Hey man, I understand that, but we're not stopping the brain drain.
In most of the state, there's just not much for young, moitvated folks to do (outside of hunting and church). Even in Bama, they have great hiking, camping, mountain biking, beautiful clear lakes and great beaches. We have none of that (outside of the extreme northeast corner). We need to have low skill jobs that match up with the majority of our workforce. Yes, keep the high-tech employers coming, but our real focus needs to be on low skill jobs, we'll never be Austin, Nashville, Huntsville, etc.
30 years ago, there were neat bars/nightclubs all over the metro, fast forward to today and there's hardly any. I say legalize recreational MJ, put a first class casino in Jxn in an "entertainment district" and that would be at least a start in turning this state into a more attractive place for young folks. The "one lake" project (on the Pearl south of the Rez) or whatever it's called now would also spur recreational development.
I have buddy who's son just joined the marines, he's now in the DMV, he's conststanlt telling his dad, "there's so much to do here."