OT: Sound of Freedom Review

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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Godwin alert. Avoid referencing Nazis in any argument.
Godwin's Law is dead, per Godwin himself. We are far too similar to early 1930s Germany right now. Could go the same way. If it does, its chief accomplice will be people who should have known better who tsk tskd those who were sounding the alarm. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.....and there's a whole lot of people promoting doing nothing about these problems.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
There was one death. A protestor at the hands of a capitol police officer.

I saw the videos of the riots. Policemen giving escorts to "violent protestors" and showing them around the capital.

Yeah some folks acted like idiots. And then other idiots used that to score political points. Much like you're doing here.

But wouldn't you know it, Trump vacated the white house and biden was sworn in on inauguration day. Peaceful transition of power.

Democrats never win on telling you how it is. They have to convince you to ignore your lying eyes and believe their alternate reality. Much like you're doing here.

I would tell you to be a better 17n human being but we've established long ago that you're incapable of such.
So much irony in that post.

retire the banner

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2022
Blissful ignorance of what's happening combined with an over confidence of speaking for everyone on the board that has lived in the South their whole life.
Heck of a combo there, big shooter.

Yeah, San Francisco is challenged with fixing some societal issues that were allowed to be created and flourish over the last few decades. I agree there and actually had a long discussion about how the city got there with one of my kids a few days ago.
I’m fine speaking for people who live in the South in saying that we don’t really come into contact with “extreme-right” , “nazi” , “Q anon” , “hitler” or whatever the most recent slang term is. On the other side, all you have to do is spend a few minutes walking around a city in California or Portland and you’ll come into contact with Antifa left-wing individuals who are determined to cause havoc. Why is that?


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
This exchange of insults has used almost every derogatory term in the Left or Right Playbook. The only problem is all of you have successfully buried the original issue of human trafficking. It almost feels like I am sitting in on a day in Congress debate.
Congress needs a Hacksaw Iron Sheik moment.
What I mean is it’s all wrestling kayfabe now. You can tell when political enemies retire they all the sudden become buddies.
In the 80’s Sheik and Duggan got arrested riding together for smoking weed. Since one was a face and the other a heel, the news pissed Vince off because it made it look like wrestling wasn’t real. We need MTG and AOC arrested for doing blow off a Chippendale’s dancer together so we can destroy kayfabe.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
And yet, there was a peaceful transition of power.

The transfer of power was anything but peaceful. People erected gallows at the Capitol, and chanted 'Hang Mike Pence' because he was going to certify the election. The crowd then forced their way into the building which caused Pence, as well as legislators from both parties, to go into secure hiding.
Trump later defended the group in an interview by saying the anger was warranted due to the fraudulent election(that still has never been shown to be...fraudulent).

People were calling for the VP to be hung, and then rushed into the building where he was and forced the VP and others into hiding.
...but the transition of power was peaceful according to you.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
But wouldn't you know it, Trump vacated the white house and biden was sworn in on inauguration day. Peaceful transition of power.
I think I have identified the disconnect here. You apparently think that 'peaceful transition of power' only applies to the day when power changes hands.
I, and others, view 'transition' as a longer timeline than the single day when power changes hands. There are transition teams that work for weeks and weeks to ensure the transition of power is seamless, but it looks like using your language, they shouldnt be called transition teams since transition only applies to the day when power changes hands.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I’m fine speaking for people who live in the South in saying that we don’t really come into contact with “extreme-right”...
Like I said- blissful ignorance.

On the other side, all you have to do is spend a few minutes walking around a city in California or Portland and you’ll come into contact with Antifa left-wing individuals who are determined to cause havoc. Why is that?
You may happen upon one, or you likely wont. Depends on what city and when and where in the city and how much you are trying to find an example. Like really, do you think Antifa is like some centralized group of nouveau-Merry Pranksters that are prancing around causing chaos in all cities across CA at 10am on a random Wednesday?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
That survey is not designed to get at people's actual beliefs. It's designed to bait them into giving their opinion on the ruling class. An opinion that's not completely baseless. It does seem pretty likely there have been some pretty connected people working to protect Epstein's clients and/or blackmail victims. But that doesn't mean they actually believe those people have control or are actual satan worshipers.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Godwin's Law is dead, per Godwin himself. We are far too similar to early 1930s Germany right now. Could go the same way. If it does, its chief accomplice will be people who should have known better who tsk tskd those who were sounding the alarm. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.....and there's a whole lot of people promoting doing nothing about these problems.
No we aren't, unless you think the Communist Party in this country was as popular as it was in the early 1930s or that a Great Depression is causing Americans to join extremist parties intent on destroying democracy. There's a strand of conservatism that claims America is in its Weimar stage because of the cultural left and the insistence that all cultural norms once accepted are actually oppressive and need to be abolished. I don't believe it and you just posted some generalizations. I bet someone could point out that we're like the 1890s and the Gilded Age too. Doesn't make it so. I think we're like the late Roman Republic, I mean Roman Empire, I mean early Stuart Dynasty, I mean late Han Dynasty, I mean....

retire the banner

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2022
Like I said- blissful ignorance.

This blissful ignorance argument isn’t holding any water. I thought you’d come back with something better.

The underlying issue is from your perspective / the left, is anyone who voted for Donald Trump/owns a rifle/doesn’t support cutting off my sons genitals and replacing it with a ****** is “a far right extremist”. That’s a major problem.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
That survey is not designed to get at people's actual beliefs. It's designed to bait them into giving their opinion on the ruling class. An opinion that's not completely baseless. It does seem pretty likely there have been some pretty connected people working to protect Epstein's clients and/or blackmail victims. But that doesn't mean they actually believe those people have control or are actual satan worshipers.
Gymnastics Athlete GIF


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Is Q really any dumber than some of the bizarre theories pushed on college campuses by humanities and social science profs (gender and ***** theory, aspects of post-modernism, post colonial studies, critical race theory, cdrazy stuff in 4th wave feminism, etc). Highly educated people simply know how to rationalize their beliefs better and, because the left dominates cultural organizations and working class whites are icky to them, few on the left challenge their nonsense in the way they go after Q believers. I know a few Marxists. How delusional do you have to be to accept Marxism, and not just some critiques of capitalism? It's been tried. It didn't go well. Update: apparently Qu**r theory isn appropriate. I like that the algorithm knows bs when it sees it.

Um...I will go with 'Yes, in general Q theories are dumber'.
You managed to really pack a wide range of subjects to include as a comparison to Q theories so I cant say for sure that ALL are dumber, but yeah I am confident in saying some are dumber.

- Q theories are stuff like claiming kids are being abducted and held alive for rape and torture by the wealthy and powerful so they can drink the harvested blood of children and stay young.
compare that to...
- Gender studies is the study of how gender impacts representation and views in society, as well as how identity has been handled during different periods of time within our society and others.

It is hardly new or controversial to discuss how gender stereotypes have existed, still exist, the benefits of those stereotypes, the dangers of those stereotypes, and how all of this has shaped various societies.
Also, I am confident that you dont actually understand CRT and are just referencing that since its a popular low hanging fruit to mention since it now stokes fear and defense.

Admittedly, I dont agree with some of the gender studies, 4th wave feminism ideas, etc. Even though I dont agree with some of those views, they arent dangerous conspiracy theories. One seeks to explain why and the other seeks to cause chaos. The distinct reason both exist is critical.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
That survey is not designed to get at people's actual beliefs. It's designed to bait them into giving their opinion on the ruling class. An opinion that's not completely baseless. It does seem pretty likely there have been some pretty connected people working to protect Epstein's clients and/or blackmail victims. But that doesn't mean they actually believe those people have control or are actual satan worshipers.
Any good pollster can make his survey results say whatever he wants them to. It's all in how you pick your sample to survey and how you structure and word the questions.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Godwin's Law is dead, per Godwin himself. We are far too similar to early 1930s Germany right now. Could go the same way. If it does, its chief accomplice will be people who should have known better who tsk tskd those who were sounding the alarm. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.....and there's a whole lot of people promoting doing nothing about these problems.
Dude.....no we aren't. That's ridiculous. People are generally split down the middle as far are right or left leaning. We aren't in a deep depression. We don't have a slick-talking unifier blaming all our problems on a race of people. If either side ever had that guy rise up.....the best they could do is convince half the country, and not even that, the propaganda is almost impossible to spread, because of the sheer amount of media. People aren't being kept in the dark about anything in America. We are actually bombarded with information.

We are much closer to Rome than Germany.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
This blissful ignorance argument isn’t holding any water. I thought you’d come back with something better.

The underlying issue is from your perspective / the left, is anyone who voted for Donald Trump/owns a rifle/doesn’t support cutting off my sons genitals and replacing it with a ****** is “a far right extremist”. That’s a major problem.
I dont view people that own guns to be by default, a far right extremist.
I dont view people that voted for Trump to be, by default, a far right extremist.
I dont view people that dont support cutting off your son's genitals to be, by default, a far right extremist.

That last one took me a minute to type out because it was so completely insane to even have to think about, I wanted to make sure I wasnt typing a double negative. Like really...what the 17? Why do you think that I or 'the left' calls people 'far right extremist' just for not wanting to cut off your son's genitals. That is just crazy.

You claimed you can just spend a few minutes in a city in CA and encounter Antifa people determined to cause havoc. Get out and experience the world- it isnt as scary as you have allowed it to seem. Antifa isnt some centralized group and Antifa isnt some 24/7 chaos machine. I dont support how Antifa groups have handled various incidents of tension, but I also am not concerned they are standing on every street corner in CA just waiting for the green light from their leader.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Dude.....no we aren't. That's ridiculous.
people said that in Germany too. They GAVE Hitler power. They convinced themselves it was all fine.
People are generally split down the middle as far are right or left leaning.
Not really.
We aren't in a deep depression.
true. But a significant chuck thinks we are.
We don't have a slick-talking unifier blaming all our problems on a race of people.
we dont?
If either side ever had that guy rise up.....the best they could do is convince half the country, and not even that,
Hitler only had 1/3 the country.
the propaganda is almost impossible to spread,
because of the sheer amount of media. People aren't being kept in the dark about anything in America.
We are actually bombarded with information.

We are much closer to Rome than Germany.
I wish that were true.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Um...I will go with 'Yes, in general Q theories are dumber'.
You managed to really pack a wide range of subjects to include as a comparison to Q theories so I cant say for sure that ALL are dumber, but yeah I am confident in saying some are dumber.

- Q theories are stuff like claiming kids are being abducted and held alive for rape and torture by the wealthy and powerful so they can drink the harvested blood of children and stay young.
compare that to...
- Gender studies is the study of how gender impacts representation and views in society, as well as how identity has been handled during different periods of time within our society and others.

It is hardly new or controversial to discuss how gender stereotypes have existed, still exist, the benefits of those stereotypes, the dangers of those stereotypes, and how all of this has shaped various societies.
Also, I am confident that you dont actually understand CRT and are just referencing that since its a popular low hanging fruit to mention since it now stokes fear and defense.

Admittedly, I dont agree with some of the gender studies, 4th wave feminism ideas, etc. Even though I dont agree with some of those views, they arent dangerous conspiracy theories. One seeks to explain why and the other seeks to cause chaos. The distinct reason both exist is critical.
It's hardly new or controversial is right. Prior to gender studies, basic history showed how different societies were different but also similar. Gender studies just came up with new b.s. Gender studies is mostly horseshit theorizing devoid of actual science about human behavior and genetic and neurological influences on choices and behavior. Just pick up a gender studies journal to see how crazy that stuff is. Also, look up the Grievance Studies Affair to see how one prof and a couple of others wrote make believe articles that used applied gender and feminist theory and got published in academic journals.

"Also, I am confident that you dont actually understand CRT and are just referencing that since its a popular low hanging fruit to mention since it now stokes fear and defense." Wanna bet? Pick an amount. Try me out. Test my knowledge of aspects of it such as interest convergence and supporters such as Bell, Delgado and Stefancic.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
No we aren't, unless you think the Communist Party in this country was as popular as it was in the early 1930s or that a Great Depression is causing Americans to join extremist parties intent on destroying democracy. There's a strand of conservatism that claims America is in its Weimar stage because of the cultural left and the insistence that all cultural norms once accepted are actually oppressive and need to be abolished. I don't believe it and you just posted some generalizations. I bet someone could point out that we're like the 1890s and the Gilded Age too. Doesn't make it so. I think we're like the late Roman Republic, I mean Roman Empire, I mean early Stuart Dynasty, I mean late Han Dynasty, I mean....
This is an argument that would only hold weight if someone like Trump caused that Party to lose elections. Trump has shown that if a Hitler-type took power in the GOP....there's nothing in place to stop him. There's really not any way to debate against that, it's plain as day at this point. The only thing that stopped(?) Trump is his sheer incompetence. But even that clown sheered right through the norms that have held democracy in place in this country through thick and thin. They're gone. The next would be quasi-dictator has his roadmap to power. The GOP WANTS that result....and eventually they will find their guy.


Active member
Feb 14, 2023
Just got back from seeing it with my wife. A little background about me first. I am about as politically moderate as they come. I can’t see why ANYONE would have a problem with this movie or its message. I live in a blue state btw, and our theater was sold out. When the movie ended, the entire audience applauded. If you’re on the fence about this possibly being Qanon propaganda, it’s not. Highly recommend.
Thanks for that. I'm not sure I want to watch it in a theater. I want to watch it the way Joey read the shining, to be able put it away for a minute.

Glad it's not filled with Q anon (or other) BS.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
This is an argument that would only hold weight if someone like Trump caused that Party to lose elections. Trump has shown that if a Hitler-type took power in the GOP....there's nothing in place to stop him. There's really not any way to debate against that, it's plain as day at this point. The only thing that stopped(?) Trump is his sheer incompetence. But even that clown sheered right through the norms that have held democracy in place in this country through thick and thin. They're gone. The next would be quasi-dictator has his roadmap to power. The GOP WANTS that result....and eventually they will find their guy.
Trump's a buffoon and narcissist with no coherent ideology. Lots of people in other countries have supported similar people (caudillismos south of the border) and he and his candidates have lost elections. Democracy is fine. Trump couldn't even get a wall built. Some dictator he is. The GOP has a base that's behaving like an ethnic group and supporting their guy. Identity politics does that. Maybe we need to ditch that nonsense.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Trump's a buffoon and narcissist with no coherent ideology. Lots of people in other countries have supported similar people (caudillismos south of the border) and he and his candidates have lost elections. Democracy is fine. Trump couldn't even get a wall built. Some dictator he is. The GOP has a base that's behaving like an ethnic group and supporting their guy. Identity politics does that. Maybe we need to ditch that nonsense.
And Trump, unlike actual Nazis, appears to be anti-war. It's the Bushes, Clintons, Bidens and Obamas who embrace militarism a lot more.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
The secret to trolling and sarcasm is to leave genuine doubt as to whether somebody is that stupid or whether they are being sarcastic/trolling. And I have to give it to you, in that you do a great job of walking that line. I'm pretty sure you're trolling and that you can't be that stupid, but you're just believable enough to leave that nagging doubt.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
And Trump, unlike actual Nazis, appears to be anti-war. It's the Bushes, Clintons, Bidens and Obamas who embrace militarism a lot more.
Trump was anti-war?
I mean, the guy didnt start any new ones, but...
- he increased airstrikes in Afghanistan a 330% increase in civilian deaths in a few years.
- he supported a Saudi war with Yemen.
- he flirted hard with North Korea and seemed to try and tweet us into a nuclear war.
- he tried to overthrow Venezuena in a coup.
- he OK'd the assasination of an Iranian guard and Congress scrambled to pass a resolution to keep him from a potential Iranian war.
And there is more.

It seems like Trump didnt start wars in spite of himself, rather than because of an intentional approach or view.
But hey- he pull us out of Afghanistan, so clearly he is anti-war. Nevermind that he negotiated an exit date from Afghanistan with terrorists, which ensured the country would immediately tumble backwards.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
I think far-too-many conservatives and Republicans are angry crybabies today who fall for nonsense and send money to someone who calls himself Super Patriotic Freedom Eagle who destroys liberals and makes them cry on social media. He also sells gold and commemorative coins and complains about the culture and Hollywood. The Sound of Freedom cost $15 million and is a huge hit. Instead of spending money on nonsense social media stuff and phony political candidates, why not make some decent movies that others enjoy. I don't listen to contemporary Christian but it's a thing because lots of people support it and create it. Libz can't stop it. That is, a lot of conservatives sound like they're helpless to change anything. Some even talk about second amendment solutions because, apparently, they're incapable of swaying someone else's opinion. Part of it is because Republican leaders mainly focus on legislation that cuts taxes, ensures easy access to guns and restricts abortions. For instance, universities in red states have embraced social justice ideology to some extent along with some diversity, equity and inclusion nonsense. That shoudn't have happened. All Republican leaders have to do is pass laws that stop this b.s. but they seem interested mainly in getting their base angry instead. There are too many grifters out there instead of genuine leaders. Make some more entertaining movies.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
The transfer of power was anything but peaceful. People erected gallows at the Capitol, and chanted 'Hang Mike Pence' because he was going to certify the election. The crowd then forced their way into the building which caused Pence, as well as legislators from both parties, to go into secure hiding.
Trump later defended the group in an interview by saying the anger was warranted due to the fraudulent election(that still has never been shown to be...fraudulent).

People were calling for the VP to be hung, and then rushed into the building where he was and forced the VP and others into hiding.
...but the transition of power was peaceful according to you.
Jan 6 was pretty disgraceful. I'm glad people are being sent to prison for participating in it. But, it had no chance of succeeding. It's pretty fascinating to see all the people who support Trump not end up well afterwards, especially ordinary Americans prone to making poor decisions. That Pillow Guy, an incredibly successful entrepreneur, lost a fortune too.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Trump was anti-war?
I mean, the guy didnt start any new ones, but...
- he increased airstrikes in Afghanistan a 330% increase in civilian deaths in a few years.
- he supported a Saudi war with Yemen.
- he flirted hard with North Korea and seemed to try and tweet us into a nuclear war.
- he tried to overthrow Venezuena in a coup.
- he OK'd the assasination of an Iranian guard and Congress scrambled to pass a resolution to keep him from a potential Iranian war.
And there is more.

It seems like Trump didnt start wars in spite of himself, rather than because of an intentional approach or view.
But hey- he pull us out of Afghanistan, so clearly he is anti-war. Nevermind that he negotiated an exit date from Afghanistan with terrorists, which ensured the country would immediately tumble backwards.
"appears to be anti-war"
I stand by that. The Afghan govt and others contributed to the death toll. One can be anti-war, that is, not wanting to get your country involved in an actual war, and still think killing members of ISIS is a good thing. I also mentioned that he was an incompetent Buffoon. Our military industrial complex is hard to defeat. Thus, the militarism continues.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
people said that in Germany too. They GAVE Hitler power. They convinced themselves it was all fine.

Not really.

true. But a significant chuck thinks we are.

we dont?

Hitler only had 1/3 the country.



I wish that were true.
Your premise is that the extreme right is close to embarking on a nazi-type blitzkrieg. They aren't. They don't have that type of power. Trump doesn't have near the power of a Hitler. It's not even close, he can't even keep his Twitter from being locked.

Were you watching the 2020 election? Split right down the middle.

I think the left has more power than the right. Thus a Democrat president 3 out of the last 4 elections. And the one Republican elected did so by an eyelash.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Jan 6 was pretty disgraceful. I'm glad people are being sent to prison for participating in it. But, it had no chance of succeeding. It's pretty fascinating to see all the people who support Trump not end up well afterwards, especially ordinary Americans prone to making poor decisions. That Pillow Guy, an incredibly successful entrepreneur, lost a fortune too.
If the VP had been like Trump and his crowd, it would have succeeded. If the swing state SOS had been, it would have succeeded. Next time, they will be, the loons have seen to that. If we ever elect someone like that as POTUS again, he will see to it that he never loses an election again. There just aren't enough leaders anymore that will stand up and stop it.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Your premise is that the extreme right is close to embarking on a nazi-type blitzkrieg. They aren't. They don't have that type of power. Trump doesn't have near the power of a Hitler. It's not even close, he can't even keep his Twitter from being locked.

Were you watching the 2020 election? Split right down the middle.

I think the left has more power than the right. Thus a Democrat president 3 out of the last 4 elections. And the one Republican elected did so by an eyelash.
I watched the Dems barely beat an incompetent buffoon, whose buffonish attempt at a coup only failed because his own VP and a couple state SoSs weren't on board. What were you watching?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
I watched the Dems barely beat an incompetent buffoon, whose buffonish attempt at a coup only failed because his own VP and a couple state SoSs weren't on board. What were you watching?
Yes. You have quite the imagination if you believe this: "whose buffonish attempt at a coup only failed because his own VP and a couple state SoSs weren't on board." Our Constitutional framework isn't that easy to defeat.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
If the VP had been like Trump and his crowd, it would have succeeded. If the swing state SOS had been, it would have succeeded. Next time, they will be, the loons have seen to that. If we ever elect someone like that as POTUS again, he will see to it that he never loses an election again. There just aren't enough leaders anymore that will stand up and stop it.
You sound way too paranoid, like some of the worst of the right-wing Qanon types.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
BTW, we're a divided country and large numbers of people are simply loyal to their party. I suspect the days of presidential landslide victories are over. The key is a few states and some districts. Dems have won the popular vote in like 8 of the last 9 elections and Republicans don't seem interested in developing ideas and policies that most people support. Thus, lose the popular vote but wining the electoral college is key.


Active member
Apr 20, 2009
That’s great. But, Qanon is very bad. Let’s make sure we’re all clear. It’s awful. It undermines our faith in institutions, in our elections, in public health, in education, in law enforcement. There can be crippling amounts of harassment directed at individuals. Private business can be attacked and bankrupted. The FBI labeled it a domestic terror threat after the Tree of Life synagogue murders. I think the movie makes some vague antisemitic references. No coincidence there.

The Feds have busted Qanon supporters with pipe bombs, and/or en route to some political figures’ home address. If you’re looking for a bad guy in America today - this is it. To see this film breathing life into all of that (“waking up normies”) should be quite alarming. There’s got to be better ways to make some cash than this.
O that's right, it's all the right wing wacko's fault that everything is falling apart and faith in our institutions is waning. Has nothing to do with the left wing wackos.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
O.K. I'm off to see Barbie, a harmless, fictional movie with an attractive, fit woman that can't possibly be turned into a opportunity to argue about politics and culture, amirite?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
O that's right, it's all the right wing wacko's fault that everything is falling apart and faith in our institutions is waning. Has nothing to do with the left wing wackos.
Things really aren't falling apart. Well, our infrastructure needs to be worked on. For most Americans, today is one of the best times to be alive in history.
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