If your name is Moogy, you have enough problems to deal with. Calling a division one coach a gym teacher reveals you to be the misanthrope I suspected you were at first blush. I'm not hard on myself, but I'll bet that's the only way you've ever experienced it.Don't be so hard on yourself. I think I can educate you a teeny bit. If you're willing.
Why would that have been hard for me to watch? I'm one of the guys railing on the never-Franklins. I predicted we'd whoop these guys, even if their starting QB was healthy and Clifford and others didn't play.
Believe it or not, sparkles, you can support a program, and a coach, and still point out when and where they made mistakes. You don't have to be a stan, stomping your feet and crying that you can never question a coach because coaching is so dang hard ... which is why PE teachers are so prevalent in coaching - because that's where all our great (sports) minds go. There's a happy medium between the "Franklin must go" crew who criticize everything he does, and doesn't do ... and the "Don't be mean to my snookums! He's trying!" crew helmed by you.
Now I can ignore you moron.