OT: Sound of Freedom Review

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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
So did the Germans. Until they didn't.

Good God, does anyone know German history anymore?
It's all just government until Hitler proclaimed himself fuhrer. That's the difference. That would not happen here. You claim Trump could do it - and that's ludicrous. It's hard to imagine things ever getting more chaotic around here than the 2020 election - once a lifetime event caused much of it (COVID).


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
They aren't equivalent in dollars and deaths. Not even close.

That doesn't mean that J6 isn't important in context of the long term stability of our republic or that you (generic you, if you don't intent to vote for Trump) as a voter should co-sign that it was an appropriate way of attempting to hold onto power.
Anyone not named Trump would have been blackballed for an eternity. It's wild. I'm really praying that all this nonsense is a byproduct of a once in a lifetime cult of personality and that people truly don't have such a blatant disregard for process that we allegedly held dear as a core American value for a couple centuries.
Trump wasn't attempting to hold on to power and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. Trump was a sore loser who was looking for an angle to find a win. Those are two very different things. I'm honestly amazed at how people can flip-flop on Trump and think he's a clownish buffoon one minute, and then think he has the intelligence, power, and influence to orchestrate an attempted coup the next. All the morons that think J6 was an attempted coup need to have their brains inspected. It was nothing of the sort. It wouldn't even rank in the top 10 as far as sizes of protests at the capital. It had morons chanting stupid stuff and threatening nonsense, just like almost every other protest. There's even reasonable doubt as to whether all the protestors were actually Trump supporters. After the long, sordid list of actual BS his political opponents threw at him for five years, nobody should be surprised at that possibility.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
It's all just government until Hitler proclaimed himself fuhrer. That's the difference. That would not happen here. You claim Trump could do it - and that's ludicrous. It's hard to imagine things ever getting more chaotic around here than the 2020 election - once a lifetime event caused much of it (COVID).
Thats....not the history.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Sadly, it's not Trump. He's the symptom, not the disease. If J6 couldn't shake them, nothing will. They will keep trying and trying until they find their moment to take power again, and next time they won't let an election stop them. And the feckless, corrupt Dems will give them that chance. I blame them just as much, for the record. A half decent political Party would have no trouble trouncing this pathetic, traitorous GOP. But we have the Dems.
I think it can be both. Trump has a mesmerizing personality that very few in human history have shown at this scale. Yeah he can be a complete buffoon but he can capture a crowd like very few others can. He was able to tap into parts of human nature that most people simply can't pull off. It's why the GOP and never Trumpers can't quit him. They know if he's gone, the people he was able to woo with his larger than life contrarian/fighter performance will go back to not voting again. He found incremental voters (as well as enemies). But no party is going to have a strategy of ditch voters who voted for then last time - even if that's healthier for the country and the party long term. Such is 2 party politics.

And here we are...Who's going to fill his shoes? Desantis? No way he's a dork. Christie? Couldn't make being a jerk worn in NJ. Nobody will be able to fill his vacancy - even family. Don Jr looks like he's going through substance abuse issues that might make Hunter blush. He plays a decent jerk, but much like Desantis - he's a goober. He could probably succeed in state politics or get elected to the House simply off name though.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I don't approve of J6. And I definitely don't approve of the Summer of Love. I'm still mad at Trump for not calling in the National Guard and squashing that shlt. But.....skeered of re-election.
Well, if the GOP nominee promises to pardon everyone involved in J6, you gonna vote for him? Cause newsflash, that's gonna happen.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I think it can be both. Trump has a mesmerizing personality that very few in human history have shown at this scale. Yeah he can be a complete buffoon but he can capture a crowd like very few others can. He was able to tap into parts of human nature that most people simply can't pull off. It's why the GOP and never Trumpers can't quit him. They know if he's gone, the people he was able to woo with his larger than life contrarian/fighter performance will go back to not voting again. He found incremental voters (as well as enemies). But no party is going to have a strategy of ditch voters who voted for then last time - even if that's healthier for the country and the party long term. Such is 2 party politics.

And here we are...Who's going to fill his shoes? Desantis? No way he's a dork. Christie? Couldn't make being a jerk worn in NJ. Nobody will be able to fill his vacancy - even family. Don Jr looks like he's going through substance abuse issues that might make Hunter blush. He plays a decent jerk, but much like Desantis - he's a goober. He could probably succeed in state politics or get elected to the House simply off name though.
Been watching this game toooooo long. It ain't Trump. They've been the same way their whole lives. Whoever comes out on top, they'll treat that way. They can't help themselves.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I think it can be both. Trump has a mesmerizing personality that very few in human history have shown at this scale. Yeah he can be a complete buffoon but he can capture a crowd like very few others can. He was able to tap into parts of human nature that most people simply can't pull off. It's why the GOP and never Trumpers can't quit him. They know if he's gone, the people he was able to woo with his larger than life contrarian/fighter performance will go back to not voting again. He found incremental voters (as well as enemies). But no party is going to have a strategy of ditch voters who voted for then last time - even if that's healthier for the country and the party long term. Such is 2 party politics.

And here we are...Who's going to fill his shoes? Desantis? No way he's a dork. Christie? Couldn't make being a jerk worn in NJ. Nobody will be able to fill his vacancy - even family. Don Jr looks like he's going through substance abuse issues that might make Hunter blush. He plays a decent jerk, but much like Desantis - he's a goober. He could probably succeed in state politics or get elected to the House simply off name though.
As to the nomination battle, it'll be whoever successfully comes out as king ahole. Poll numbers right now don't mean dick. Maybe they all try to do it and it becomes a self defeating strategy, that 2016 was an aberration in that Trump did that and everyone else deferred and shyed away and let him. Maybe someone like Tim Scott is the only adult in the room and squeaks out a win. Let's hope. But much more likely than not someone comes with the putdowns and comebacks that the base loves, and they're the next cult leader. Cults replace leaders all the time btw, sometimes there's a smoother grifter in the crowd that steals the crown.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
Trump wasn't attempting to hold on to power and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. Trump was a sore loser who was looking for an angle to find a win. Those are two very different things. I'm honestly amazed at how people can flip-flop on Trump and think he's a clownish buffoon one minute, and then think he has the intelligence, power, and influence to orchestrate an attempted coup the next. All the morons that think J6 was an attempted coup need to have their brains inspected. It was nothing of the sort. It wouldn't even rank in the top 10 as far as sizes of protests at the capital. It had morons chanting stupid stuff and threatening nonsense, just like almost every other protest. There's even reasonable doubt as to whether all the protestors were actually Trump supporters. After the long, sordid list of actual BS his political opponents threw at him for five years, nobody should be surprised at that possibility.
Got damn I'm dizzy. So much spin and rationalization of an embarrassing stain if American politics. You made it sound so easy to call out nonsense earlier. Guess that wasn't in good faith and your were simply just moving goal posts.

So can I assume you are planning on voting for him in the general Mr. Not Trump Supporter? Simply can't vote for old man Biden who simultaneously can't walk up stairs or stay awake in an interview but somehow has masterminded a Ukrainian money laundering scheme and is on China's payroll?
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
As to the nomination battle, it'll be whoever successfully comes out as king ahole. Poll numbers right now don't mean dick. Maybe they all try to do it and it becomes a self defeating strategy, that 2016 was an aberration in that Trump did that and everyone else deferred and shyed away and let him. Maybe someone like Tim Scott is the only adult in the room and squeaks out a win. Let's hope. But much more likely than not someone comes with the putdowns and comebacks that the base loves, and they're the next cult leader. Cults replace leaders all the time btw, sometimes there's a smoother grifter in the crowd that steals the crown.
Scott's campaign is too optimistic for the climate today. I found myself enjoying his speech when he declared even though we probably don't have a lot of policy common ground. Politicians need enemies now. "The country is going to hell!" "Battle for the soul of the nation".
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
As to the nomination battle, it'll be whoever successfully comes out as king ahole. Poll numbers right now don't mean dick. Maybe they all try to do it and it becomes a self defeating strategy, that 2016 was an aberration in that Trump did that and everyone else deferred and shyed away and let him. Maybe someone like Tim Scott is the only adult in the room and squeaks out a win. Let's hope. But much more likely than not someone comes with the putdowns and comebacks that the base loves, and they're the next cult leader. Cults replace leaders all the time btw, sometimes there's a smoother grifter in the crowd that steals the crown.
Correct - the gop bases it's nominee off who Democrats dislike the most. Most of us disagree politically with Scott, or Niki Haley, or whoever but don't find them personally abhorrent.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
As to the nomination battle, it'll be whoever successfully comes out as king ahole. Poll numbers right now don't mean dick. Maybe they all try to do it and it becomes a self defeating strategy, that 2016 was an aberration in that Trump did that and everyone else deferred and shyed away and let him. Maybe someone like Tim Scott is the only adult in the room and squeaks out a win. Let's hope. But much more likely than not someone comes with the putdowns and comebacks that the base loves, and they're the next cult leader. Cults replace leaders all the time btw, sometimes there's a smoother grifter in the crowd that steals the crown.
I'm wondering if there's a place for Youngkin to have it fall in his lap in the event Trump ends up with a guilty verdict or cuts a deal to save himself. His numbers in VA are very solid. He wouldn't be quite so polarizing to independents as Desantis would. If Trump were out of the way (no, I don't think it'll happen), then I could see the GOP a having the opportunity to reset and make a numbers based nomination instead of attempting to go the biggest *** hole/own the libs route. That strategy appeases the incremental maga/trump voters to the detriment of appealing to independents and swing districts. I think they use Trump's eventual exit as that reset point - hopefully that is sooner than later. If they don't then I'm onboard with your "they've always been this way" assessment.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
That’s great. But, Qanon is very bad. Let’s make sure we’re all clear. It’s awful. It undermines our faith in institutions, in our elections, in public health, in education, in law enforcement. There can be crippling amounts of harassment directed at individuals. Private business can be attacked and bankrupted. The FBI labeled it a domestic terror threat after the Tree of Life synagogue murders. I think the movie makes some vague antisemitic references. No coincidence there.

The Feds have busted Qanon supporters with pipe bombs, and/or en route to some political figures’ home address. If you’re looking for a bad guy in America today - this is it. To see this film breathing life into all of that (“waking up normies”) should be quite alarming. There’s got to be better ways to make some cash than this.
Believing that JFK Jr. is still alive and WILL be resurfacing to SAVE OUR COUNTRY is Q.

Having no faith in institutions, education and elections is a byproduct of experience, independent observation and common sense.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
"appears to be anti-war"
I stand by that. The Afghan govt and others contributed to the death toll. One can be anti-war, that is, not wanting to get your country involved in an actual war, and still think killing members of ISIS is a good thing. I also mentioned that he was an incompetent Buffoon. Our military industrial complex is hard to defeat. Thus, the militarism continues.
Genuinely- fair enough.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You're really stupid. Do you have any idea what really happens in countries who actually don't have peaceful transitions of power? Go ask Myanmar, or Sudan, or Haiti, or Iran, or Egypt, or Columbia, or Congo, or Cambodia, or El Salvador or tens of other African and Asian Countries what happens, I guarantee you won't hear "redneck brainwashed morons storm capital and take selfies with podium". You lefties are absolute morons.
My expectations for the transfer of power are higher than what happens in 3rd world destabilized countries.

Just because there wasn't an assination and military overthrow on j6 doesn't mean the transfer of power was peaceful.
It's possible for there to be levels of violence.

But really now, is this really how low your bar is set? Do you really require a Haitian style overthrow in order to say the transfer of power wasn't peaceful?
Something tells me if the groups were reversed, your view wouldn't be the same.

There were 17ing gallows for the VP.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
And yet, Mike Pence wasn't hung. Because the overall majority prevailed over a few unserious idiots acting out.

I mean, I guess you don't have a problem with the throngs of protestors calling for violence against SCOTUS members, including the 17n senate majority leader. You obviously don't have problems with protestors championing violence against police. You don't have a problem with protestors shutting down a university and calling for people to be fired just because they hosted someone who dared to have a different political opinion than they do. I don't hear any full-throated outrage about these threats to democracy when that happens. So you can save your selective outrage for the rest of the low IQ idiots who think the way you do.

Just because the VP wasn't hung doesn't mean it was a peaceful transfer of power.

It's bonkers when people can't even agree on what 'peaceful transfer of power' means. If there is violence or if there is a physical attempt to stop the certification which leads to countless police injured and legislators running to safe rooms, it isn't a peaceful transfer of power.

This is a peaceful transfer of power- the losing candidate congratulates the winner and helps ensure the election certification process runs as it should. That's a peaceful transfer of power.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Trump wasn't attempting to hold on to power and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. Trump was a sore loser who was looking for an angle to find a win. Those are two very different things.
Trump wast trying to hold onto power, but Trump was trying to figure out how to win.
And if Trump win, he would have held onto power.
...but he wasn't attempting to hold onto power.

Got it, clear as day.***


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
BTW, how many people here, if they met someone on this site who disagreed with them at a tailgate, would still say Hail State, come have a burger and beer, fellow State fan and GTHOM, and try to enjoy each other's company? Or do people typically take this stuff personally and think that someone with a different view on some issues is really a horrible person?

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Trump wast trying to hold onto power, but Trump was trying to figure out how to win.
And if Trump win, he would have held onto power.
...but he wasn't attempting to hold onto power.

Got it, clear as day.***
Yeah, just invalidate valid votes and give yourself the win. Nothing wrong with that apparently, our bad. Totally different than dictators.**

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Just because the VP wasn't hung doesn't mean it was a peaceful transfer of power.

It's bonkers when people can't even agree on what 'peaceful transfer of power' means. If there is violence or if there is a physical attempt to stop the certification which leads to countless police injured and legislators running to safe rooms, it isn't a peaceful transfer of power.

This is a peaceful transfer of power- the losing candidate congratulates the winner and helps ensure the election certification process runs as it should. That's a peaceful transfer of power.
He's a dumbass, let it go.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Just got back from seeing it with my wife. A little background about me first. I am about as politically moderate as they come. I can’t see why ANYONE would have a problem with this movie or its message. I live in a blue state btw, and our theater was sold out. When the movie ended, the entire audience applauded. If you’re on the fence about this possibly being Qanon propaganda, it’s not. Highly recommend.

Of course it's not. And it's really disturbing that a lot of people are trying to make this a controversial movie.

I could be glib and note that since there are over 180 posts in this thread that the movie must be controversial because if it were boring…

Dead Silence GIF by Studios 2016


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
If ANTIFA is not real, then Qanon is not real either.

We’ve been told Antifa is not a thing. Never mind the extreme destruction people calling themselves as such have perpetrated in many of our once great cities.

And they spend less than 12 hours in jail….if they even get arrested

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
If ANTIFA is not real, then Qanon is not real either.

We’ve been told Antifa is not a thing. Never mind the extreme destruction people calling themselves as such have perpetrated in many of our once great cities.

And they spend less than 12 hours in jail….if they even get arrested
Dummy Feeling Dumb GIF


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
BTW, how many people here, if they met someone on this site who disagreed with them at a tailgate, would still say Hail State, come have a burger and beer, fellow State fan and GTHOM, and try to enjoy each other's company? Or do people typically take this stuff personally and think that someone with a different view on some issues is really a horrible person?
That's a good question. You'll have to come back in football season or the next election and see. I've never seen such a charged environment everywhere, and so many, so certain they know who the real boogie man is. The only thing I've experienced about the real boogie man is he is not very visible. On purpose.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2015
I could be glib and note that since there are over 180 posts in this thread that the movie must be controversial because if it were boring…

Dead Silence GIF by Studios 2016
I think (or hope) the controversy is just because of the lead actor, Jim Caviezel, who has apparently said some pretty crazy Qanon **** before. If the lead was played by Ryan Gosling or Pedro Pascal, it would probably be getting Oscar buzz. The subject matter isn’t controversial at all, or shouldn’t be.
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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
BTW, how many people here, if they met someone on this site who disagreed with them at a tailgate, would still say Hail State, come have a burger and beer, fellow State fan and GTHOM, and try to enjoy each other's company? Or do people typically take this stuff personally and think that someone with a different view on some issues is really a horrible person?
Anybody bringing up politics at the tailgate isn't invited to the next tailgate.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Correct - the gop bases it's nominee off who Democrats dislike the most. Most of us disagree politically with Scott, or Niki Haley, or whoever but don't find them personally abhorrent.
You will…..as soon as they get the nomination and start gaining momentum.

Y’all didn’t hate Trump until he became the GOP candidate and it appeared he MIGHT pull it off.

SEC coaches loved Croom and hated Mullen for a reason.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
That's a good question. You'll have to come back in football season or the next election and see. I've never seen such a charged environment everywhere, and so many, so certain they know who the real boogie man is. The only thing I've experienced about the real boogie man is he is not very visible. On purpose.
It's unfortunate. Americans have always been opinionated. Democracy means there's always another election that gives your team a chance to win. That's how it's always worked. I think with so many things being politicized, it's forcing Americans to take sides and to catastrophize. The pandemic and the government response didn't help. We're not used to that. And too many angry people are determined to get their way and regard anyone who disagrees as a heretic. I don't take things personally and I've had disagreements with family members. We have more in common, though, something we all realize. I've worked on a couple of political campaigns in the past. Dirty stuff happens because winning is important. Some people, candidates and their families mainly, develop grudges. Most people just moved on to the next thing and consultants look for the next paycheck.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Anybody bringing up politics at the tailgate isn't invited to the next tailgate.
Duly noted. I'll come in peace. With beer, wine, water, softdrinks, wings, ribs or whatever's needed while wearing maroon and white.
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