Obviously the lions share is D-1 football and basketball . Would you think all the other stuff would add up to ? $3 billion ?
[EDITED to add "Profit without FB coaching salaries." 5:24 pm, 9/3/22].
PSU was 9th most profitable per this determination.
Guy who put together that chart is an intellectually lazy turd. Oregon is such a major outlier and he fails to notate it? Di he even bother to ask why? Took me about three minutes: in 2020 they received nearly $300mm in donations (guess who the largest benefactor was) to fund the renovation of Hayward Field.
Hirko is the poster boy for why higher ed is failing in this country. From his profile:
Assistant Professor
Wayne State University · Full-time
Jan 2023 - Present · 1 yrJan 2023 - Present · 1 yr
Joined the Sport Administration & Management Program in January 2023,
teaching Sport Finance, History of Sport, and Sport Communications & Media.
Do the other sports add to $3bn? Have no good idea. If there were an Over/Under, I'd take the under. Reason: Media rights contracts for the whoe kit and kaboodle don't amount to squadoosh (that may change for women's basketball in the near future). That leaves the gate as pretty much the sole contributor. Under.