Even deducting for the fee-in-lieu, the impact on city, county and school district ad valorem revenue is phenomenal. Conservatively, the annual ad valorem tax revenue increase for Lauderdale County, the City of Meridian, and the respective school districts will be measured in the tens of millions for each political subdivision once construction is complete. Think about that. "Hey, Mr. Supervisor, what if I told you that one taxpayer is going to increase your annual ad valorem tax revenue by $10,000,000 beginning in 2027?" "Hey, Mr. Meridian Public School System, did you realize that your school district's budget will be increased by $15,000,000 annually beginning January 2027 and all of that increase will be paid by one taxpayer?"
What the great unwashed among us can't possibly grasp about this announcement is that this one capital investment project (the total amount of private investment being made) is ten times greater than the TOTAL COMBINED ASSESSED VALUE OF ALL REAL PROPERTY SITUATED IN LAUDERDALE COUNTY. Let that sink in. The amount of money that will be made by these hedge funders on this project is mind-blowing. These data centers are scary honestly. Such easy money for the politicos. Impossible to say no. And they consume ENORMOUS power, essentially all of it fossil fuel driven. And now you know why Elon and Zuck have abandoned the 17wad wokester demos who want the US to abandon fossil fuels. Ain't happening in our lifetimes.
That’s a lot of zero’s at the end of that number, but what does it really mean?
Let’s say I live in Meridian and have kids. The school system gets a big influx of money. Where does it go? Is Lauderdale County going to pay teachers 50% more than they’d get in other counties in MS, or Alabama / Louisiana, etc.? No, they aren’t. Are they going to hire dozens more teachers? Not likely.
Is the main reason that the schools currently struggle going to go away? That reason, of course, is the enormous number of underprivileged and disruptive students that are a product of largely poor and uneducated and underprivileged parents in the area. No, that problem’s not going away.
Apply the same question to the city and county general tax revenue. Are city government salaries going to increase substantially? No. Are city government projects going to magically bring more investment and jobs to the area? No.
Might Meridian High School get a nice new football stadium? Yes.
Might new schools get built? Yes.
Might some trees n shít get planted in highway medians? Yes.
But mainly, what’s going to happen is what always happens. A big portion of the money will get wasted via corruption and general inefficiency. Dumb and redundant city government departments will get created that employ a very small number of people. And there will not be a reliable conduit to get the money into the hands of the people that matter, which ultimately is the people you’d want to move to the area from elsewhere.
And if that doesn’t happen, nothing substantial will change. Just going to see the rich get richer, the corrupt get more corrupt-er, and Meridian still not going anywhere fast.
All that being said, its still a great idea to bring the project in, of course. There’s not very much downside risk at all. But you have to manage expectations when you hear things like “$10,000,000 tax boost” and “thousands of well paying jobs”. That added tax revenue isn’t going to reduce the tax burden of the other Lauderdale County citizens, and 95% of the “well paying jobs” will be temporary, done remotely by folks outside the state, or both. These data centers are gigantic, but they only employ like 80-100 people total in many cases.