild speculation about "incentives".

Carolina Doc

Joined Aug 16, 2019
Jan 25, 2022
What's to prevent employers from mandating other medical choices on behalf of their employees - flu shots, antidepressants, abortions, vasectomies, sex change, etc. or lose your job. Are you saying you are ok with this type of control over Americans?
Well, if I am a business employer, do I not have the freedom to select employees who meet criteria relevant to the job?
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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
Well, if I am a business employer, do I not have the freedom to select employees who meet criteria relevant to the job?

One could take that down a very bad road by introducing race and sex into it.

Meaning, while businesses can choose their employees, there are some considerations they shouldn't be making. Medical conditions should fall under that too, imho.


Apr 11, 2022
Your information is faulty. Including the wild speculation about "incentives".
So you are telling me that Drs. DO NOT RECEIVE "INCENTIVES " for eac h covid shot they give? Or for prescribing certain medications? Maybe YOUR information is faulty , especially if you receive it from federal agencys. I guess HOSPITALS also don't receive "incentives" for each covid case they treat? And why is RE MDESIVER the only allowed treatment for hospital covid patients? It cost thousands of dollars and is known to NOT BE EFFECTIVE in treating covid and causes great harm to the kidneys and liver. It's pretty simple ,really, JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY .

Carolina Doc

Joined Aug 16, 2019
Jan 25, 2022
So you are telling me that Drs. DO NOT RECEIVE "INCENTIVES " for eac h covid shot they give? Or for prescribing certain medications? Maybe YOUR information is faulty , especially if you receive it from federal agencys. I guess HOSPITALS also don't receive "incentives" for each covid case they treat? And why is RE MDESIVER the only allowed treatment for hospital covid patients? It cost thousands of dollars and is known to NOT BE EFFECTIVE in treating covid and causes great harm to the kidneys and liver. It's pretty simple ,really, JUST FOLLOW THE MONEY .
You a just an angry skeptic.

That said, here are my general feelings on vaccines. The data strongly supports its effectiveness with regards to preventing severe disease, hospitalization, ventilation, in the over 65/risk factors category. (I am in that category, and while I understand that disease prevention may be 70-90% effective, the milder symptom effect is good enough reason for me.) I have had several friends and a few colleagues die from COVID, so I know the disease is not a government made-up hoax. So if you are over 65 and/or have significant risk factors, I would recommend the vaccine. I believe the benefits outweigh the risks.

As far as side effects, the numbers quoted in the "millions" is way off. For example, myocarditis is no more prevalent than with covid itself, or the flu, or with other vaccines such as smallpox. That said, if you are a person under 30-35, I would support your decision NOT to receive a vaccine, for the reason that you have less than a 1% chance of dying from the infection. Odds overwhelmingly in your favor. Therefore, the benefits may not outweigh the risks.

I am not in favor of either side beating up the other. If one chooses not to be vaccinated, he doesn't deserve to be called "an idiot" or "part of the problem" or "you don't care about the health of other people". And conversely, the vaccination recipients do not deserve to be bullied by false information simply to frighten them. Neither side needs to attack the other.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
So if you are over 65 and/or have significant risk factors, I would recommend the vaccine. I believe the benefits outweigh the risks.
That said, if you are a person under 30-35, I would support your decision NOT to receive a vaccine, for the reason that you have less than a 1% chance of dying from the infection.

This is where I've been sitting for a while. There are at risk groups, and they should be encouraged to protect themselves. But I fall way short of mandating it, especially to those outside those groups.


Apr 11, 2022
You a just an angry skeptic.

That said, here are my general feelings on vaccines. The data strongly supports its effectiveness with regards to preventing severe disease, hospitalization, ventilation, in the over 65/risk factors category. (I am in that category, and while I understand that disease prevention may be 70-90% effective, the milder symptom effect is good enough reason for me.) I have had several friends and a few colleagues die from COVID, so I know the disease is not a government made-up hoax. So if you are over 65 and/or have significant risk factors, I would recommend the vaccine. I believe the benefits outweigh the risks.

As far as side effects, the numbers quoted in the "millions" is way off. For example, myocarditis is no more prevalent than with covid itself, or the flu, or with other vaccines such as smallpox. That said, if you are a person under 30-35, I would support your decision NOT to receive a vaccine, for the reason that you have less than a 1% chance of dying from the infection. Odds overwhelmingly in your favor. Therefore, the benefits may not outweigh the risks.

I am not in favor of either side beating up the other. If one chooses not to be vaccinated, he doesn't deserve to be called "an idiot" or "part of the problem" or "you don't care about the health of other people". And conversely, the vaccination recipients do not deserve to be bullied by false information simply to frighten them. Neither side needs to attack the other.
Sir, I am not an "angry " skeptic , just a skeptic who uses common sense to see what's really going on. People on your side keep referring to people on my side as "skeptics" or ,my favorite one, " conspiracist" . Amazing how these " conspiracies " keep proving to be true. Early treatment protocols were available to combat this bio - weapon but were shut down by the gov. agencies. Excess mortality is up 40% over 2020 because of the jab. Look at the data from Israel and the UK which shows that most hospitalization and deaths are in the vaccinated population ! It's amazing that your side loves to toss around the BULLYING Word ,when it's you guys that wanted to keep the unvaxxed away from your side because of YOUR FEAR of being infected by the unvaxxed. How does it feel now that YOU are the super spreaders among yourselves? I am angry about one thing ,though. That the government continues to lie and mislead the nation about covid and the benefits of the jab to EVERYONE. They finally admitted that NATURAL IMMUNITY is far superior to the vaccine. Ask yourself one question - how many of your fully vaxxed associates are experiencing long suppressed autoimmune disease flareups.? Just coincidence or "" long covid " from the " virus" ?I have loved ones who have taken the jabs,and I pray for them every night and everyone else who chose to get the jab. Also,using your logic, if the death rate for most age groups,notwithstanding comorbidities,is less than 3%, is not the odds at 97% survival STILL OVERWHELMING ODDS against the jab?
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Feb 1, 2022
Well, if I am a business employer, do I not have the freedom to select employees who meet criteria relevant to the job?
How is dictating someone's healthcare choices job related? Can employers discriminate and hire only women without children for fear they will miss too much time at work or only men under age 40? No - they will be sued into bankruptcy. Same principles should apply regarding healthcare choices.
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Carolina Doc

Joined Aug 16, 2019
Jan 25, 2022
Sir, I am not an "angry " skeptic , just a skeptic who uses common sense to see what's really going on. People on your side keep referring to people on my side as "skeptics" or ,my favorite one, " conspiracist" . Amazing how these " conspiracies " keep proving to be true. Early treatment protocols were available to combat this bio - weapon but were shut down by the gov. agencies. Excess mortality is up 40% over 2020 because of the jab. Look at the data from Israel and the UK which shows that most hospitalization and deaths are in the vaccinated population ! It's amazing that your side loves to toss around the BULLYING Word ,when it's you guys that wanted to keep the unvaxxed away from your side because of YOUR FEAR of being infected by the unvaxxed. How does it feel now that YOU are the super spreaders among yourselves? I am angry about one thing ,though. That the government continues to lie and mislead the nation about covid and the benefits of the jab to EVERYONE. They finally admitted that NATURAL IMMUNITY is far superior to the vaccine. Ask yourself one question - how many of your fully vaxxed associates are experiencing long suppressed autoimmune disease flareups.? Just coincidence or "" long covid " from the " virus" ?I have loved ones who have taken the jabs,and I pray for them every night and everyone else who chose to get the jab. Also,using your logic, if the death rate for most age groups,notwithstanding comorbidities,is less than 3%, is not the odds at 97% survival STILL OVERWHELMING ODDS against the jab?
It is well established that both natural immunity and vaccinated immunity provide great benefits. It is also known that both wane over time, and also that reinfections may occur.

Carolina Doc

Joined Aug 16, 2019
Jan 25, 2022
How is dictating someone's healthcare choices job related? Can employers discriminate and hire only women without children for fear they will miss too much time at work or only men under age 40? No - they will be sued into bankruptcy. Same principles should apply regarding healthcare choices.
Depends on the job. And the nature of the medical condition.

Carolina Doc

Joined Aug 16, 2019
Jan 25, 2022
I don't think a blanket mandate on a vaccine of questionable benefit fits the threshhold you're trying hard not to put into print.
I'm not sure what you are suggesting. But I vigorously disagree with your assertion that vaccines are of questionable benefit.

You don't want a vaccine, then fine. Don't get one. I don't even disagree with you. I just take issue with all the erroneous information, gathered from google-searching by non-professional people, being presented to defend their decision. Just don't take the jab. There's no need to tell me why, because I don't care.

Happy Easter.


Feb 1, 2022
You a just an angry skeptic.

That said, here are my general feelings on vaccines. The data strongly supports its effectiveness with regards to preventing severe disease, hospitalization, ventilation, in the over 65/risk factors category. (I am in that category, and while I understand that disease prevention may be 70-90% effective, the milder symptom effect is good enough reason for me.) I have had several friends and a few colleagues die from COVID, so I know the disease is not a government made-up hoax. So if you are over 65 and/or have significant risk factors, I would recommend the vaccine. I believe the benefits outweigh the risks.

As far as side effects, the numbers quoted in the "millions" is way off. For example, myocarditis is no more prevalent than with covid itself, or the flu, or with other vaccines such as smallpox. That said, if you are a person under 30-35, I would support your decision NOT to receive a vaccine, for the reason that you have less than a 1% chance of dying from the infection. Odds overwhelmingly in your favor. Therefore, the benefits may not outweigh the risks.

I am not in favor of either side beating up the other. If one chooses not to be vaccinated, he doesn't deserve to be called "an idiot" or "part of the problem" or "you don't care about the health of other people". And conversely, the vaccination recipients do not deserve to be bullied by false information simply to frighten them. Neither side needs to attack the other.

I don't think a blanket mandate on a vaccine of questionable benefit fits the threshhold you're trying hard not to put into print.
Depends on the job. And the nature of the medical condition.
You are kidding. This is all about power and control and it has to end with some of the legal battles coming up. Of course there is also dual justice systems to deal with as well.

Carolina Doc

Joined Aug 16, 2019
Jan 25, 2022
You are kidding. This is all about power and control and it has to end with some of the legal battles coming up. Of course there is also dual justice systems to deal with as well.
We might be talking about two different things. Because I'm not in favor of widespread, blanket mandates either. In fact, I'm strongly opposed.

I was thinking of much smaller situations. Like, if I were the owner of a private physical therapy company, for example, and the therapists who provided care spent a large portion of their time in nursing home facilities providing their services, I would probably stipulate that they should receive vaccinations as well as wear masks (even though I know most masks offer little protection.)


Joined Nov 3, 2021
Feb 6, 2022
I'm not sure what you are suggesting. But I vigorously disagree with your assertion that vaccines are of questionable benefit.

You don't want a vaccine, then fine. Don't get one. I don't even disagree with you. I just take issue with all the erroneous information, gathered from google-searching by non-professional people, being presented to defend their decision. Just don't take the jab. There's no need to tell me why, because I don't care.

Happy Easter.
"But I vigorously disagree with your assertion that vaccines are of questionable benefit."

Doc ~ How do you arrive at this conclusion? There were more cases and deaths in the year following the vaccine rollout than the year prior?

The CDC is on record stating they are hiding data. So when you look at other countries like UK directly from the government website, you'll see over 90% of the pp in the hospital are vaccinated.

I'm with you in that I don't want to get into a big discussion about this. However, it's clear much of what they claimed (stops transmission/infection/deaths) simply isn't true. So all you are left with are their words and they've already stated ALOT of things that weren't even close to correct.

Happy Easter!


Apr 11, 2022
It is well established that both natural immunity and vaccinated immunity provide great benefits. It is also known that both wane over time, and also that reinfections may occur.
Natural immunity does provide robust, long lasting protection against the virus that was contracted. Can you honestly say the same for the jab,since there is NO LONG TERM DATA to support that argument, only government (big pharma) words and claims to that effect? We all know THEY would I'd lie to us ( take the jab,no more mask,no hospitalization,no deaths from covid ) ,would they?And do you really think the jab is a "vaccination" ? Do you really believe that the jab offers as good or better protection than natural immunity.? I agree with the FAUCHI of 2008 ,- nothing is better than NATURAL IMMUNITY!