He's an idiot but it's not his fault the Dems trotted out Hillary to run against him. A yellow dog would have defeated Trump. People decided even that egomania fueled TV host wasn't as bad a choice as Billary was. They've never forgiven Trump for winning... Dems or Repubs.
You also cannot become part of the Washington RICH Gridlock membership without the proper RICH paperwork and pedigree approved by one party or the other.
Your last sentence is all you needed to post.
Trump produced results but it didn’t matter. He could have

’d gold bricks and the media would have claimed he stole the food to produce the gold poop. Or that he pooped the gold bricks on Russian hookers.
exhibit A : building the wall was racist except Obama, joe Biden, Nancy pelosi etc all supported a “barrier” before trump ran for office.
exhibit B: trump was terrible for one specific picture of kids in cages and there couldn’t possibly be any explanation to make it ok………EXCEPT THE PICTURE WAS TAKEN IN 2014 under Obama.
Oh well Obama had to do this and he was way nicer about it!!!!
exhibit C: Trump is a right wing lunatic. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Exhibit Ca: gay marriage. Trump has never given 1 17 about gay marriage or being gay. You wanna be a homo? Ok be a homosexual and marry up. HRC and joe Biden? Both openly against gay marriage until the mob turned on that so they turned.
I can go on and on and on.