Is there a running thread for funny jokes or memes?


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
An elderly couple moves slowly from the counter at the fast food restaurant to a booth to have their meal. The gentleman takes out one burger, one order or fries and has one drink in the middle of the table.
With his pocket knife he cuts the sandwich in half, then proceeds to separate the fries evenly between the two of them.
Being concerned that they had to share one sandwich and fries, I approached them and offered to buy them another meal.
“No, we are fine. We share everything,” said the old man.
He continues eating his sandwich and sipping the one drink.
Again, I ask if I could please buy a second meal.
Again, I’m told “no thank you. We are happy to share everything”
I turn to the old woman and ask why she isn’t eating her portion of the meal.
“I’m waiting on the teeth.”
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
See they're doing a movie with all the old action movie heroes playing famous composers?

Stallone said "I'll be Beethoven"
Willis said "I'll be Mozart"
Schwarzenegger said "I'll be Bach"
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021

Reminds me of one a former coworker who was ex Air Force told me....

What does "secure a building" mean to the different branches of the service?
The Navy locks the doors and leaves.
The Army sends an infantry squad
The Marines send a full platoon with heavy weapons.
The Air Force takes out a 2 year lease and puts in a bar.

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