77-0 TexasOne with the closest score and wins the tiebreaker (if needed) will receive a $50 gift card to Ely's Restaurant.
- Total passing yards by State QB's
- Defensive rushing yards allowed
- Length of minutes the game remains on your TV
Richard Shapley
[email protected]
Phone: 601.605.6359
Fax: 601.605.6687
58-24One with the closest score and wins the tiebreaker (if needed) will receive a $50 gift card to Ely's Restaurant.
- Total passing yards by State QB's
- Defensive rushing yards allowed
- Length of minutes the game remains on your TV
Richard Shapley
[email protected]
Phone: 601.605.6359
Fax: 601.605.6687
Winner.Texas 44 MSU 13 passing142- rush allow 147 tv - 129 minutes