I appreciate your response. I studied abroad in 2006 (right after the orange bowl win against FSU). I can only speak for myself but I definitely wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth and have the student loan payments to prove it.I wanted kids that were hungry. I, and several of my colleagues as well, thought that those who studied abroad were probably fed from silver spoons. Unfair? Probably, but when you are trimming applications it seemed to work. Frankly, anyone that "studies" abroad without being a Rhodes Scholar or something similar is also being given everything else and unlikely to be "hungry".
Again, I was after those that would be hard workers and I figured those that already were hard workers would be more likely to continue on that path.
From a personal standpoint, I have three children. All three have or will graduate with zero student loans, mainly because I have the means. They each got a few scholarships, but almost all of that money was deposited into their student account and was used to cover a portion of tuition (my benefit!). I didn't give them any, and I mean any spending money from tenth grade on. If they wanted spending money they worked and saved. Going into a school year with zero spending money was a big incentive to get a good job and work as many hours as possible.
What myself and many other kids in the program I was in did was use the study abroad time to take classes that fulfilled the gen Ed credit requirements or courses their schools approved of that fulfilled requirements in their specific majors. This was determined beforehand by the university and the study abroad program. I came home, worked all summer as I always did and still graduated on time. I enjoyed my time abroad and wouldn’t change it but it was not the “you must do this or you haven’t had the full college experience” thing that I felt it was made out to be by some of my friends and professors.
I would be upset to know I could possibly not be considered for a job due to the fact that I studied abroad.
Your kids are fortunate they won’t have to deal with student loans. I hope I can provide the same for my kids one day.