What is the coolest thing you ever did on campus as a student?


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
1. Drove the Raspet Flight Lab ground test vehicle to career day on the drill field. I think it was a 60's Buick stripped down to the frame and painted gray. It had two seats. Driver of course facing forward and the passenger facing backwards to monitor instruments and whatever experiment they were doing. It looked like a moon buggy. As I was driving it back to Raspet in the pouring rain, I stopped on the drill field in front of the library and asked some girl if she needed a lift. She just stood there in the rain with a WTF look. Wish I could find a pic of that thing. I drove it for miles and miles up and down the runway while they were doing experiments.
2. Got called for goal tending in McArthur during an intramural game. I argued with the ref and just before he threw a T on me, I stopped arguing and asked him if he was going to tell his friends that he called a 6 foot tall white boy for goal tending. He didn't know what to say but the call stood. Actually, he may have been right. I could jump back then.
3. Made the cover of the basetball program with a friend. That pic also made it to the Reveille and the student recruiting magazine.
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Jun 4, 2007
My freshman year in Cresswell Hall, I had a roommate that was a bit of a pothead. I didn't care, but this guy was seriously into his pot. His parents were ultra religious and I took the blame for him one time. This was the mid-90s, but they somehow tracked down my parents in another state.

I woke up one morning two weeks into the semester and my dad had made his way to our room and told me to pack my bags, he was taking me home. After figuring out that his parents had called my parents to say what a bad influence I was, he fessed up. My dad gave him a fatherly talk and said he wouldn't rat him out, but he should consider making better life choices, etc. He started going to class and cleaned up his act. We became pretty good friends and starting hanging out more. Then one night he got arrested by MSU Police for possession. His parents pulled him out about October.

I managed to keep a private room the rest of the academic year. Somehow Housing never knew he wasn't there. RA lived right across the hall, too. Mentioned a couple times that he had not seen him but never followed up.
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Mar 26, 2019
We did the same in the snowpacolypse of 2011. A few hundred people congregated on the hill behind the post office even the some of the football team showed up. We had a good time doing some football chants in the snow. Everyone ditched all the make shift sleds for the dumpster lids pretty soon after we started. That went well until this genius brought out a kayak. He got two good strokes in before his head slammed the ground and slid all the way down the hill concussed. It was a really fun day.
We were over on Winery Hill. Some guys with skis were getting towed around north farm while everybody else slid down on whatever they could find. Didn’t even need a cooler, just stuck the beer in the snow. Everything was going well until a girl hit the ditch at the bottom and hurt herself pretty bad. Cops showed up, but couldn’t get up the hill to the parking lot on the backside, so we all got in cars and slid down the hill past Barney Fife and went and did donuts in the wal mart parking lot…because of hood ideas and such. Don’t know the status of the girl, ambulance showed up via North farm road, that’s when we left. Probably 100 or so people there.
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Sep 3, 2008
Here for the stories.
1971 The wife and I lived in University village. a big night out for us was to get a footlong at Sonic and sit on the gravel hill facing the Right field fence at Dudy Noble field (before the outfield lounges) and watch baseball practice. Another bih time meal was the pork BBQ sandwiches at Clark's Minute Mart, corner of H25 and H12. Back then Clark's sold them out of a heated cabinet by the frornt door. They were 5 for a Dollar. Not much pork on them.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
Steam tunnels to store room of the cafeteria.

Box of tide in the fountain.

Shot hoops in the Hump with brutius while waiting for the ticket office to open.

Got single digit ticket numbers during the entire basketball season when we beat Shaq for the sec.

Was interviewed by Rick Cleveland during our uptick in basketball, wanna say it was before the Kentucky game. Will have to check.

Had for about a week a "presidents circle" street sign which the RA promptly stole from our room when he swept through the rooms before Thanksgiving.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
I helped tear down the south end goal post after the 1999 Egg Bowl. Ended up with about 12 of us, all complete strangers, carrying it all over looking for a saw. First the ME building, it was locked. Then down to some frat house we carried it through looking for a guy one guy knew who had a saw. Saw another frat breaking one up with a pick axe on the way there. Then all the way down to Southern Billiards because a guy knew the owner and knew he had a saw. Finally back up University Boulevard where some professor just off campus was sawing another upright up in his front yard. By that time there were only four of us and he cut it into four pieces for us but charged us the end cap with the flag still on it.
I was with you then. I remember walking around engineering row trying to find a chop saw. That whole day was epic. After the game ended, a male OM cheerleader hit one of our photographers. Sluder retaliated with a 1 punch KO. Then my buddy broke his leg when the goal post came down. In the middle of that, I ran up to the players hoisting up the EB trophy. Turns out the MSU calendar the following year had me and a bunch of Olineman celebrating with the trophy. Then I rode part of the goal post out of the stadium and proceeded to find a shop with a chop saw.

Herbert Nenninger

Active member
Feb 9, 2019
1. In the rarest of feats, I once saw Rosalyn, the grill nahtzee, ‘kind of chuckle’.

2. I had an organic chemistry lab TA named Pornpun. And I once accidentally got mail for a Bussakorn Wannapee.

3. While walking across stage at graduation, they announced my name as Terrance Johnson. Chip Pickering shook my hand and said “that’s not your name, is it?”. I said “no, it sure isn’t”. So we stood there and made small talk on stage for a few minutes while the real Terrance Johnson was able to come across in his wheelchair. Fast forward about 6 months, and I got a big envelope with my graduation picture. Sure enough, I was a dashing African American fellow with dreadlocks. I still kick myself that I didn’t keep it and frame it.
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Mar 3, 2008
Shut the women’s boomerang dorms down with a buddy during exam week of first semester. Called the Directors of each and told them sewer main was backed up so no flushing commodes til it was fixed. Called to reemphasize no commode flushes. Buddy went in to each and demanded to talk to the directors. we had him muddy and with a clipboard. He told them if another load of s*** came in on him while he was in the hole he’d bring a bucket load of it to them and dump it on their lobby floor. They shut the bathrooms down for awhile. One director came over to talk to our director and my buddy walked into the lobby. She pointed at him and said that’s him. Didn’t matter because he had joined the marines a day or two earlier (school wasn’t for him) so not much could be done to him.

Few years later during an ice storm, called the radio station, claimed to be the personal admin to the president and please let everyone know schools out. DJ went several hours announcing school‘s out until someone in the administration got wind of it and got the radio station straightened out.


Well-known member
May 2, 2006
We did the same in the snowpacolypse of 2011. A few hundred people congregated on the hill behind the post office even the some of the football team showed up. We had a good time doing some football chants in the snow. Everyone ditched all the make shift sleds for the dumpster lids pretty soon after we started. That went well until this genius brought out a kayak. He got two good strokes in before his head slammed the ground and slid all the way down the hill concussed. It was a really fun day.
Nice. Back then that hill was much steeper but sledding down it would have face planted you into parked cars in front of Suttle Hall. We were over near the water tower (?) behind the architecture building.


Active member
Sep 30, 2022
Greg Plump was my team's intramural flag football quarterback for a season

I made deliveries for university florist part time and was able to go to Dr. Zacharias' house a couple of times a wek to water his ferns. Zacharias was one of the nicest people 've ever met. His wife......not so much.
Miss Tommie is a peach. Still go have a drink at her house when I am in town. She just seemed intimidating…. But they were a GREAT team.
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Sep 30, 2022
I was working in the SID department one nite and Coach Bellard walks in and calls my name. I said what do ya need Coach? He said get this out for me please sir. It was his resignation letter. So I called up all the radio and tv stations in the state and did an audio recording to each station with his letter and then Dr Charlie Scott’s announcement that went along with it. He was dressed in all black smoking that pipe. I felt so sorry for that man that nite. He was so disappointed. Coach Bellard was a really nice guy and LOVED State. Still have a recording of that somewhere.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
What year? Had a good ice storm in '85
1982 and 1985. The '85 one was a 1-3" ice storm. After a bunch of kids got broken legs and cracked vertebrae on Wednesday, President McComas said we'd have classes on Thursday and Friday just to keep anyone from getting killed. The students then complained that they might fall and hurt themselves on the way to class.

Good times.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Early 80's I was living in a duplex out near Obys. The owner of the duplex lived next door, he was about 30 years old and worked offshore out of La. When he came home he was transporting massive amounts of pot to Starkville. He was a major distributor, nothing retail. i was a casual pot smoker at best. As we became friends he would leave me in charge of his distribution while he was offshore. I knew who to sell to, what to charge, who could bit on credit. For about a year I was probably the biggest pot dealer in Oktibeeha county for half the year. Looking back on it I was his patsy but it sure beat waiting tables.


New member
Mar 13, 2014
Got to be on the court when we cut down the nets in the hump with Lawrence Roberts. (even had the back of my head in the Starkville newspaper lol)

Tearing down the post after the Florida upset under Croom. (my time as a student didn't have many great football memories, I think we won like 8 games or something for the 3 seasons I was there before graduating.)


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2010
Played a pick up game at the Hump late at night. We were student workers and had keys to the building and would have for sure been kicked out of school if caught. This was during the Richard Williams era and he might have strangled us all.
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2017
Nice. Back then that hill was much steeper but sledding down it would have face planted you into parked cars in front of Suttle Hall. We were over near the water tower (?) behind the architecture building.
No part of that day was safe haha. We started over there and decided to go to over to the post office later. I can’t remember exactly where we were sliding down, but the cops parked behind that old Psychology building up to watch.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
I had two during my last semester in 1996. During our week-long snowmageddon in January, I observed the greatest idiocrasy ever watching dudes go down the horribly uneven and crater-filled hill in front of Suttle using plastic kiddie pools from Walmart. I watched one guy plow into a Buick, dent it with his head, then get back up and do it again (only this time, just missing the car but taking out another idiot trying to walk on the icy sidewalk). During the same storm, my roommates and I were over by Campus Book Mart, and a guy that lived on Hillcrest saw us trying to use laundry baskets and boxes to go down the hill on Harned Rd. He lent us his vintage and perfect condition sled with metal rails, which allowed us to fly vicariously all the way up to and partially down Lee Blvd. And we only almost died only once with a 4x4 barreling down the road, so that's a plus.

Later that spring, it was hard to replace everyone going on campus, ringing cowbells and chanting, after we demolished Cincinnati in the Elite Eight. That was a sweet Sunday to say the least.


Well-known member
Dec 13, 2012
The Snowpocalypse of 2000, we stole some trays from Perry to go sledding. Then upgraded and tore the lids off some dumpsters so we could seat multiple drunkards. Pretty sure I got a concussion that night.
We did the same back in 1977 or 78 after a big snow storm. We slid down the hill behind the post office across from the student union. One afternoon when my buddy and I were playing flag football in 1976 we were running late for a game. It was raining and we were running across the drill field. My buddy tripped on the sidewalk and hit the turf on the other side and slid for 20 yards. We laughed our butts off over that one.
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Dec 8, 2021
my friend and I went out to the cow fields near the vet building and would hop on the very docile Brahma bull and ride him around for a while.


Active member
Sep 24, 2012
Also acquired panties from a panty raid--remember Chief Hood on bullhorn telling us BOYS to go back to the dorm. also out intramural flag football went undefeated and won it all.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Vince Vance and the Valiants did a show at the "cow barn" in the early 70's. About half the student body dressed like the cast of Grease the day of the concert. That night the marijuana smoke in the building was so thick it actually created a kinda haze. Most fun concert I ever went to. Afterwards a buddy and I and our dates went the dressing room and invited the band to come to a party at our apartment complex (Wood Manor).....they all came. Party finally broke up at daylight the next morning. Good times


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
4-time intramural football champ from 99-02. Ultimate frisbee too. Got the t-shirts to prove it.
Not saying it didn’t happen but color me surprised that BSU won at ultimate frisbee. I thought that was the Presbyterian’s domain.


Active member
Aug 15, 2006
While David Wade was being expanded (1986, upper deck), we snuck into the stadium and climbed to the very top before the seats were installed. Did the same thing at the Superdome when waiting for the game to start vs Tulane. Yes, both were done while in the band, specifically the drum line. First one was during “drum camp” which is a week before band camp.

Also, snuck into the haunted Montgomery Hall one night to see ghosts.

Ice storm shenanigans. Mississippians in the ice is hilarious.

Winning the Intramural Racquetball title/t-shirt.

Received an Intramural warning letter from the Director of University Recreation for hanging on the basketball rim. Was playing hoops with some of MSU players, Joe Courtney and Anthony Blakeley (knew him from Gulfport High). Anthony didn’t think I could slam, so he alley-oops the ball to me and I managed to slam then hung on the goal for a split second. Got reprimanded by the head guy as I didn’t know I was being watched and there were signs saying “DO NOT HANG ON RIMS”. Actually got the Intramural Probation letter framed for a while.

Was backstage security for several rock shows at the Hump. Dave “Rocker” Welch was the head of Music Maker Productions and also in the drumline. So he allowed the MSU drumline be security for several shows in order to raise money for various projects. I was Tina Turner’s security for her dressing room. Also, was backstage security for Hank Williams Jr. Fun times.

Panty raids. I was in Sessums, so I think it was McKee across the street…freshmen dorms.

Shred the BMX bike around campus. Pretty sure I was the lone BMXer at the time (1985-1990) on campus.

And last but not least, getting baked and playing golf. Learned to play @ MSU’s course.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I was the scoreboard operator at Dudy Noble for parts of the 2015 and 2016 seasons, including the 2016 Regional and Super Regional. So if any of you ever thought “our scoreboard guy sucks” during Cohen’s last two years, well, sorry, that may have been my fault.

I also got to help on the stat crew for football and basketball from time to time, including the 2014 football season, which was awesome.

Mobile Bay

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2020
The Snowpocalypse of 2000, we stole some trays from Perry to go sledding. Then upgraded and tore the lids off some dumpsters so we could seat multiple drunkards. Pretty sure I got a concussion that night.
I was there that night too. Sliding on a dumpster lid. Right there on the hill that was cattycornered to the YMCA
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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
Broke my femur 1998 playing a pickup game of football on the intramural fields, my roommates and four other guys we didn't even know in ran a slant tackled by two of them at once. Heard it break didn't know it was mine until I went to try and stand and they said don't move and my leg was as curved as the carrot in those ads I get at the bottom of this webpage now! I have a 15 inch titanium rod in my pants to remember it by. The tacklers never even brought me flowers! Which one of you jack wagons was it?

Mobile Bay

Well-known member
Jul 26, 2020
I was with you then. I remember walking around engineering row trying to find a chop saw. That whole day was epic. After the game ended, a male OM cheerleader hit one of our photographers. Sluder retaliated with a 1 punch KO. Then my buddy broke his leg when the goal post came down. In the middle of that, I ran up to the players hoisting up the EB trophy. Turns out the MSU calendar the following year had me and a bunch of Olineman celebrating with the trophy. Then I rode part of the goal post out of the stadium and proceeded to find a shop with a chop saw.
Did you stick around long enough to get a piece of it?


Jun 29, 2018
I roomed with a PWO for the baseball team freshman year. We'd kill a fifth of Evan William's green label and then go to Palmeiro at midnight to do batting practice several times a week before I'd head back to Giles. It's hard to describe how painful it is to catch some of the throws those guys can make.

Also decided one week when we had a few bucks to our name to try making some prison wine in the dorm out of milk jugs and balloons. We got the entire floor in on it with the exception to the dickweed RA. Whole floor stunk to high heaven and we hid it under one of the bunks. Thankfully we were close to the top honcho of the dorm who tipped us off 20 minutes before the police did a room by room search for anything "suspect". Never did get to try the wine, but it might be a good thing. Lord knows what that hangover would've been like.

Last thing, we got crawfish banned at McKee Hall. Turns out the staff isn't happy when you throw them out in the parking lot when you're done sucking the heads...


Well-known member
May 23, 2006
I offered Dr. Z a drink at a football game.

My group were sitting near the portal and he came over to say "hello" to us as I was in mid-pour. I didn't know what else to do but offer him one too.
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Jan 31, 2012
Here for the stories.
I was working at the MSU golf course one summer and Jackie Sherrill was a regular. He had dropped off his golf cart that he used at practice for someone to fix it. It had "Bonnie's Buggy" written on the front. We had a local high school kid working with us who asked if he could tinker with it. Sure enough the next day he had the thing running again. next time coach came in we had him drive it up to surprise coach. Sherill is very appreciative and the kid holds his hand out as if he is expecting a tip and Jackie just slaps him a high five. Later that day (It was a slow day) Jackie comes driving back in and sees us on the driving range. I have a terrible swing so Coach Sherill hops out of the cart and starts coaching me up. As he tells me how to hold my shoulders he hammers them with his fists. He tells me to freeze my follow through and then adjusts it, each movement with the ferocity of an O-lineman hitting a sled. It improved my swing for a day or so but I was so bruised up I hurt for a few days later.
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Jan 31, 2012
I had two during my last semester in 1996. During our week-long snowmageddon in January, I observed the greatest idiocrasy ever watching dudes go down the horribly uneven and crater-filled hill in front of Suttle using plastic kiddie pools from Walmart. I watched one guy plow into a Buick, dent it with his head, then get back up and do it again (only this time, just missing the car but taking out another idiot trying to walk on the icy sidewalk). During the same storm, my roommates and I were over by Campus Book Mart, and a guy that lived on Hillcrest saw us trying to use laundry baskets and boxes to go down the hill on Harned Rd. He lent us his vintage and perfect condition sled with metal rails, which allowed us to fly vicariously all the way up to and partially down Lee Blvd. And we only almost died only once with a 4x4 barreling down the road, so that's a plus.

Later that spring, it was hard to replace everyone going on campus, ringing cowbells and chanting, after we demolished Cincinnati in the Elite Eight. That was a sweet Sunday to say the least.
Both of those days were glorious. My roommates were snowboarding on an ironing board behind a pickup. I swear the cowbells and chanting started less than one second after the clock struck zero in the Cinci game.

Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
1) Human sacrifices in the attic of Montgomery Hall***
2) General chicanery on both North and South Farm
3) Hangin’ with General Lee a time or ten during finals
4) Intramural football
5) Raquetball on those outdoor courts by the pool
6) Mary Jane Rottencrotch
7) Any meal at Perry Cafeteria
8) Trips to the Sanderson Center to play badminton or wallyball
9) Watching the 1998 Arkansas game where we clinched the West. I had been to Little Rock for a job interview the week before and caught the local yokel radio. Us winning that game wasn’t even a consideration to those clowns.
10) This was post grad, but beating the ever living hell out of Florida in 2000 was amazing. We had a NC caliber team that season, but Jackie absolutely blew it.
+1 for the concrete block outdoor racquetball courts with no roof. I figured I was the only one who had played on those.
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Active member
Feb 18, 2011
+1 for the concrete block outdoor racquetball courts with no roof. I figured I was the only one who had played on those.
Not sure if this was an "enhancement", but they had a chicken wire roof when I was there. Ball was ruled dead when it hit the wire. Later on, I realized I sucked at raquetball because I didn't know how to play the ceiling. We also played the courts at McKee Park which were completely open.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2004
Interviewed a group of co-ed streakers near Cresswell for the Reflector during a wild streaker run one night. Very difficult to concentrate on your note pad with four hot babes standing in the buff in front of you. But, I did my job.................


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
Worked at North Farm at motor pool. Motor Pool serviced all university vehicles. After servicing campus PD (Crown Vic with the interceptor package), boss told me to drive it and check the alignment out. Next thing I know, I’m heading towards Columbus with the lights and siren on!

Couple weeks later, I went to get another one out of parking lot to pull in shop. I grabbed the intercom mic and said “ You in the shop, THIS IS THE F_CKING POLICE, COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP, YOU ARE ALL UNDER ARREST!”
When I let off the button, I heard beep beep, yep I had grabbed the radio mic. Reply was, “Wrong mic, please don’t play on university police radio “!
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