I know it's been a long time since I was in college but Marketing used to a study in trying to

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
We aren't triggered. We just think and know it is extremely dumb to have dumb advertising.

Want to grow your market base and include more women? Great and smart. Figure out a way to appeal to women without alienating men. Otherwise you are crappy at your job and I don't feel sorry for you when you lose it b/c you cost your company millions.
A person declaring they will no longer drink a beer simply because that brand chose to use an infinitesimally small amount of their marketing on advertising to a small group of consumers- thats a textbook example of being triggered. This reality is especially true when it comes to mass produced beer, which people typically show loyalty to thru years of purchases.
Throwing all that history and brand loyalty out just because the brand also advertises to a group you dislike? Holy hell that is insecurity at its best.

^ referencing BL

As for Miller Lite- if any man actually feels alienated by Miller Lite because the brand made a 90 second commercial that is clearly comedic in nature, well that also is insecurity at its best. Its a commercial where they say '****' over and over and over- its just meant to be funny and comment on society's history of advertising. Why the 17 would any man feel alienated?

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
A person declaring they will no longer drink a beer simply because that brand chose to use an infinitesimally small amount of their marketing on advertising to a small group of consumers- thats a textbook example of being triggered. This reality is especially true when it comes to mass produced beer, which people typically show loyalty to thru years of purchases.
Throwing all that history and brand loyalty out just because the brand also advertises to a group you dislike? Holy hell that is insecurity at its best.

^ referencing BL

As for Miller Lite- if any man actually feels alienated by Miller Lite because the brand made a 90 second commercial that is clearly comedic in nature, well that also is insecurity at its best. Its a commercial where they say '****' over and over and over- its just meant to be funny and comment on society's history of advertising. Why the 17 would any man feel alienated?
It's also the inevitable problem with fascism. InBev probably loved supporting all this conservative infrastructure and politics for decades....and now it's biting them in the @SS. Always does. Big Business always supports fascism, and always gets burned by it.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I deny that " (1) there is such a concerted effort to expose kids to sexual material so early, to force girls, even young girls, to share bathrooms with men and adolescent and up girls/women to share locker room and shower space with men, and to force girls and women to compete against men in "women's" sports"
This is an absurd stance. There are examples all over the place.

https://news.yahoo.com/judge-rules-loudoun-county-teen-131413442.html & https://www.nationalreview.com/news...andled-bathroom-sex-assault-grand-jury-finds/

https://www.outkick.com/sun-prairie-east-high-school-transgender-shower-genitals-girls-male/ & https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/...m-shower-school-district-faces-legal-scrutiny

https://www.foxsports.com.au/more-s...r/news-story/92986fdec0b7e855b8b6f6271d938e8d & https://ovarit.com/o/SaveWomensSports/239648/tim-anne-andres-complains-about-women-s-bench?sort=new

I find it hard to believe that you really don't know about any of these incidents. You're just so partisan you can't admit obvious facts that go against "your team".

Do you deny that there are people with legitimate medical or psychological conditions that cause them to not fit on the basic two gender dichotomy? If treating these American citizens with respect and legality is not your proposed solution to this reality (assuming you don't deny the above), then what exactly are you proposing?
There are people with legitimate physiological conditions such as being intersex. They are a different conversation and they present harder issues. There are people with psychological conditions (ignoring the question of whether psychological conditions are sometimes/often/usually? physiological conditions) that makes them feel like they are the wrong gender or not a gender. Those people (whether US citizens or not) should be treated with respect and should have the same legal rights and protections as other people. They just don't get to have superior rights to women.

If there is any argument that males who are transgender should not have to share the bathroom with men, that argument applies a thousand fold to women should not have to share a bathroom with men. Any argument that males who are transgender should not have to compete against men in sports applies a thousand fold to women. To the extent single stall bathrooms and showers can be made available, that's a great and reasonable accommodation for men or women that are uncomfortable using the same bathrooms and/or showers as other people of the same sex. To the extent competitions add "Open" categories or even transgender categories to accommodate transgenders, that's great. But refusing women or girls single sex spaces is not a reasonable accommodation.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
The reason people got up in arms about the Mulvaney ad is because (1) there is such a concerted effort to expose kids to sexual material so early, to force girls, even young girls, to share bathrooms with men and adolescent and up girls/women to share locker room and shower space with men, and to force girls and women to compete against men in "women's" sports, and (2) hiring a high level marketing executive that has disdain for Bud light drinkers and is open about it.

THe first isn't necessarily Bud Light's fault as hiring a man that's a transexual doesn't mean you're on board with all the anti-woman parts of the trans agenda, but if they hadn't done number 2, they might would have realized that normal people are getting fed up with the idea of sacrificing the safety of girls and women to cater to a tiny sliver of the male population and it'd be best for them to stay away from the area in general.

This has been discussed, yet you continue to push a BS narrative.
1- the Bud Light IG ad did not expose kids to sexual material, it did not force girls to share bathrooms with men, it did not force women to share shower space with men, and it did not force girls to compete with boys.
You even kind of acknowledge this in your second paragraph, but to a very limited extent. Even though you acknowledge it, you still rant. The ad does not mean Bud Light is on board with all the crap you ranted about.

2- when outrage over the Bud Light ad began, none of those who were outraged were outraged due to the Bud Light marketing executive's comments.
The IG ad was released on April 1. By April 2nd, it was all over Fox News, other conservative sites, and quickly bled out to the rest of the internet. Days later, well after Kid Rock shot some cans of beer with the help of another person off screen, the podcast interview of Alissa Heinscheid made its way into mainstream discussion.
Again, the outrage over the Mulvaney ad existed BEFORE your #2 reason was even well known.

Once more, this has already been discussed. I am unsure why you chose to repeat a timeline that doesnt add up.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
This is an absurd stance. There are examples all over the place.

https://news.yahoo.com/judge-rules-loudoun-county-teen-131413442.html & https://www.nationalreview.com/news...andled-bathroom-sex-assault-grand-jury-finds/

https://www.outkick.com/sun-prairie-east-high-school-transgender-shower-genitals-girls-male/ & https://wpde.com/news/nation-world/...m-shower-school-district-faces-legal-scrutiny

https://www.foxsports.com.au/more-s...r/news-story/92986fdec0b7e855b8b6f6271d938e8d & https://ovarit.com/o/SaveWomensSports/239648/tim-anne-andres-complains-about-women-s-bench?sort=new

I find it hard to believe that you really don't know about any of these incidents. You're just so partisan you can't admit obvious facts that go against "your team".

There are people with legitimate physiological conditions such as being intersex. They are a different conversation and they present harder issues. There are people with psychological conditions (ignoring the question of whether psychological conditions are sometimes/often/usually? physiological conditions) that makes them feel like they are the wrong gender or not a gender. Those people (whether US citizens or not) should be treated with respect and should have the same legal rights and protections as other people. They just don't get to have superior rights to women.

If there is any argument that males who are transgender should not have to share the bathroom with men, that argument applies a thousand fold to women should not have to share a bathroom with men. Any argument that males who are transgender should not have to compete against men in sports applies a thousand fold to women. To the extent single stall bathrooms and showers can be made available, that's a great and reasonable accommodation for men or women that are uncomfortable using the same bathrooms and/or showers as other people of the same sex. To the extent competitions add "Open" categories or even transgender categories to accommodate transgenders, that's great. But refusing women or girls single sex spaces is not a reasonable accommodation.
It's not absurd, it's just that your brain is rotted.

There are people with legitimate physiological conditions such as being intersex. They are a different conversation and they present harder issues. "

There, that is the non-brain rot answer. Where the brain rot sets in is your inability to see or accept that you cannot set policy without taking into account those "harder issues". There's no magic "no hard issues at this bathroom please" spell, Harry Potter. Where the brain rot sets in is your desire that you or people like you should never have to see or interact with those "hard issues".

So what's the answer? Don't know. Don't care too much to be honest. Peeps that look like men, penis or not, should use the men's room. Same for women that look like women should use the women's. Either way, take reasonable effort to not flash your junk. Parents, be reasonable in understanding that public restrooms may expose your kids to junk. (It appears cons reject this because they wish to define gender, and this doesn't fit with their definition, right? ). Flash your junk, potentially face charges. I suppose public policy could attempt to shoehorn in here, maybe mandate 3rd bathroom type for businesses over a certain size, but it seems excessive.
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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
They had a golden opportunity here but just couldn't help but to **** and fall back in it all for diversity's sake.

Eff'em. I hate to do it but I'm gonna have to go with Heineken or Coors Light.
Diversity? Women are more than 17n 50% of the population. Diversity? What the hell are you talking about?
Not to mention, 100% of women have to put up with **** from "Mr. Diversity" here.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
This has been discussed, yet you continue to push a BS narrative.
1- the Bud Light IG ad did not expose kids to sexual material, it did not force girls to share bathrooms with men, it did not force women to share shower space with men, and it did not force girls to compete with boys.
You even kind of acknowledge this in your second paragraph, but to a very limited extent. Even though you acknowledge it, you still rant. The ad does not mean Bud Light is on board with all the crap you ranted about.
I would love to witness how your cognitive dissonance works. You even tip toe up to the obvious where you note that I "kind of acknowledge it...but to a very limited extent." Which of course the limited extent is that I have explicitly stated that they haven't done that to my knowledge. Does your mind just skip over statements that don't fit whatever idea you've already committed to? Or does it just misinterpret them? It'd be interesting to know.

2- when outrage over the Bud Light ad began, none of those who were outraged were outraged due to the Bud Light marketing executive's comments.

This is correct. I edited between talking about things that were or were not Bud Light's fault, and what bothered people and left it a jumbled between the two. I think her comments have helped keep the controversy alive to a limited extent. Not just immediately coming out and firing her and saying they are sorry for hiring an exec that has disdain for their core customers I think really opened the eyes of a lot of people. They had an easy out to fire her and plausibly tell Mulvaney supporters that it wasn't because of Mulvaney and they refused to take it.

The IG ad was released on April 1. By April 2nd, it was all over Fox News, other conservative sites, and quickly bled out to the rest of the internet. Days later, well after Kid Rock shot some cans of beer with the help of another person off screen, the podcast interview of Alissa Heinscheid made its way into mainstream discussion.
Again, the outrage over the Mulvaney ad existed BEFORE your #2 reason was even well known.

Once more, this has already been discussed. I am unsure why you chose to repeat a timeline that doesnt add up.
Who has discussed it? I'm not really trusting of your claims about what has or has not been discussed since our last "discussion" on this issue involved me stating that Bud Light was largely catching flak because of frustration from things other people/entities did and you saying "nuh-uh, Bud Light never engaged in those activities" that I just said they hadn't engaged in.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
It's not absurd, it's just that your brain is rotted.

There are people with legitimate physiological conditions such as being intersex. They are a different conversation and they present harder issues. "

There, that is the non-brain rot answer. Where the brain rot sets in is your inability to see or accept that you cannot set policy without taking into account those "harder issues". There's no magic "no hard issues at this bathroom please" spell, Harry Potter. Where the brain rot sets in is your desire that you or people like you should never have to see or interact with those "hard issues".

Just because there are hard issues doesn't mean you treat issues that aren't hard as hard. Something like a little less than .02% of the population have an intersex condition where their genotype and phenotype of sex is different or the phenotype of sex is ambiguous. And even for them, most of them will be able to go to a public bathroom without causing any concern. They are generally going to be able to pass for whichever sex they prefer if they do not clearly look like one or the other.

So what's the answer? Don't know. Don't care too much to be honest. Peeps that look like men, penis or not, should use the men's room. Same for women that look like women should use the women's. Either way, take reasonable effort to not flash your junk. Parents, be reasonable in understanding that public restrooms may expose your kids to junk. (It appears cons reject this because they wish to define gender, and this doesn't fit with their definition, right? ). Flash your junk, potentially face charges.

Except for parents expecting girls to be exposed to genatalia, this was the very reasonable social solution to intersex (which most people probably didn't even know about) and transgenderism, with the addition that if you were a male and weren't sure if you could pass as female, you'd better go to the men's restroom. It wasn't until trans "advocates" started pushing for a right to be able to use whatever bathroom you felt like that this became an issue.

I suppose public policy could attempt to shoehorn in here, maybe mandate 3rd bathroom type for businesses over a certain size, but it seems excessive.
Not sure they should get into businesses' bathroom situation, but many government buildings are big enough to have at least one formerly sex specific bathroom be either/or. If you only have say 2 mens and 2 women's bathrooms, designating one of the men's is not exactly efficient, but it's fine. It's really fine if you have say six of each. You can even rotate which formerly men's bathroom is either/or over time to the extent one rarely getting used causes uneven wear and tear issues.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Just because there are hard issues doesn't mean you treat issues that aren't hard as hard. Something like a little less than .02% of the population have an intersex condition where their genotype and phenotype of sex is different or the phenotype of sex is ambiguous. And even for them, most of them will be able to go to a public bathroom without causing any concern. They are generally going to be able to pass for whichever sex they prefer if they do not clearly look like one or the other.

Except for parents expecting girls to be exposed to genatalia, this was the very reasonable social solution to intersex (which most people probably didn't even know about) and transgenderism, with the addition that if you were a male and weren't sure if you could pass as female, you'd better go to the men's restroom. It wasn't until trans "advocates" started pushing for a right to be able to use whatever bathroom you felt like that this became an issue.

Not sure they should get into businesses' bathroom situation, but many government buildings are big enough to have at least one formerly sex specific bathroom be either/or. If you only have say 2 mens and 2 women's bathrooms, designating one of the men's is not exactly efficient, but it's fine. It's really fine if you have say six of each. You can even rotate which formerly men's bathroom is either/or over time to the extent one rarely getting used causes uneven wear and tear issues.
Please explain to me how to set bathroom law/policy on the "not hard" issues while not addressing the "hard" issues. I'll wait. Please explain how to legally differentiate between "intersex" or whatever and post op trannies. And don't say genetics unless you have a plan to check DNA at the bathroom door.

Where the brain rot sets in is that Fox has convinced you that "the left" wants weirdos flashing your girls in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure you know how left I am by now, and I just laid out what I think, which yourself just labeled as "pretty reasonable". So stop and think for a second. Yes, there is a fringe that thinks anyone should be able to use any bathroom, but unlike what Fox has fooled you into believing, the "left" is actually reasonable, and just wants trannies to be able to use A bathroom. The one that makes the most sense for all involved. That's a reasonable accommodation of law. Flashing junk, of any gender, is a crime and should remain so. Sex assault, of any gender, is a crime and should remain so.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Make money for a company, I guess it means losing it now. I keep wondering who they are paying to come up with these expensive ad campaigns that are dumb as a rock.

I just think it's interesting that they made a commercial about destroying the history of oversexualizing women by starring a woman in a mini skirt and tight sweater.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
We aren't triggered. We just think and know it is extremely dumb to have dumb advertising.

Want to grow your market base and include more women? Great and smart. Figure out a way to appeal to women without alienating men. Otherwise you are crappy at your job and I don't feel sorry for you when you lose it b/c you cost your company millions.
How does this ad alienate men? I’ll admit I didn’t really study the ad but it did it even mention men?


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
A person declaring they will no longer drink a beer simply because that brand chose to use an infinitesimally small amount of their marketing on advertising to a small group of consumers- thats a textbook example of being triggered. This reality is especially true when it comes to mass produced beer, which people typically show loyalty to thru years of purchases.
Throwing all that history and brand loyalty out just because the brand also advertises to a group you dislike? Holy hell that is insecurity at its best.

^ referencing BL

As for Miller Lite- if any man actually feels alienated by Miller Lite because the brand made a 90 second commercial that is clearly comedic in nature, well that also is insecurity at its best. Its a commercial where they say '****' over and over and over- its just meant to be funny and comment on society's history of advertising. Why the 17 would any man feel alienated?
i'm not triggered. quit drinking michelob ultra though to prove a point.

love your double standards too. don't worry i know you'll reply with some dumb statement how you don't have a double standard.

Nothing funny about their commercial. just dumb.
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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
How does this ad alienate men? I’ll admit I didn’t really study the ad but it did it even mention men?
You can not mention men and alienate them especially when most of their customer base is.......you know......... men.

It certainly attempts to make men look like bad guys or villians due to the "old advertising".


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
I just think it's interesting that they made a commercial about destroying the history of oversexualizing women by starring a woman in a mini skirt and tight sweater.
Exactly… now that is the interesting thing about the ad to me. I didn’t think it alienated men, I certainly didn’t think it was woke… but you want to really push the msg that you’re trying to push, then go get your run of the mill feminist.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
You can not mention men and alienate them especially when most of their customer base is.......you know......... men.

It certainly attempts to make men look like bad guys or villians due to the "old advertising".
I didn’t get that vibe from it at all. Now it’s certainly not an ad geared at men. But I would venture to say 99% of beer ads over the course of history have been geared toward men. Do beer companies need to market their product to a demographic they pretty much dominate? Kinda seems counterintuitive to spending money on marketing.

It is ironic that a bunch of men (probably mostly white republican men who claim to hate identity politics) get their feelings hurt over not being included (being alienated) in an ad but get mad at women because they want to be included in an ad.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Yeah i think we all know who the special person is here.
Hmm, I'm gonna go with the guy who thinks a dirty trickster political actor can hold a laptop for 2 years, then claim evidence on it is credible. That was you right? And it's you who insists on calling me stupid in every thread because I took the opposite view, right?


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
I didn’t get that vibe from it at all. Now it’s certainly not an ad geared at men. But I would venture to say 99% of beer ads over the course of history have been geared toward men. Do beer companies need to market their product to a demographic they pretty much dominate? Kinda seems counterintuitive to spending money on marketing.

It is ironic that a bunch of men (probably mostly white republican men who claim to hate identity politics) get their feelings hurt over not being included (being alienated) in an ad but get mad at women because they want to be included in an ad.
I 100% agree that they should target women to increase sales.

That commercial sucked. It wasn’t good. There is a small portion of women who would like that commercial and most of them aren’t going to drink miller 17ing lite.

They could have left out the part about previous advertising and swimsuits and how much that sucked (it didn’t it actually worked) and focused on home brewers (men and women) with an emphasis on women. Added some more of women who just like to drink and it would have been a great commercial.

Hell make an add with women and men drinking beer and make it American themed and they would have crushed it. Killed it.

But they suck at their job and they’ll pay the price.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Hmm, I'm gonna go with the guy who thinks a dirty trickster political actor can hold a laptop for 2 years, then claim evidence on it is credible. That was you right? And it's you who insists on calling me stupid in every thread because I took the opposite view, right?
You are 100% dumb for what you just stated.
Glad to see you are doubling down.

Real men of genius!


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
I 100% agree that they should target women to increase sales.

That commercial sucked. It wasn’t good. There is a small portion of women who would like that commercial and most of them aren’t going to drink miller 17ing lite.

They could have left out the part about previous advertising and swimsuits and how much that sucked (it didn’t it actually worked) and focused on home brewers (men and women) with an emphasis on women. Added some more of women who just like to drink and it would have been a great commercial.

Hell make an add with women and men drinking beer and make it American themed and they would have crushed it. Killed it.

But they suck at their job and they’ll pay the price.
I agree it was not a good commercial, not nearly as funny as they were hoping. And I would imagine 99% of women who have been in beer ads in a bikini didn’t mind.
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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Exactly. The only reason certain people got up in arms about the Mulvaney ad is because they are offended to know trans people exist. They want them to disappear. And we all know where that leads.
How childish. Normal people just wanna be left the 17 alone.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I just think it's interesting that they made a commercial about destroying the history of oversexualizing women by starring a woman in a mini skirt and tight sweater.
You think this woman is being overly sexualized due to what she is wearing?
Come on.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
i'm not triggered. quit drinking michelob ultra though to prove a point.

love your double standards too. don't worry i know you'll reply with some dumb statement how you don't have a double standard.

Nothing funny about their commercial. just dumb.
What point were you proving by boycotting mich ultra? If there is some controversy over it, I missed it.

I also don't know what double standard you are referring to. I am not saying I don't have one here, I don't even know what you mean so I can't say I don't have it.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
What point were you proving by boycotting mich ultra? If there is some controversy over it, I missed it.

I also don't know what double standard you are referring to. I am not saying I don't have one here, I don't even know what you mean so I can't say I don't have it.
This is how uninformed you are on most topics.
Michelob ultra and bud light are basically the same thing.
Anheuser Busch products.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
This is how uninformed you are on most topics.
Michelob ultra and bud light are basically the same thing.
Anheuser Busch products.
Oh, you are boycotting all ABinbev products?

Not sure why I am uninformed on most topics just because I didn't realize you are boycotting all ABinbev products.
Some real mental gymnastics going on.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2011
How about this,

Beer drinkers are mostly dudes (any argument?)
Dudes drink the beer they've been drinking since what 16?
Beer A has been marketing to those dudes for, let's say 50 years, that covers 16 to 67 year old dudes.

Dudes don't like trannies but you know what, it's a free country, do whatever the hell you want.

Dudes find out the trannies are now targeting kids in schools(undisputed).

Dudes find out trannies are now winning women of the year awards.

Dudes are now finding out dudes with penises are in their little girls locker rooms.

Dudes now see Bud Light, Miller Light, Adidas, and Target encouraging this bull *****.

Dudes say **** off, I'm not buying your ****.

where's the problem? I don't see anything about politics involved here. Just some dudes who don't like what some other people are selling.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2011
Bottom line, it's bull *****! Dudes don't want to be associated with the bull *****.

if companies are ok with the loss of dudes business, go for it.

just don't be pissed at the dudes when they say **** off.

capitalism is great. I have no idea what these marketing companies are thinking.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Please explain to me how to set bathroom law/policy on the "not hard" issues while not addressing the "hard" issues. I'll wait. Please explain how to legally differentiate between "intersex" or whatever and post op trannies. And don't say genetics unless you have a plan to check DNA at the bathroom door.

The bathroom issue for intersex isn't that hard to my knowledge. Again, they generally aren't going to have a problem passing as one gender or the other. That's why the issue wasn't pushed as an intersex issue, which would have been infinitely easier to sell to the public. The sports issue is hard for some intersex and can easily be differentiated between transgenders.

Where the brain rot sets in is that Fox has convinced you that "the left" wants weirdos flashing your girls in the bathroom. I'm pretty sure you know how left I am by now, and I just laid out what I think, which yourself just labeled as "pretty reasonable". So stop and think for a second. Yes, there is a fringe that thinks anyone should be able to use any bathroom, but unlike what Fox has fooled you into believing, the "left" is actually reasonable, and just wants trannies to be able to use A bathroom. The one that makes the most sense for all involved. That's a reasonable accommodation of law. Flashing junk, of any gender, is a crime and should remain so. Sex assault, of any gender, is a crime and should remain so.
What was pretty reasonable was already the emergent solution. If that was all that was wanted by trans advocates and other leftists, there wouldn't be an issue. If they felt like they needed some sort of legal assurance, they could have said that females that are transgendered can use the men's bathroom, locker rooms, showers in public buildings without threat of prosecution, which I think the vast majority of people would be fine with. But that's not what they have pushed for and I can't believe you maintain such a bubble that you think it is.


Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Oh, you are boycotting all ABinbev products?

Not sure why I am uninformed on most topics just because I didn't realize you are boycotting all ABinbev products.
Some real mental gymnastics going on.
Yes trying to understand a leftist brain is very mentally complicated.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
You think this woman is being overly sexualized due to what she is wearing?
Come on.
View attachment 341081
Why are you deadgendering this person, you bigot?

No matter what it is....he/she/it/they/manboy/boygirl/ladyboy/whatever, my point stands. This person should be an a burqua or at least a loose fitting turtleneck and slacks. Otherwise, where is the line.

And on behalf of most here, I want to thank you and boom boom for going full on moron in this thread.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
The bathroom issue for intersex isn't that hard to my knowledge. Again, they generally aren't going to have a problem passing as one gender or the other. That's why the issue wasn't pushed as an intersex issue, which would have been infinitely easier to sell to the public. The sports issue is hard for some intersex and can easily be differentiated between transgenders.

What was pretty reasonable was already the emergent solution. If that was all that was wanted by trans advocates and other leftists, there wouldn't be an issue. If they felt like they needed some sort of legal assurance, they could have said that females that are transgendered can use the men's bathroom, locker rooms, showers in public buildings without threat of prosecution, which I think the vast majority of people would be fine with. But that's not what they have pushed for and I can't believe you maintain such a bubble that you think it is.

You don't think GOP bathroom bills would affect the intersex?

Talk about bubbles. There are trannies that easily pass as the gender that matches the bathroom they are using, that would be prohibited by GOP bills. Do you deny?

There you go again.The sports issue is easy.....if you ignore the hard parts. In this case, the hard part is the psychological element.

I don't know what the fringiest elements have pushed for. Sadly, you Tucker watchers would know better than liberal me. Maybe you should explain why any of us should care? I'm over here concerned with what the majority wants, with what our govt does. You're the one freaking out that anything other than your "disappear the trannies" bills will cause our little girls to see penises in every bathroom trip, so maybe you should explain the legal necessity that I'm not seeing.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
You don't think GOP bathroom bills would affect the intersex?
The GOP didn't pull the bathroom bills out of their ***. The left forced that issue. There was a generally accepted social solution and that wasn't good enough for the left or trans activitsts.

Talk about bubbles. There are trannies that easily pass as the gender that matches the bathroom they are using, that would be prohibited by GOP bills. Do you deny?

Of course there some that can pass. And they could use the bathroom they passed for before the left made this an issue, and they can still as a practical matter do that, because nobody is checking their junk on the way in the door if they can pass. It would have been better if this had been left alone. Social solutions can handle nuance that written legislation has trouble with.

There you go again.The sports issue is easy.....if you ignore the hard parts. In this case, the hard part is the psychological element.

The psychological part is easy. We don't have men and women's sports because of psychological differences. We have it because of physiological differences. If you feel like there is something not captured by sex that is similar in that you can be female'ish or male'ish or something in between, that's fine and there's no reason to have a disagreement over that with respect to sports. We separate competitive sports by sex. So the transgender issue is easy. Option (1) If you are male, compete in the male sport. If you are female, compete in a female sport. Option (2) Provide a women's category for females that aren't taking any supplements and provide an open category that allows anybody to compete, including females that are taking testosterone or whatever substance that would disqualify them from female competition (and would disqualify men from men's competition if they took them).

The intersex problem is hard. You have intersex athletes that are pretty masculine and there have been some that have probably only been female because of a bias to assign them female when it's unclear. I don't have a problem with them competing in women's sports. Pretty much any truly top tier athletes have some genetic predispositions that make their performance popular. With this being well less than 2 hundredths of a percent of the population, I think it's acceptable to just treat that as the same type of genetic predisposition. But it's certainly not crazy for non-intersex women getting beat by them to think they aren't being allowed a fair chance to compete against other people similarly situated to them from a sex standpoint.

I don't know what the fringiest elements have pushed for. Sadly, you Tucker watchers would know better than liberal me. Maybe you should explain why any of us should care? I'm over here concerned with what the majority wants, with what our govt does. You're the one freaking out that anything other than your "disappear the trannies" bills will cause our little girls to see penises in every bathroom trip, so maybe you should explain the legal necessity that I'm not seeing.
If by fringiest elements, you mean the city councils that have pushed to do away with single sex bathrooms, then you don't have to watch tucker. You can look at the actual ordinances created this mess.
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