I recently spoke with an old friend who is rather high up in the academic side of the PSU administration and he told me something that startled me. Our new president is cutting funds (about 4% per year for four years) for many of the STEM departments, including physics, chemistry, EE, materials science, and possibly others. This in stark contrast with the trends in most American universities to bolster the STEM fields. Her reasoning is to divert funds to hire more junior faculty in the departments that service the basic required courses (English, history, writing, etc.) in order to put as many undergrad butts as possible in seats at full tuition to address the general funding shortfall. Faculty in the STEM fields will be reduced by retirement and general attrition of senior professors and those positions will not be replaced with promising young professors. The net result will be that the departments that were built up over the past few decades to greater prominence and significantly higher ranking (physics is the one I know) will now fall back to lower ranking. This will hurt Penn State in the university rankings that are academically rigorous as well as the more popular ones like US News and World Report. I fear that this will not end well for the long-term reputation of the university.