Here's my view of PSU football and where it is headed.
We could have been elite but we chose the $ and joined the Big 10. Every team added to the Big 10 is subservient to the Big 2. The league office ensures this. You see it when Ohio St can't score even 1 TD against an SEC team because they actually call holding against them. Same with Michigan who has crapped the bed in bowl games. The big 10 help is a crutch that they cannot overcome when they play outside of the Big 10. As for the rest of the Big 10 teams, they exist for light competition to the Big 2. PSU came in and destroyed Ohio St in 94. That isn't permitted and we were screwed over and over until the Big 2 rose back to the top. College football now has replay because of this.
Now as for college football, it is dying a rapidly increasing death. This media-scripted "playoff" with 2 teams chosen over an undefeated power 5 for the 1st time ever (causing 1/3 of that jilted team to leave), a team that the entire country knows has cheated for the last several years, and a team that helped blow up it's own conference is a farce. How do I know it is scripted? The commercials have been telling us - "the greatest story ever written". No, I don't want your committee/cabal and partnering networks' directed greatest story. I want a real playoff. No, not even your 12-team more of the same trying to pass it off as throwing fans a bone but really 8 teams are fighting to become the fodder for the 4 committee/cabal chosen teams who get to rest up and then destroy them. Opt outs making a mockery of NY6 bowl games, every player a free agent every year bought by the highest bidders with no salary caps, IT ISN'T COLLEGE FOOTBALL.
So what is my response to these unpalatable changes? I'm not watching college football the rest of the year. I'm going to cut down my PSU game attendance to maybe once or twice a year and kind of wait and see. I already don't care about it half as much as I did earlier in the season because many of the players don't seem to care, at least those opting out last minute. I'm not booking any more bowl trips because I cannot trust if we are even going to be the same team as during the season or that our head coach will be honest about that with us. Thankfully, I changed my mind on this year's trip after the season ended. And I don't need to be buying anymore PSU apparel. I have 2 lifetime's worth already and I'm just excited for the product (PSU and college football). I won't be watching half as much college football outside of PSU either because if the certain games that used to be the biggest of the year don't even matter to many of the players, then why should I care?