Everything you say is true, I’d only add that the cohort of people who need housing (1st time, apartments, you name it) is HUGE. I want to say those born in 97 was our high water mark in terms of size. Those folks are turning 27, and stuck with parents, or 4 deep in a 2 br rent house or apartment. Massive amount of folks slightly younger/older, same deal. They’ve mostly finished education or are getting rolling in a trade (obviously doesn’t apply to the knuckleheads doing neitherA lot of the housing issues today, especially around starter homes, is due to demand after the Great Recession. There were millions of millennials graduating in 2008 - 2020 and moving back in with their parents. Without that demand, we really under ran building affordable housing. I’m more optimistic about it now because demand is totally flipped.
We also have a lot of housing inventory “locked up” at 2020 interest rate levels. As that loosens up it should help with the upward trend in costs.
Our commercial real estate bubble is real. Gotta think some of that dead office space gets switched over to residential needs.

Knowing what I know about humans, at 27 women start intensely wanting kids and a place of their own (if they don’t already have either, and less and less don’t). Birthrates are dropping, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a helluva lot of remaining demand. And as those of us with Swiftie daughters or nieces know, at 27 their Saturn has returned…
All that to say, a part of me wants to leverage all the debt I can get my hands on and build economically constructed (within reason) apartments with good green spaces and dog parks and whatever else outside shiit young folks like. In like NW Arkansas, Birmingham/Huntsville. Maybe places like Tupelo and Hattiesburg. Even considering today's interest rates, I believe you’d make a killin’ over 20 years. @PooPopsBaldHead you in? Think we could hit up Uncle Fishwater??
ETA Boomers dying will of course free up some housing stock, which is also part of the solution. But I also firmly believe that generation will all live to 100 just to 17 the rest of us one last good time. There’s a few I sure hope make it that long, at least…
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