You do realize that we had to also get up by 21 too? That means we did some good things and obviously have the potential to be a good team.
Funny, if we manage to beat Ole Miss, all you clowns will suddenly STFU.
It was Auburn. They have no coach. We were at home. They suck. I'm supposed to praise us for getting up 21 and blowing it? Good Lord.
And yes, "potential to be a good team" is right. So when will it pay off if not when all of these guys are veterans? Like this year. You just admitted with that phrase that we AREN'T a good team.
And yes, if Leach manages to beat Ole Miss it will stop a lot of my complaints. But not just bc it's Ole Miss....
Because he would finally beat his rival, which he has shown zero ability to do in 10+ years
Because he would manage to show up for a road game in this conference, which he hasn't shown.
Because he would manage to compete with a team that is above .500 this year.
All things he hasn't done, so it would make me very happy.
But let's face it, we aren't beating Ole Miss. Because we aren't improving, and we aren't progressing.