Robbie with the heat


Well-known member
May 29, 2013
I can’t read this whole thread but:

1) It’s not Austin Peay’s team’s fault for talking ****. OK, sure. Fine by me as long as you don’t go full Vitello.
2) It’s not Austin Peay’s fans’ fault for enjoying themselves and eating food. Ok, sure.
3) IT IS our own fans’ fault for being so obsessed about maintaining some ******** image of Mississippi State as the Middle ******* Kingdom of college baseball and wanting to reward random, stupid, worthless fans of other schools with hotdogs so they’ll *hopefully*kowtow to us on Facebook in front of their 75 year old friends in an effort to alleviate our fathomless inferiority complex.
4) and IT IS our team’s and coaches’ faults for losing to Austin ******* Peay twice and Air Force once and completely shitting the bed and ******* destroying our program after finally ******* won a ******* national championship **** **** ****
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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
Baseball is a glorified club sport. We have fans who would rather invest in their beloved LFl than NIL and help with football. Same said fans will be the first to say we can’t win in football or basketball yet in the same breath want someone else to pony up funds for NIL with football and baseball.
It’s time to de emphasize baseball and emphasize and embrace football and basketball.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
I don’t have any particularly strong feelings about this one way or another, but it’s an example of how people are going to react when a fanbase’s beloved program is a clown show, it’s been a clown show for two years, and our administration and power alum keep allowing it to continue.

Get ready for a full season of bitc*ing about everything from hot dogs to sight lines because it’s coming, and it’s well deserved
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Nov 16, 2012
Typical homeboy media take. When the team sucks, find a fan to blame.
Not his first time doing it, won't be his last time. He should nut up and spew his venom where it belongs. The buck stops at the top. The team has underwhelmed for going on three years now and a pass has been given, but as with all loans, pay up time is overdue.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I don’t have any particularly strong feelings about this one way or another, but it’s an example of how people are going to react when a fanbase’s beloved program is a clown show, it’s been a clown show for two years, and our administration and power alum keep allowing it to continue.
And that was the main point of his rant.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
LFL is promoted as “come one, come all! We take care of everyone”. They talk about it on all the national broadcasts. They air in people’s rigs and talk about all the hospitality. Not once are any of the other things you mentioned advertised as that. They are all inclusive and treated as such.
Hard to say "come one come all" when the space is 10x16, which is what the one is that I hang out with the most. We can seat maybe 6 or 8 and have a couple stand but thats about it. People sometimes stand behind the upper level ones but if it gets crowded they make them move on. Lower level ones have more stairs than they do square footage almost, they are not designed well I don't think. . I believe the going rate this year was just over $2,000 for the season plus tickets. We have fans (our own and opponents) wander by all the time asking questions and conversing that we feed, give them a beverage etc. but we aren't close enough to the field to give players anything. Take a good look next time you are out there, but there just isn't much room in them if you look closely by the time you put chairs, grills, coolers, shelves, etc.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
IMO we have gone too far emphasizing the atmosphere of the stadium and deemphasized actually putting out a good team. It’s like an “I just hope everybody had fun” kind of attitude. Who cares about the product on the field. As long as I see my friends and we grill some burgers or ribs and have some beers, it was a good day. I would rather play in a freaking dump and have the team competing for and winning championships than play in a nice stadium and the team sucks.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
IMO we have gone too far emphasizing the atmosphere of the stadium and deemphasized actually putting out a good team. It’s like an “I just hope everybody had fun” kind of attitude. Who cares about the product on the field. As long as I see my friends and we grill some burgers or ribs and have some beers, it was a good day. I would rather play in a freaking dump and have the team competing for and winning championships than play in a nice stadium and the team sucks.
"Never lost a stadium battle" sound familiar? "Never lost a party" best stadium in country! Who the 17 cares when you getting clowned by Austin Peay two games in a row. Tear the mother17er down and play in a cow pasture until we are a decent program again. Need a coach Taylor to take them to the farm. Get back to the roots of the sport. All of this really goes back to travel ball. Baseball ain't what is used to be. Get it back to America's past time. The sandlot. Playing in a crappy field just to hit the ball and hear the snap of leather on a glove passed down from your dad. Baseball has become to much of a spend money ball.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
IMO we have gone too far emphasizing the atmosphere of the stadium and deemphasized actually putting out a good team. It’s like an “I just hope everybody had fun” kind of attitude. Who cares about the product on the field. As long as I see my friends and we grill some burgers or ribs and have some beers, it was a good day. I would rather play in a freaking dump and have the team competing for and winning championships than play in a nice stadium and the team sucks.
Does the same go for basketball because there sure were a bunch of people that bitsched for years about The Hump and how terrible it was until they got their club level in there


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
IMO we have gone too far emphasizing the atmosphere of the stadium and deemphasized actually putting out a good team. It’s like an “I just hope everybody had fun” kind of attitude. Who cares about the product on the field. As long as I see my friends and we grill some burgers or ribs and have some beers, it was a good day. I would rather play in a freaking dump and have the team competing for and winning championships than play in a nice stadium and the team sucks.
I see plenty of people pissed about the results… sounds like you guys want people to not attend games they pay for? Just because someone is attending the game does not mean they are happy about the results.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
I see plenty of people pissed about the results… sounds like you guys want people to not attend games they pay for? Just because someone is attending the game does not mean they are happy about the results.
I know individual people are pissed about results. But on the whole, it just doesn’t seem like the results matter as much. I see so many social media posts about the Dude and the attendance and the atmosphere, and not about the actual games we won. When the basketball or football teams suck, people don’t go to games and it affects the bottom line and indicates changes need to be made. People are going to go to Dudy Noble regardless, especially the LFL, because it’s basically a social club with a baseball game going on in the background.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
Get back to the roots of the sport. All of this really goes back to travel ball. Baseball ain't what is used to be. Get it back to America's past time. The sandlot. Playing in a crappy field just to hit the ball and hear the snap of leather on a glove passed down from your dad. Baseball has become to much of a spend money ball.

Applaud Standing Ovation GIF by Black Market
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Jan 8, 2023
Just curious, do any of you bitching about not getting fed in the outfield wander around to various tailgates of strangers during football season expecting to get an adult beverage or get fed?
Just to clarify I’m not bitching about not getting fed. My posts were more to emphasize the “inclusive” portrayal we put forth for the nation with opposing teams and fans vs the reality of my years of experiences with the snubbing of our own fan base due to some sense of elitism associated with having a LFL. My sentiment is not all encompassing as I know there are very gracious people there as well.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
All of this really goes back to travel ball. Baseball ain't what is used to be. Get it back to America's past time. The sandlot. Playing in a crappy field just to hit the ball and hear the snap of leather on a glove passed down from your dad. Baseball has become to much of a spend money ball.
You are correct, but what's the alternative? I know the Michigan coach gave everybody the warm and fuzzies when he said he wanted his team to "look like the United States of America" during that 2019 CWS Finals, but that was probably more lip service than anything, and trying to push a brand. All the kids play travel ball these days, and if they can't afford it and are good, they are subsidized by the others. Sandlot shlt does not exist anymore.

I love the premise, but the key to me is, where do you find these tough players we all want?

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Just curious, do any of you bitching about not getting fed in the outfield wander around to various tailgates of strangers during football season expecting to get an adult beverage or get fed?
Just to clarify I’m not bitching about not getting fed. My posts were more to emphasize the “inclusive” portrayal we put forth for the nation with opposing teams and fans vs the reality of my years of experiences with the snubbing of our own fan base due to some sense of elitism associated with having a LFL. My sentiment is not all encompassing as I know there are very gracious people there as well.
Yeah I think we need to back up here.

I don't think any fan who doesn't pay thinks they are entitled to the LFL, similar to any club area. But the idea that it is SO exclusive, was very cheap until 2018, and it's virtually impossible to enjoy for most people - well, that's breeds a little resentment. Then you consider the exclusiveness of the entire field as far as seats, I mean it's a concern that's been voiced here for a long time, right or wrong.

Then - you hear about how it's so inviting and all these things - and then you go - and if you aren't someone popular - it's downright UN-inviting. But either way, that's fine, that's the way of the world.

All that to say - it's easy to see where there could be some divisiveness there. Then you add that we are losing. And me personally, I HATE the way our fans try to portray an image. @ZombieKissinger nailed this in his post above (post #43, 3rd point).


Oct 7, 2013
17 the LFL. I attend football and basketball games as much as I can but will never step foot in Dudy Noble again. The way State fans (of all people) in the LFL look down their nose and treat their own is disgusting. Yet they'll bend over backwards and grovel at the feet of opposing fans, practically begging for praise on social media.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
You are correct, but what's the alternative? I know the Michigan coach gave everybody the warm and fuzzies when he said he wanted his team to "look like the United States of America" during that 2019 CWS Finals, but that was probably more lip service than anything, and trying to push a brand. All the kids play travel ball these days, and if they can't afford it and are good, they are subsidized by the others. Sandlot shlt does not exist anymore.

I love the premise, but the key to me is, where do you find these tough players we all want?
Yeah it's pretty much rigged
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Jan 8, 2023
Hard to say "come one come all" when the space is 10x16, which is what the one is that I hang out with the most. We can seat maybe 6 or 8 and have a couple stand but thats about it. People sometimes stand behind the upper level ones but if it gets crowded they make them move on. Lower level ones have more stairs than they do square footage almost, they are not designed well I don't think. . I believe the going rate this year was just over $2,000 for the season plus tickets. We have fans (our own and opponents) wander by all the time asking questions and conversing that we feed, give them a beverage etc. but we aren't close enough to the field to give players anything. Take a good look next time you are out there, but there just isn't much room in them if you look closely by the time you put chairs, grills, coolers, shelves, etc.
I realize this and know space is limited. I turned down owning one just because of my distance away the university. It sounds like you guys do it right and that is great. Thanks for being great examples for the rest of us Bulldog fans. LFL has long been promoted as you have to go experience it and relish in the hospitality and all the food. This is why said “come one, come all”. They do segments and talk about it on every single broadcast. Maybe you have missed those since it sounds like you are fortunate to get to be at the games. My experiences as an MSU fan unfortunately thru working in athletics and coming to games for years have been primarily been the opposite of hospitable and borderline elitist. It suck’s but I’m only stating what I have be a party and witness to. I am a small subsample so maybe if we ran the actual statistics on it hopefully I would be thrown out as an outlier.


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
....... My sentiment is not all encompassing as I know there are very gracious people there as well.
Thank you. That's all I was looking for. Are there some a-holes out there? You damn right there are. Hell, I've been a part of my group out there since 1998 and I still get looked at like a leper if I get too close to some spots. I don't know if it's still there but one spot used to have a chain across the entrance with a sign that read "Invited guests only" and I don't know if I've ever seen that spot packed out. Maybe for a super regional but that's it. There are some games that none of our crew go too but I'll watch on tv. Sometimes on a fly ball to the outfield I see people in our spot when I know for a fact that none of us are there. I'm not texting up the people next to us at the game telling them to run them out either but it would not surprise me if some do. If somebody wants to sit there when we're not using it, (even though I have no authority to say this since I'm not the owner of the spot) I say have at it as long as you don't burn the gas out of our grill.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I realize this and know space is limited. I turned down owning one just because of my distance away the university. It sounds like you guys do it right and that is great. Thanks for being great examples for the rest of us Bulldog fans. LFL has long been promoted as you have to go experience it and relish in the hospitality and all the food. This is why said “come one, come all”. They do segments and talk about it on every single broadcast. Maybe you have missed those since it sounds like you are fortunate to get to be at the games. My experiences as an MSU fan unfortunately thru working in athletics and coming to games for years have been primarily been the opposite of hospitable and borderline elitist. It suck’s but I’m only stating what I have be a party and witness to. I am a small subsample so maybe if we ran the actual statistics on it hopefully I would be thrown out as an outlier.
I mean it's not unlike a tailgate or anything else. Memphis in May BBQ deal was the same way. Hailed as a big festival where you can come eat whatever you want. It's not true. Unless you're on TV or something, like we've discussed.

But the thing is that you can get a tailgate if you want. You can't get a LFL rig. And you can't get baseball seats. That, again, creates some jealousy and resentment, especially when it's thrown in someone's face, by people who inherited the right to have these things for the most part.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
He made a valid point on today's T&L. Austin Peay chirped from the dugout, stomped home plate and how did the fans respond? By feeding them pork chops and hot dogs as a thank you for beating our ***. I get the hospitality but line has to be drawn somewhere
Long ago I frequented the gone, but never forgotten, Hard Right Cafe located on the outfield berm where it was too narrow for rigs to fit. Those folks would often feed the opposing team's pitchers since the grill was actually chained to the bullpen's chain link fence. A very hospitable bunch for sure, but there was an ulterior motive. Get those guys some chicken wings or other greasy finger foods before they hit the mound. I'd like to think that resulted in more than a few free bases over the years.
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Active member
Nov 17, 2022
He made a valid point on today's T&L. Austin Peay chirped from the dugout, stomped home plate and how did the fans respond? By feeding them pork chops and hot dogs as a thank you for beating our ***. I get the hospitality but line has to be drawn somewhere
I loved every minute of it.

I hope the Lemonis defenders are happy that they’re low expectations have led us to another terrible season.
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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
Long ago I frequented the gone, but never forgotten, Hard Right Cafe located on the outfield berm where it was too narrow for rigs to fit. Those folks would often feed the opposing team's pitchers since the grill was actually chained to the bullpen's chain link fence. A very hospitable bunch for sure, but there was an ulterior motive. Get those guys some chicken wings or other greasy finger foods before they hit the mound. I'd like to think that resulted in more than a few free bases over the years.
Ahh man. The Hard Right Cafe. I was friends with several of those folks and hung out there a few times myself. I remember one Sunday game where one of the Saturday starters (back during DH days) for Auburn was hanging out in the bullpen since he was done for the weekend. That dude was huge. Like 6'6". In 2 innings he drank 2 beers and ate 4 pork chops and a couple pieces of chicken. The other players said they had eaten somewhere in Columbus the night before where they had one of those "if you can eat it all, it's free" steak things going on and not only did he do it, he also finished the meals of several of his teammates.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2021
yea let’s further degrade society because i need the team i pull for to be winners because i’m a loser. robbie you sound like a 17n bama fan!!!


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
IMO we have gone too far emphasizing the atmosphere of the stadium and deemphasized actually putting out a good team. It’s like an “I just hope everybody had fun” kind of attitude. Who cares about the product on the field. As long as I see my friends and we grill some burgers or ribs and have some beers, it was a good day. I would rather play in a freaking dump and have the team competing for and winning championships than play in a nice stadium and the team sucks.
You're saying we're the Dallas Cowboys of College baseball


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Baseball is a glorified club sport. We have fans who would rather invest in their beloved LFl than NIL and help with football. Same said fans will be the first to say we can’t win in football or basketball yet in the same breath want someone else to pony up funds for NIL with football and baseball.
It’s time to de emphasize baseball and emphasize and embrace football and basketball.
For some reason it's a point of pride for a few posters to call baseball a club sport. I guess it really makes them feel good inside to point this out on a regular basis. I like baseball more than basketball and about as much as football. Baseball's a great sport and, until the past two years, it's been fun watching State baseball for decades. You and few others don't think this way. That's fine but I suspect you're not gonna win over fans with the "you should think the way I do about all of this because baseball is a club sport. I know better than you. You need to do what I want and not enjoy sports I don't think you should support."


Mar 26, 2023
Ok Thurston Howell III, wander on back to the "club" and sit in your chairbacks and make sure nobody wanders in without permission.......
Well, it took a few days for Lovie and the rest of the ladies to wash the stench of the ”poor” off of me before I could present myself into my more respectable confines. However, I understand your bitterness having spent your EBT card balance on brisket and pig wings to please the AF families. They were very impressed. I have a contact that can supply paper plates for you with a QR code printed on them so you will not struggle to try and get the opposing fans to remember your cumbersome social media username for those precious likes.


Well-known member
Dec 1, 2019
For some reason it's a point of pride for a few posters to call baseball a club sport. I guess it really makes them feel good inside to point this out on a regular basis. I like baseball more than basketball and about as much as football. Baseball's a great sport and, until the past two years, it's been fun watching State baseball for decades. You and few others don't think this way. That's fine but I suspect you're not gonna win over fans with the "you should think the way I do about all of this because baseball is a club sport. I know better than you. You need to do what I want and not enjoy sports I don't think you should support."
With the injunction yesterday from the Supreme Court every penny should be spent on football and basketball if you want to be relevant in college athletics going forward. Im not saying I hate baseball but it’s not a needle mover it carries zero weight in the new landscape of collegiate athletics. It’s a zero non revenue sport. You will start to see other schools start to de emphasize baseball in the near future especially with NIL. Any support you or any others give takes away from what we could have and what we could do in football and basketball.
As a fan base we need to invest in NIL for football and basketball ball and not baseball. I know that’s going to hurt some people feelings but this is the new reality. Either we get on board or left behind. Scary part is I think some of you clubsporter loungers would rather have your baseball than win at football and basketball and would be fine being left out. And I don’t think I’m wrong here.
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Active member
Aug 22, 2012
No state team in any sport has cocky swag and backs it up on the field. As the #1 team and 9-0, we played scared and not unable to handle the moment. In each National championship appearance, baseball and women’s basketball, we looked more happy to be there than anything else. We frankly got lucky that Vandy couldn’t hit anything but remember that we got out *** beat in game one. It’s the culture of state….

but hey our baseball stadium is really nice
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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2009
Haha. This thread is great.

1) I have a spot in lfl so it’s great.

2) I don’t have a spot in lfl so it’s snobbish and I hate it.

Man we need to win some games and change the point of focus…..or lose some more and clear the picture up more I guess.

You nerds have a nice Saturday. I’m going to the dude to enjoy myself if that’s ok.
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Active member
Nov 11, 2007
He made a valid point on today's T&L. Austin Peay chirped from the dugout, stomped home plate and how did the fans respond? By feeding them pork chops and hot dogs as a thank you for beating our ***. I get the hospitality but line has to be drawn somewhere
He must have gotten his feeling hurt at some point.

He needs to stick to wasslin.....


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
With the injunction yesterday from the Supreme Court every penny should be spent on football and basketball if you want to be relevant in college athletics going forward. Im not saying I hate baseball but it’s not a needle mover it carries zero weight in the new landscape of collegiate athletics. It’s a zero non revenue sport. You will start to see other schools start to de emphasize baseball in the near future especially with NIL. Any support you or any others give takes away from what we could have and what we could do in football and basketball.
As a fan base we need to invest in NIL for football and basketball ball and not baseball. I know that’s going to hurt some people feelings but this is the new reality. Either we get on board or left behind. Scary part is I think some of you clubsporter loungers would rather have your baseball than win at football and basketball and would be fine being left out. And I don’t think I’m wrong here.
As one of the avid clubsport loungers, "we," well me or I will spend my money as I choose and on things I enjoy. Good luck admonishing others to change their behavior and what they do to enjoy life to better reflect your personal preferences.

"Scary part" Not sure why it's scary to you if someone has different priorities and has a better understanding of what they enjoy in life. Another year of watching an average Lemonis-coached team might change my views.
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