Shrews to ND nfm


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
O'Brien left town to get away from all the Paterno acolytes. I don't blame him.
O’Brien left because he intended to use the Penn State job as a stepping stone to the NFL from the minute he arrived on campus. Trying to then claim that he left because of the JoeBots is beyond pathetic. Very convenient time to leave; just when the worst of the sanctions years was coming up. If he was half the coach he thinks he is, he wouldn’t be bothered by critics.


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2021
From an outsider’s point of view (I don’t really care about PSU basketball) I never expect them to keep a quality basketball coach. It’s a stepping stone job where you hope to have a good season early to move on to a better job before reality of the program sets in. The hope is you luck into a guy that just wants to stay (like I think UK football has done with Mark Stoops).
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Corner Room Breakfast

Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Hire a coach that made the tourney that wants to move up and or is hungry. The rest of the Big didn't fair much better except MSU.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Loyalty and appreciation are antiquated concepts today. And that doesn't just apply to sports.
You realize that the next Penn State head coach will probably be a head coach or top assistant somewhere else right? Meaning they would be displaying a lack of loyalty to that program to come here.
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Jun 23, 2022
O’Brien left because he intended to use the Penn State job as a stepping stone to the NFL from the minute he arrived on campus. Trying to then claim that he left because of the JoeBots is beyond pathetic. Very convenient time to leave; just when the worst of the sanctions years was coming up. If he was half the coach he thinks he is, he wouldn’t be bothered by critics.

I get it ........ the "Paterno Loyalists" are not keen on admitting their own role in driving O'Brien away.

For the record, I never used the word "JoeBot." That was you. :cool:
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
Loyalty and appreciation are antiquated concepts today. And that doesn't just apply to sports.

I think loyalty still applies. The 2 things that still keep people loyal today are loyalty to family and loyalty to where you're from. Based on this it makes sense for Shrew to leave for his home state. It's also probably a big factor in what has kept Franklin in State College!
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
They're still both A-holes to me. If you're implying Shrewsberry is worse, I don't see any need to argue with you.
Good, because I wasn’t going to argue about it. I will lol that you built in your assumption though that I was implying one is a higher level of a hole than the other though.


Active member
Oct 31, 2021
I was at at PSU when Parkhill coached and many of us were excited about the future of MBB. We all know how that turned out and as a Philly native and fan of college basketball it bugs the crap out of me this university has done very little to develop the program over all of these years. I don’t want to hear the location of our school is a factor. Is Purdue that much better a place to be? Syracuse in the winter? Iowa basketball? As one of the largest universities in the country it’s bs that over the years they’ve refused to invest in the program with quality coaching and recruiting. If they did that the players and fans would come and many more would watch. I know football rules the day but as we all witnessed this year having both a good football AND basketball team makes it that much more enjoyable. I’m pissed Shrewsberry left but with the way this school has valued it’s MBB program I’m not shocked.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Well, I’d like to at least think the only schools he would have left for were any of the three big schools in his home state: Indiana, ND and Purdue.

So I’m cutting him some slack with that thought.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Properly honor Joseph Vincent Paterno. Until they do, it won’t happen. JMO!
Why does this thought process have to be interjected into almost every conversation here? There’s four pages of this argument in the brick buying thread.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
I was at at PSU when Parkhill coached and many of us were excited about the future of MBB. We all know how that turned out and as a Philly native and fan of college basketball it bugs the crap out of me this university has done very little to develop the program over all of these years. I don’t want to hear the location of our school is a factor. Is Purdue that much better a place to be? Syracuse in the winter? Iowa basketball? As one of the largest universities in the country it’s bs that over the years they’ve refused to invest in the program with quality coaching and recruiting. If they did that the players and fans would come and many more would watch. I know football rules the day but as we all witnessed this year having both a good football AND basketball team makes it that much more enjoyable. I’m pissed Shrewsberry left but with the way this school has valued it’s MBB program I’m not shocked.
I honestly believe Penn State will never rise
above mediocrity in basketball, much like Duke, or Indiana, in football. It's not in our DNA. All efforts are doomed to fail. Give up the ghost. Stop trying. Make a typical Penn State hire, meaning uninspired, and accept an NCAA bid every 20 years. And yes, I am serious.

Meat Lab

Well-known member
Oct 25, 2021
I honestly believe Penn State will never rise
above mediocrity in basketball, much like Duke, or Indiana, in football. It's not in our DNA. All efforts are doomed to fail. Give up the ghost. Stop trying. Make a typical Penn State hire, meaning uninspired, and accept an NCAA bid every 20 years. And yes, I am serious.

Agree Fairgambit. Hoping I have another 20 left in me. 🤣
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
I honestly believe Penn State will never rise
above mediocrity in basketball, much like Duke, or Indiana, in football. It's not in our DNA. All efforts are doomed to fail. Give up the ghost. Stop trying. Make a typical Penn State hire, meaning uninspired, and accept an NCAA bid every 20 years. And yes, I am serious.
I can respect this. If they can’t go hire a big name instant success guy, then hire a guy that will at least be loyal and sink the extra cash into the wrestling team and making sure Cael is the PSU coach until he retires (which should be at the top of the priority list at this point anyway)

PSU should appreciate Sanderson's greatness

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
I hope ND hoops never wins another game. This punk mothereffer was just talking about how no one wanted him. Yeah, PSU did, fool. They hired you. They gave you the opportunity. They offered you an extension to show just how much they appreciated you ... and the moment you had a "better" opportunity, you split?! Eff that noise.

Don't pretend to be the dweeby recent megamillions winner who couldn't get a date, sitting next to your wife, talking about how she wanted you when no one else did ... and then the moment a hot chick (or hot underage boy, as the case may be with ND) walks by and smiles, you say "peace out" to your wife ...

No, I don't respect that. Or Shrewsberry. Get to steppin'.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Agree Fairgambit. Hoping I have another 20 left in me. 🤣
I honestly believe Penn State will never rise
above mediocrity in basketball, much like Duke, or Indiana, in football. It's not in our DNA. All efforts are doomed to fail. Give up the ghost. Stop trying. Make a typical Penn State hire, meaning uninspired, and accept an NCAA bid every 20 years. And yes, I am serious.
Hogwash. Just need a stronger will.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
Ah, you got me figured out Moogy. I've been a closet Pitt fan here for over a dozen years, quietly fermenting negativity, and no else called me out on it. Good for you. I just wish Coach had not taken the ND job though, since they play Pitt.
Not closeted at all. Just with the winky emoji under the surface of it all.
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Well-known member
Oct 22, 2021
Where would you rank him on this list?


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