I think a lot of people on the right previously thought that the military, intelligence, and law enforcement had avoided the worst of the rot that other government entities suffered from. More libertarian people on the right used to routinely mock other people on the right for totally losing their skepticism of government when it came to the military, intelligence, and law enforcement branches.
I think the new found skepticism of foreign involvement is just a reflection of people on the right realizing they were wrong. Some of it is just that different people have influence now. There was always an isolationist streak on the right, they just had zero influence up through Iraq. Some of it may also just be that another nuclear power is involved and they wouldn't be so hesitant to get involved in disputes involving non-nuclear powers.
If a lot on the right have changed how they view things, they sure havent actually said as much. From what I have seen, they largely have just glossed over their recent history of views/comments/support and went straight to taking an opposition stance to who is currently POTUS.
Now I am jumping to a conclusion here, but I assume many have taken this position simply because its the opposite of Biden.
Dick Cheney and Colin Powell are still viewed in high regard. That should really be all that is needed to show the total inconsistency and motivation behind the current popular view of 'the right'.
I have enjoyed the comments of 'Biden is over there trying to secure their border while ours is wide open!'. Yeah, illegal immigration is a problem. The last president's crazyass ideas werent good, the prior Republican president's ideas werent good, and the crazyass soundbites that the vocal Congress crazies release on a seemingly daily bases arent good.
None of what I have read during this century, from anyone with legislative or executive power, has been a comprehensive and realistic plan to address illegal immigration.
But that sure doesnt stop the pot stirrers from dipping their ladle in.