I’d respect your opinions more if you didn’t intentionally post misinformation & lies. When one of the largest & most influential states institutes a ban on something starting in 11 years, that is the definition of phasing it out.
I didnt post misinformation or lies. I straight up address California. I then gave my view why that isnt applicable to the claim that ICE vehicles are being phased out. That is 11 years in the future and is only 1 state.
Ill let you in on a secret, but dont tell others- not only will other states follow, some already have- MA, MD, NY, CT, CO, WA, OR, VT, and NJ. Those are states that choose to follow CARB instead of Federal Emissions Standards, from what I understand.
- They can choose not to follow CARB and back out of this in the coming years, if the tech doesnt look like it will work in time.
- It was expected that these states would all jump on board and while some have, others explicitly havent. CT doesnt have legislative support as of 2 months ago. CO isnt following CARB on this and has its own expectation metrics for EV/ICE in the coming decade.
I offer this up since it isnt just CA and dont want you or others to actually read up on this and claim I am somehow posting more misinformation.
So thoroughness is needed(a rarity in a sea of SPS hot takes).
New sales of ICE vehicles will not be allowed in CA(and other states) in more than a decade from now.
With all that said, it still does not mean the combustion engine is being phased out, which was the claim that I initially responded to.
- All those restrictive states will still allow ICE vehicles to be registered and used in the state. So the combustion engine is still allowed in those states.
- 80% of states currently plan to still allow new ICE vehicles sales in a decade. So the combustion engine is still allowed in those states.
- Used ICE vehicles can still be bought and sold in CA and other states(they have to adopt the same verbiage or follow Fed laws, I believe).
- PHEVs qualify as part of CA's Zero Emissions compliance. PHEVs have a gas engine, to be clear.
Yes, some states are pushing towards a change in how personal vehicles that are sold new in their state use energy to create movement.
No, the combustion engine is not being phased out as it can still exist for new sales in other states, still be driven and registered in ICE banned states, can be bought and sold used in ICE banned states, and can even be sold new in ICE banned states in the form of PHEVs.