I figured you were making it up, ma'am.
Lying, as usual. Just not man enough to own up to your own stupidity.
Just deal with the fact that I own you, just like Satterfield owned Heupel last night.
I figured you were making it up, ma'am.
You hurl more insults than a 10 year old on the school playground. Can you not carry on a civil conversation and address the points made instead of simply insulting someone. Geesh!!!!Whatever, turd #2.
Rent free. In that empty head of yours.
You hurl more insults than a 10 year old on the school playground. Can you not carry on a civil conversation and address the points made instead of simply insulting someone. Geesh!!!!
Lying, as usual. Just not man enough to own up to your own stupidity.
Just deal with the fact that I own you, just like Satterfield owned Heupel last night.
Frankly, I'd kick him off the site, if it was up to me. He really crossed the line last week when he called Lurker a "liar....pathological liar". That was uncalled for. I don't know what he was referring to nor the context. People can be mistaken, which is different from lying. And I'm not saying that Lurker was mistaken, because, again, I don't know what GoCocksFight2021 was referring to. When he said it, although it was not directed to me, it still pissed me off.You hurl more insults than a 10 year old on the school playground. Can you not carry on a civil conversation and address the points made instead of simply insulting someone. Geesh!!!!
And I'm not saying that Lurker was mistaken, because, again, I don't know what GoCocksFight2021 was referring to. When he said it, although it was not directed to me, it still pissed me off.
This is nothing new for that poster. He was like this last year as well. I don't know if he is disturbed, depressed or inadequate. Maybe he has it all.I mentioned he thought Hookers play at VT (before his transfer) was "phenominal", when the stats said otherwise.
He pointed out that he never said that, to which I told him he quoted another poster who said it and agreed with it.
Splitting hairs, I know.
This is nothing new for that poster. He was like this last year as well. I don't know if he is disturbed, depressed or inadequate. Maybe he has it all.
I'm lying by telling you to back up your accusation? I'm not sure that makes sense, even by your standards.
Guy, don't take yourself so seriously. I really don't care whether you agree or not. You have implied that we want SC to lose. That says volumes about your character.You are just mad because I won't go along with you and the group of clowns here that obsessively attack our OC 24/7.
Now you're changing your story. First, posters supposedly talked about coach's families in "vile and disgusting" ways.Are you claiming you never referenced a coach's spouse on these boards in your constant stupidity?
I say you have, and if you claim you haven't, you are lying. Period.
This is nothing new for that poster. He was like this last year as well. I don't know if he is disturbed, depressed or inadequate. Maybe he has it all.
He is the George Constanza of this site.The trifecta.
Now you're changing your story. First, posters supposedly talked about coach's families in "vile and disgusting" ways.
Now you're saying its me, but that I just "referenced" a coach's spouse.
Seems a large leap from "vile and disgusting" to just "referenced".
He is the George Constanza of this site.
And said more than one poster, and referenced bringing them into their stupidity. You have done that multiple times. The other poster brought the vile, disgusting crap. You and the other goon have ZERO reason to bring a coach's spouse into anything on this site. Their name shouldn't be in your worthless mouth.
LOL. Interpret the comment as you prefer.Keep crying. Those tears are delicious.
LOL. Interpret the comment as you prefer.
Wow, the kitten flashes it's claws. Calm down ma'am.
But now we've settled that you think it was someone else that was "vile and disgusting", and that I just "referenced" them. This is a good step.
Now that we have that straight, we can go back several posts to when I suggested you report these supposed posters, if they were so "vile and disgusting" to our coach's families.
If it really happened, that is.
Go back and read again what I posted earlier. I was quoting my nephew, I was not, myself, quoting a source. You need to stop skating over people's comments here.And keep quoting your "sources". Typical. But we have seen that one before, and that dog don't hurt anymore.
Like I said, you have no reason period to bring a coach's wife into any discussion here. To do so show what a turd fan you are.
Just like when you laughed at someone posting some disgusting comments about a coach and his wife's sex life.
What the hell is wrong with you?
WooHoo...I got our score exactly correct!!!!Think Clemson 63-17 type of score. Hate it, but that's what is coming later today.![]()
Rent free. In your empty head. All the time.
But you know what is coming. Might make that empty head of yours explode. Can't wait. Gonna be epic.
So, you're not going to report them?
I understand. I don't think anyone really believed you anyway.
Again, you are a liar. You have often brought Satt's wife into your trolling here and on the other board. Another post has had crude vulgar comments regarding her and on of our Qbs. And you laughed it. Reporting it or not has nothing to do with it. Doubt anybody would do anything anyway.
But you a disgusting turd of a fan. THAT IS FACT. ZERO reason to mention ANY coaches family member here in your stupidity.
He knows we’re going to get absolutely boat raced tomorrow and that the fans are fed up. Kinda pathetic that the “best fans” are being begged to show up.
We have some fans dumb enough to think because the coach wants a big rowdy crowd that means we don’t have a chance.Stepp is saying that because the Tennessee Oline had a lot of issues against the crowd noise at Georgia. 7 false starts. Has nothing to do with being "boat raced".
But never miss a chance to be a crybaby loser.
We have some fans dumb enough to think because the coach wants a big rowdy crowd that means we don’t have a chance.
Calm down, ma'am. You seem to be at game day hissy fit level, and we still have several days to go.
Maybe it's just rivalry week that has you so out of sorts so early.
Either way, you seem REALLY bent out of shape at being called Mrs Satterfield. Maybe you should go report all these horrible, vile posts that supposedly exist and triggered you so hard.
Pot meet kettle. You attack more posters than anyone else.We've got a lot of dumb fans. Classless too.
Too many clemson fans on here pretending to be Carolina fans. That's the #1 problem.Good thread.... maybe some of you tool bags should just stop posting and find other outlets for life's frustrations. The consistent bashing of coaches and players after every loss is not constructive and really doesn't help anything get accomplished.
These coaches, players and everyone involved achieved something great and they did it for themselves and conversely for the fans that SHOW UP and consistently support this team. They didn't do it for the ******** and couch coaches that exist on this board and those on Twitter.
Please just go away. We are going to enjoy this one and hope for the best this weekend.
Keep crying, little girl. Satterfield *****-slapped you and the other crybabies this weekend. I can tell you are upset. Your classless trolling has gone to new level.
But wait for it. It's gonna get a lot worse for you. Gonna be epic.
Pot meet kettle. You attack more posters than anyone else.
Or don't calm down, ma'am. Your choice.
Remember to tell everyone how they're "crying" while you whine and cry about those mean posts that got you so upset.
Upset? I couldn't be happier today and this weekend. I was proven right. You and the sisters are upset because Satt *****-slapped you.
Love it. Can't wait to see more. Absolutely killing you. I can see it in every ma'am troll post. You are just mad because now you are his 8!tch.
this^^^^^^Good thread.... maybe some of you tool bags should just stop posting and find other outlets for life's frustrations. The consistent bashing of coaches and players after every loss is not constructive and really doesn't help anything get accomplished.
These coaches, players and everyone involved achieved something great and they did it for themselves and conversely for the fans that SHOW UP and consistently support this team. They didn't do it for the ******** and couch coaches that exist on this board and those on Twitter.
Please just go away. We are going to enjoy this one and hope for the best this weekend.
Yes, upset. The whining, the crying, the swearing.
Let's not forget those supposedly mean posts that just tore your precious little heart up, ma'am.
Please continue.