Did anyone comfort Chris Rock. Articles about Comforting Will Smith.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Meh, it’s just hair. It’s not like he made fun of her cervical cancer or something. Does she ever wear a wig? I honestly have no idea but if she does, why did she choose not to at the Oscars?

I have a friend whose young daughter has Alopecia. I had no idea because for a long time she wore a lot of wigs and head wraps. She is beautiful and confident and does a lot of work to raise awareness. I think JPS, for all her other issues, is a real beauty with or without hair. She is easily confident enough to not be bothered by some off the cuff joke by Chris Rock. Smith I think has no idea how to react or behave and simply reached a boiling point. Could have been a great teaching/learning moment for many that has been overshadowed by Smith's heathanism.



Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
Comedy isn't dead....some people are just too uptight for it.

Agreed. However in todays society it seems like the most uptight are the loudest. I wish more comedians were like Carolla. Dude just doesn’t care. People have tried to cancel him many times and his response is always “shut up. It’s comedy”


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
I have a friend whose young daughter has Alopecia. I had no idea because for a long time she wore a lot of wigs and head wraps. She is beautiful and confident and does a lot of work to raise awareness. I think JPS, for all her other issues, is a real beauty with or without hair. She is easily confident enough to not be bothered by some off the cuff joke by Chris Rock. Smith I think has no idea how to react or behave and simply reached a boiling point. Could have been a great teaching/learning moment for many that has been overshadowed by Smith's heathanism.

Heard a take on braking points that kinda makes sense. Will smith was kind of emasculated when it came out that jada slept with another dude and will was fine with it. Was this him trying to claim a bit of his manhood back? Kinda makes sense when you think about it.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Heard a take on braking points that kinda makes sense. Will smith was kind of emasculated when it came out that jada slept with another dude and will was fine with it. Was this him trying to claim a bit of his manhood back? Kinda makes sense when you think about it.

I think it's exactly that. But, wrong way to go about it.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2021
Heard a take on braking points that kinda makes sense. Will smith was kind of emasculated when it came out that jada slept with another dude and will was fine with it. Was this him trying to claim a bit of his manhood back? Kinda makes sense when you think about it.
But slapping somebody half his size? That seems pretty emasculating itself


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2021
Heard a take on braking points that kinda makes sense. Will smith was kind of emasculated when it came out that jada slept with another dude and will was fine with it. Was this him trying to claim a bit of his manhood back? Kinda makes sense when you think about it.
Also Chris Rock pointed out how he went easy on them with that joke implying that there was all kinds of inappropriate material that he could have used. Will was laughing up until that point.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2021
I am not going to defend Will Smith, but it can be argued that Chris Rock crossed a line. Smith’s wife is losing her hair due to an autoimmune disorder. It isn’t by choice.
I heard the same thing. Perhaps Chris Rock didn't know that though?


Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
Agreed. However in todays society it seems like the most uptight are the loudest. I wish more comedians were like Carolla. Dude just doesn’t care. People have tried to cancel him many times and his response is always “shut up. It’s comedy”
Now, if he was just the least bit funny….
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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
As far out there as that sounds, I've learned to never discount the nefariousness and dishonesty of the media. Something is highly amiss in that industry.
Not defending the media, but are you ever right about anything?


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Agreed. However in todays society it seems like the most uptight are the loudest. I wish more comedians were like Carolla. Dude just doesn’t care. People have tried to cancel him many times and his response is always “shut up. It’s comedy”

Does Corolla have anything to cancel? Remember him from The Man Show….


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Does Corolla have anything to cancel? Remember him from The Man Show….
He has a semi popular podcast and like Jim Breuer has a "special" following. Almost all comedians now have some type of podcast and they all promote each other and their tours/events. Last time I saw him he was crying about something to the media about the media....which was funny.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
He has a semi popular podcast and like Jim Breuer has a "special" following. Almost all comedians now have some type of podcast and they all promote each other and their tours/events. Last time I saw him he was crying about something to the media about the media....which was funny.

Love Breuer. Carolla - meh. He was also great on Crank Yankers but sounds like he’s more political these days? I think comedy is comedy and should be unimpeachable - unless you’re showing your wang to women, just be funny. Chapelle is funny. Rock is funny.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
You Tool, we start censoring comics, all will be lost, including your right to speak. They must be untouchable.

Yeah Josh Barnett had a good take on this on Rogan. Does this set a precedent where comedians in clubs around the country have to fear someone coming at them on stage? Little hyperbolic yeah but he’s not far off. You’re gonna have idiots…. Probably drunk idiots…… in comedy clubs that now will think this is ok. Sure not everyone, but there will be a few. And if a regular person assaults a comedian, you think there will be “ok, no problem” and praise like was afforded Will Smith?

I just think this is a joke…. Maybe I have a different idea of how a grown mature man should act. If it reaches the point where you feel you have to do something, stand up and say something, or address it in private. But when did it become ok to have his response?

And can we all stop this “but she has alopecia” nonsense. IT’S ALOPECIA, NOT CANCER OR AIDS FOR GODS SAKE! It’s treatable and hair can and often does come back. We’re not talking about some terminal disease that Chris rock made fun of.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Love Breuer. Carolla - meh. He was also great on Crank Yankers but sounds like he’s more political these days? I think comedy is comedy and should be unimpeachable - unless you’re showing your wang to women, just be funny. Chapelle is funny. Rock is funny.
Breuer is sharp but lost his mind over Covid a bit. Not sure he recovers but he has his audience and will be just fine.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2021
Chris Rock deserved what he got. Chappelle needs a smackdown next. Dudes say whatever they want, and then expect people to sit there and take it. Nahhhh, not happening.
If you listen real carefully, you can hear Will Smith Snicker and say "Darkness" Right before the slap...

Corner Room Breakfast

Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Don Rickels made a living on insulting people on their looks, and then there's the Dice Man.

Could the woke generation handle a Dean Martin Celebrity Roast ?
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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
Also Chris Rock pointed out how he went easy on them with that joke implying that there was all kinds of inappropriate material that he could have used. Will was laughing up until that point.

In the clips that I saw, assuming they weren't altered, Smith was shown laughing on camera right after Rock said the joke. The cameras went back to Rock on stage and the next time you saw Smith was when he was walking on the stage.
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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2021
Love Breuer. Carolla - meh. He was also great on Crank Yankers but sounds like he’s more political these days? I think comedy is comedy and should be unimpeachable - unless you’re showing your wang to women, just be funny. Chapelle is funny. Rock is funny.
Bruer’s bit about all the different alcohols going to a party in his belly is one of my favorite comedy bits ever.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
So my sister's a teacher. The kids, who probably never would think to even watch the Oscars, were talking about Smith slapping Rock. Good thing they're not impressionable.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
IMO, this all goes back to his wife's infidelity and desire for an open relationship. I think Will Smith is committed to his marriage even if his wife isn't. I think he's going along with her desire for an open marriage in order to avoid divorce. I think that the stress of her extra-marital relationships and the stress of having the whole world know of her relationships is eating him alive. Just my opinion but I think his wife is the problem and as much as I believe in the institution of marriage, I think he needs to cut her loose before this kills him.
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
So my sister's a teacher. The kids, who probably never would think to even watch the Oscars, were talking about Smith slapping Rock. Good thing they're not impressionable.
Oh the tragedy. Hopefully they can overcome this. My kids could care less about it since we are using anecdotal stories for no reason at all. I mean most kids today do not watch cable TV at all in 2022, never mind watching the Oscars which are wildly entertaining for kids said no child ever. Now I'm sure they all saw it on YouTube or other social media sites, but then again no violence or harm has occurred on those platforms.
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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
Oh the tragedy. Hopefully they can overcome this. My kids could care less about it since we are using anecdotal stories for no reason at all. I mean most kids today do not watch cable TV at all in 2022, never mind watching the Oscars which are wildly entertaining for kids said no child ever. Now I'm sure they all saw it on YouTube or other social media sites, but then again no violence or harm has occurred on those platforms.

Gotta love the way some people are all too happy to minimize violence against minorities. That is actual racism imo.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Gotta love the way some people are all too happy to minimize violence against minorities. That is actual racism imo.
Huhhhh, what? Assault is wrong no matter the race. You kind of just outed yourself there though....good job. The fake outrage of "for the children" was a cute touch too. So you're upset it was getting coverage "for the kids", but people minimizing it is also a problem and you then introduce race into this discussion as it wasn't brought up prior to you doing so. Par for the course.
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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Huhhhh, what? Assault is wrong no matter the race. You kind of just outed yourself there though....good job. The fake outrage of "for the children" was a cute touch though. So you're upset it was getting coverage "for the kids", but people minimizing it is also a problem and you then introduce race into this discussion as it wasn't brought up prior to you doing so. Par for the course.

He brought up the minority on minority violence before (not sure if in this thread or another). While that is a component, what's very clearly illustrated by this incident that is bigger than race is the kind of privilege Smith has as a celebrity. He not only assaulted someone in front of millions and walked back to his seat, he was given an award and minutes to talk/defend his conduct not long after. Then partied all night. How many people would get away with that?