Guess you can't have crime when no one visits the ghost town of stark vegas. Engineering better than us? Didn't you guys just get petro engineering back like 5 years ago, huh? No one was smart enough, I guess, to keep at that one in starkville. Tell me is our med school better than yours? Is our dental school better than yours? Is our law school better than yours? Is our architecture better than yours? You're a poverty school, in a poverty town. People from MSU graduate and then head to Jackson. Guess what happens in Jackson? Wouldn't you believe it, crime. Tons of it, too. Seems like a daily shooting out there. Maybe while your capital city begs for clean water tell your ****** governor to share his. Is this Flint Michigan or Jackson MS? The world may never know. Sine you want to talk about your job and how people work for you, I'll tell you a little about me. Graduated from LSU in 2020. Hold 2 degrees. Just graduated with my masters in public policy and now at 25 am working as a lobbyists for the state's largest industry. If you feel the need to keep making jiffy lube or popeye's jokes, carry on. I would say Starkville isn't a very nice college town, but there's not even a damn town there. It's campus and like 2 streets lol