This is a very interesting read. This data analytics company, Affinaquest, has apparently developed an effective algorithm to find and extract more revenue from the non-traditional season ticket holder type fan. The modes of fan-engagement to expand the database seems even more intriquing, although the article doesn't elaborate on the company's movements -- just casual allusion through statements like, "I can’t tell you how many times I interacted with a fan who said, ‘I haven’t missed a game for 20 years,’ and then I look them up and they’re not in our ticket system. If we’re going to capture the right people and create our next generation of Gamecock fans, we need to be smarter about how we conduct business and make sure we’re engaging with more and more fans at the right times, and engaging them the right way.”
Be careful with your personal data. Or, as the neighbor in Office Space says ... "Hey Peterman! Watch out for your cornhole!"
Yahoo! South Carolina Mines Customer Data for $1 Million Boost to Ticket Sales
Be careful with your personal data. Or, as the neighbor in Office Space says ... "Hey Peterman! Watch out for your cornhole!"
Yahoo! South Carolina Mines Customer Data for $1 Million Boost to Ticket Sales