I had to take a dump in Polliwogs one time and that's how I have immunity to 'rona and most other diseases.
If anyone was a poor soul that had a late spring final and you were trying to study God help you. That place turned into Thunderdome as people moved out. Between the fire alarms, people dropping cinderblocks down the stairwell and hitting the ramp on the the bottom then blowing out the plexiglass on the back door, actual fires, **** in the water fountain, hallway golf, and flooding the showers you had no chance to focus.My first night in Sessums, we were awoken by a loud engine rev and the sound of metal crashing. Looked out our window over the back parking lot to see that a truck had tied a chain to the back door and yanked it open. The obviously inebriated truck owner had left his ID in his room so he couldn't unlock the back door, which led to the truck being used to open the door and break the magnetic lock. In true Sessums form, the door was not fixed for the entire school year and no one needed their ID to enter from that point forward. Sessums was a downhill ride from that point on. I lived in Sessums, a boomerang, and a frat house and Sessums was by far the most out of control of the 3.
yes he is!!1989 - bought a press pass for $10 and sat right behind LSU's bench. Shaq is one huge dude.
Snow storm in '92 we bought wheel barrow from Walmart, took the wheel and handles off, tied a ski rope behind a Toyota pick up and "skiing" all over campus.
Hallway golf! I forgot about that. I'm really surprised that place never burned down or blew up. I also learned really fast that you should never do your laundry there. The frat house I lived in was more sane - and less dangerous.If anyone was a poor soul that had a late spring final and you were trying to study God help you. That place turned into Thunderdome as people moved out. Between the fire alarms, people dropping cinderblocks down the stairwell and hitting the ramp on the the bottom then blowing out the plexiglass on the back door, actual fires, **** in the water fountain, hallway golf, and flooding the showers you had no chance to focus.
I won a racquetball intramural tournament tshirt on those courts. Won by forfeit all the way to the finals.+1 for the concrete block outdoor racquetball courts with no roof. I figured I was the only one who had played on those.
Early 80's I was living in a duplex out near Obys. The owner of the duplex lived next door, he was about 30 years old and worked offshore out of La. When he came home he was transporting massive amounts of pot to Starkville. He was a major distributor, nothing retail. i was a casual pot smoker at best. As we became friends he would leave me in charge of his distribution while he was offshore. I knew who to sell to, what to charge, who could bit on credit. For about a year I was probably the biggest pot dealer in Oktibeeha county for half the year. Looking back on it I was his patsy but it sure beat waiting tables.
That makes the 4 a 10 in my books.Made out with two coed roommates on the same day. One was a 4, the other a 7. In my defense the 4 had melons the size of cantaloupes, so I don't feel bad about it.
- I was playing tennis with a buddy one afternoon, probably just avoiding class, when this older gentleman strolled up and started watching us. Tall guy, had to be 6'7" or so. He asked if he could hit with us. I thought that was hilarious, this old geezer wanting to try to hang with us bangers. He introduced himself, "Bailey Howell, nice to meet you". I thought I had heard the name, but wasn't sure who he was at the time. Long story short, he kicked our young asses up and down the court. Ran me all over the place. The dude was a pure athlete, even at what I guess was about 50-something then. Looking back, he wasn't nearly as old as I thought he seemed at the time.
+1 for the concrete block outdoor racquetball courts with no roof. I figured I was the only one who had played on those.