Absolutely true. But one of the things I faulted Joe for big time, especially in the agonizing late-90s, was his commitment to players that had "paid their dues".
Bruh. I don't give two phux who has been riding the bench for 3 seasons. Put the best 11 guys on the field! End of story.
And if someone walks through the door that's better than the current starter, guess what? That guy should immediately be the new starter.
This drove me to the brink of insanity when Joe insisted on playing 5th year senior and team captain Derrick Wake at linebacker when he had true freshman Dan Connor on the bench.
Connor did eventually become the starter that season, but Joe weened Wake off the number of snaps he was seeing, instead of just benching his ***. It was infuriating!
Franklin plays the same stupid game. "Oh, but this guy's been here! He's been waiting for his chance! He's worked hard!"
Don't care, buddy. All that matters is if he's getting the job done.
Sean Clifford had no business seeing all the meaningful snaps in his 6th year. It was evident he had hit his ceiling, and that shouldn've been the year they cultivated Drew Allar to take over the program.
Instead, they blew Drew's redshirt on nothing, and he gained a whooping ZERO experience that season because Franklin was out there playing Buddy System.