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Aug 15, 2011
The Chinese balloon should've been shot down the minute it headed into American airspace. Forget "legalities", you don't let an adversary walk into your living room and take the equivalent of a giant dump on top of the coffee table. Sure, their satellites probably get better intel, but it was a propaganda win for China and made us look inept.

Concerning Afghanistan, we could've stayed there 500 years and still not cleaned it up. It's a backwater that will never get out of the 7th Century. We should have never tried to nation-build that place to begin with and that failure falls at W's feet. However, the Biden Admin completely botched the evacuation. Why in the hell do you close Bagram and try to evac through Kabul Airport which is right smack dab in the middle of a metro area that is falling apart? The fact that we left Americans on the ground was pathetic.


Apr 9, 2017
Doesn't matter. He could have stopped the whole thing with a tweet. In fact, he did, but he waited 3 hours to do it, despite pleas from everyone. Straight up dereliction of duty which should disqualify him from being President again.
I believe he tweeted it the day before. He pulled it out on cnn interview.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
The very first paragraph, lol.

The Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. was able to gather intelligence from several sensitive American military sites, despite the Biden administration’s efforts to block it from doing so, according to two current senior U.S. officials and one former senior administration official.
Not to mention we've gone soft on our Taiwan position. Easy to do when the Chinese have paid your family millions on the down low.

The Afghanistan exit was straight up poor planning. Trump negotiated with the Taliban because they were in control of the country. The "official" Afghani government couldn't find their butt with both hands. Biden and his senior military officials blew this exit.

As far as Ukraine goes, any assistance they get should be whatever NATO (not the US unilaterally) decides to give them. Let's face it, it's just a proxy war between the US and Russia and I'm tired of being Zelensky's ATM. Ever noticed there always has to be a foreign "war"?

Start asking the right questions.

And let me edit to add this. Why are some of our politicians pushing for Ukraine to join NATO? Do they want WW3?
Yes the first paragraph references unquoted comments from anonymous officials.
What I referenced was actual quotes from named sources in the DOD. And actual quoted people said the balloons were tracked, that info gathered would be minimally(if that) different from what can be viewed from satellite, and that it cant be confirmed that info was even sent back to China. An actual quoted named person then also said the DOD is learning about the balloon.

What planning should there have been for Afghanistan? Seriously- tell me what should have happened so it ends with the US casually leaving the country, untold numbers of Afghani people not desperately trying to escape, and Afghanistan not spiraling down into oppressive Taliban control?
Had Trump won in '20 and exited Afghanistan like he had negotiated, it would have ended horribly too. I am not defending Biden here, I am saying that any way you cut it, the exit would have been a ****-show since it was us giving a date when we would walk away and hand over power to a terrorist organization.
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Sep 29, 2022
Dude, do you really think a government official is going to go on the record that the balloon was successful in it's mission, lol. Got some oceanfront property in Arizona for ya!

You keep saying the same thing would've happened under Trump, but you don't know that. What we do know is that it was a mess - under Biden's watch. I'm not a military strategist, but I'll tell you one thing I would've done before leaving - disable all the equipment before we left.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
The very first paragraph, lol.

The Chinese spy balloon that flew across the U.S. was able to gather intelligence from several sensitive American military sites, despite the Biden administration’s efforts to block it from doing so, according to two current senior U.S. officials and one former senior administration official.
Not to mention we've gone soft on our Taiwan position. Easy to do when the Chinese have paid your family millions on the down low.

The Afghanistan exit was straight up poor planning. Trump negotiated with the Taliban because they were in control of the country. The "official" Afghani government couldn't find their butt with both hands. Biden and his senior military officials blew this exit.

As far as Ukraine goes, any assistance they get should be whatever NATO (not the US unilaterally) decides to give them. Let's face it, it's just a proxy war between the US and Russia and I'm tired of being Zelensky's ATM. Ever noticed there always has to be a foreign "war"?

Start asking the right questions.

And let me edit to add this. Why are some of our politicians pushing for Ukraine to join NATO? Do they want WW3?
The Afghan withdrawal problem was the Afghan army we'd spent 20 years supplying and training was a 17ing joke. That's it, that was the only problem. There was no better way, just magical thinking. Only a true magical wand could have caused a good outcome there, and I have zero patience or respect for magical thinkers.

The only thing worse than supplying Ukraine, is not supplying Ukraine.

Just because you notice that things aren't perfect, doesn't mean you've found some hidden insight. You're not "asking the right questions", you're just complaining without having anything to offer.
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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
I have zero patience or respect for magical thinkers.

The only thing worse than supplying Ukraine, is not supplying Ukraine.
Part 1 is more gold, you’re on a roll

part 2, what about the better option of Putin not invading Ukraine? Guess Donny forget to tell Joe how to work the “keep dictators in line” magic wand. Or maybe Joe forgot.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I agree with the premise that Trump's involvement with Russia prior to 2016 election was largely made up/exaggerated. I believe that evidence shows that Hillary Clinton did as much or more with regards to collusion, buying flawed oppo research, working with Obama to weaponize the FBI to act on a batch of lies, and generally being irresponsible with her own classified information. Do I think Trump tried to obstruct? Sure. As would anyone else in his position. Do I think Russia tried to interfere in the election? Sure! Russia (and virtually every other country not friendly to us) has been trying to influence our elections for 50 years. Do I think Trump colluded with them? No, because I don't think he's that smart, nor has the resources to do so. Additionally, I think Russia would've preferred Hillary. Do I think it's ironic that the same people who scream about russian collusion in 2016 want to shout down anyone who dares questioning election results in 2020? Absolutely.

Trump is not my candidate. Can't stand him. But I can be objective enough to realize that Democrats came after him with every stupid thing they could invent in their pea sized brains for going on seven years now, to the point of committing crimes themselves, weaponizing government entities, and colluding with media outlets to frame narratives. And none of this should be disputed or even be considered a controversial take to anyone with an IQ over 50. You guys couldn't just accept that Hillary Clinton was an unelectable, terrible candidate. No, there had to be shenanigans.

Democrats like to b1tch about damage Trump allegedly did to the country, but it was democrats who weaponized the government, impeached a guy twice over silliness, ran to every microphone to lie to the american public, and stifle or restrict any counterarguments on social media platforms. The damage done there was immeasurable.
Crazy town. We had an investigation of BOTH candidates. We were only told of one, the one against HILLARY. Endlessly. That indisputable fact alone puts your rant in crazytown. It was the biggest weaponization of govt in US history, and it was against the Dems. And you complain that the GOP were the victims. Total crazy town.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Part 1 is more gold, you’re on a roll

part 2, what about the better option of Putin not invading Ukraine? Guess Donny forget to tell Joe how to work the “keep dictators in line” magic wand. Or maybe Joe forgot.
Magical thinking at its finest.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Crazy town. We had an investigation of BOTH candidates. We were only told of one, the one against HILLARY. Endlessly. That indisputable fact alone puts your rant in crazytown. It was the biggest weaponization of govt in US history, and it was against the Dems. And you complain that the GOP were the victims. Total crazy town.
Are you this much of a dipshit in real life too? Or do you just reserve that for the pack?


Sep 29, 2022
I'm going to stay with my "magical thinking" and let the Borg hivemind do their thing.

Negative Waves in post #161 summed up the mistake of the exit with the following - "Why in the hell do you close Bagram and try to evac through Kabul Airport which is right smack dab in the middle of a metro area that is falling apart?" - but I'm sure the hivemind will have an excuse.

"The only thing worse than supplying Ukraine, is not supplying Ukraine." Oh well, there you have it. Move along folks, Boom Boom has spoken. LOL.

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I'm going to stay with my "magical thinking" and let the Borg hivemind do their thing.

Negative Waves in post #161 summed up the mistake of the exit with the following - "Why in the hell do you close Bagram and try to evac through Kabul Airport which is right smack dab in the middle of a metro area that is falling apart?" - but I'm sure the hivemind will have an excuse.

"The only thing worse than supplying Ukraine, is not supplying Ukraine." Oh well, there you have it. Move along folks, Boom Boom has spoken. LOL.
I am surprised that you are unaware of the concept of the best of bad choices.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Are you this much of a dipshit in real life too? Or do you just reserve that for the pack?

Neither, just not a committed denizen of crazy town like you.
There are folks committed to Six Pack and folks committed in Six Pack.

So what does that Venn Diagram look like?



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Dude, do you really think a government official is going to go on the record that the balloon was successful in it's mission, lol. Got some oceanfront property in Arizona for ya!

You keep saying the same thing would've happened under Trump, but you don't know that. What we do know is that it was a mess - under Biden's watch. I'm not a military strategist, but I'll tell you one thing I would've done before leaving - disable all the equipment before we left.
Using your reasoning about a government official wont go on record to say the balloon was successful in its mission, that means we cant believe anything government officials ever say. Like any of them when it comes to something that would expose the US as unprepared. So any comments about anything like that by any government official in any administration- all of that is worthless and cant be believed.
Thats what happens when you dismiss comments using your reasoning- nothing can be believed.
You are basically say that all we can ever believe is anonymous sources. Holy hell thats absurd.

As for the Afghan withdrawl, obviously I dont know with 100% certainty that the same thing would have happened under Trump. But since Trump was the one who negotiated the withdrawl and Trump set the date well in advance, there is no reason to think anything different would have happened. Maybe it would have taken an extra day to topple Kabul, but that doesnt actually change things. Maybe more would have died while the US left, but that doesnt actually change things. The details would have been different since its a different timeline, but there is nothing that leads me to think the end result would have been different. Taliban forces would have marched to Kabul and overthrown the government under Trump because that is who he negotiated with and who he wanted to hand power to.
Trump negotiated with the 17ing Taliban and chose to allow them to ascend to power in the country the US had tried to instill democracy in for 20 years. Trump negotiated with the Taliban. That really needs to be said again for effect. Trump negotiated with the Taliban and set a date for the US to pack up and leave, but the botched withdrawl was on Biden. Ok then. Perhaps, and Im just spitting out possibilities here, but perhaps Trump is to blame for negotiating with a terrorist organization to give them control of a country and effectively waste 20 years of US democracy efforts AND Biden is to blame for not exiting with fewer deaths on the runway? I know, wild idea- finding both lacking.


Sep 29, 2022
"Using your reasoning about a government official wont go on record to say the balloon was successful in its mission, that means we cant believe anything government officials ever say. Like any of them when it comes to something that would expose the US as unprepared. So any comments about anything like that by any government official in any administration- all of that is worthless and cant be believed.
Thats what happens when you dismiss comments using your reasoning- nothing can be believed.
You are basically say that all we can ever believe is anonymous sources. Holy hell thats absurd."

I didn't say "any" administration. :)


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
I dont see much mocking taking place without it being mentioned that in reality, nothing has actually been found to support election fraud/irregularities.

When even Republican election leaders from GA and AZ say that there was no voter fraud, and no actual meaningful fraud has been found in nearly 3 years since the election, its fair game to mock people that continue to claim voter fraud.
Whats really funny is people who were elected in 2020 then claiming widespread voter fraud. Apparently the fraud was targeted and only invalid for the POTUS vote but not for lower level votes like theirs and their peers?

If you have evidence of meaningful fraud, by all means- post it up. If your response is 'well the powers that be wont let us know about the fraud', then go sit at the kid's table and let the adults talk.
You truly love to see your own posts. I’ve concluded this long ago.

If you can look at the amount of votes from “mail-ins” that were almost unanimously all for Biden that all came in the dark of night and not think to yourself “that’s quite amazing”, then maybe you’re the one that needs to at the kid’s table and do as daddy tells you. Just a thought.

And again, I’m not making any claims, only laughing at liberal mocking of obvious oddities.


Apr 9, 2017
Yes the first paragraph references unquoted comments from anonymous officials.
What I referenced was actual quotes from named sources in the DOD. And actual quoted people said the balloons were tracked, that info gathered would be minimally(if that) different from what can be viewed from satellite, and that it cant be confirmed that info was even sent back to China. An actual quoted named person then also said the DOD is learning about the balloon.

What planning should there have been for Afghanistan? Seriously- tell me what should have happened so it ends with the US casually leaving the country, untold numbers of Afghani people not desperately trying to escape, and Afghanistan not spiraling down into oppressive Taliban control?
Had Trump won in '20 and exited Afghanistan like he had negotiated, it would have ended horribly too. I am not defending Biden here, I am saying that any way you cut it, the exit would have been a ****-show since it was us giving a date when we would walk away and hand over power to a terrorist organization.

Joe and 51 intelligent agents lied about it not being Hunters laptop.

Did you look ar Durban’s report. Russia collusion was all made up by Hillary and the dems. Trump never should have been spied on.

Special council looking into trumps records is spending over a million a month. Special council looking into Biden hasn’t spent a million total.

The man donated his salary back. The Bidens have gotten rich from Joe.
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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2011
As for the Afghan withdrawl, obviously I dont know with 100% certainty that the same thing would have happened under Trump. But since Trump was the one who negotiated the withdrawl and Trump set the date well in advance, there is no reason to think anything different would have happened. Maybe it would have taken an extra day to topple Kabul, but that doesnt actually change things. Maybe more would have died while the US left, but that doesnt actually change things. The details would have been different since its a different timeline, but there is nothing that leads me to think the end result would have been different. Taliban forces would have marched to Kabul and overthrown the government under Trump because that is who he negotiated with and who he wanted to hand power to.
Trump negotiated with the 17ing Taliban and chose to allow them to ascend to power in the country the US had tried to instill democracy in for 20 years. Trump negotiated with the Taliban. That really needs to be said again for effect. Trump negotiated with the Taliban and set a date for the US to pack up and leave, but the botched withdrawl was on Biden. Ok then. Perhaps, and Im just spitting out possibilities here, but perhaps Trump is to blame for negotiating with a terrorist organization to give them control of a country and effectively waste 20 years of US democracy efforts AND Biden is to blame for not exiting with fewer deaths on the runway? I know, wild idea- finding both lacking.

It's not about having a different result as it relates to Afganistan. That was always a losing battle and everyone knew it for at least a decade. It was about saying screw this and about getting our people out safely. No one is going to "fix" Afghanistan, which is part of the reason we never should have been there.

As has been pointed out numerous times, the military had Bagram, it was secured and had buffer zones all around it. That should have been our last exit point. Giving that up and using the airport in the city was just plain stupid.

That's not to mention the billions in equipment we left behind. I don't care who was at the helm. In my opinion it was about 1/3 Trump and 2/3 Biden. They both suck *** and neither should ever sniff another term.

Ukraine is another page in the US war machine handbook. I think Trump is a pompas ******* but he tried "unsuccessfully" to slow down the endless war bs that the military industrial complex pushes. He lost. They will all lose that battle until they don't and that day will be ugly for America.

Why does the US have to continually fight wars all over the world? China doesn't. I'm not saying China is a good entity but they damn sure aren't focused on domination by military conquest. The US needs to tell the military industrial complex to learn to code and quit trying to solve the worlds problems.

Using your reasoning about a government official wont go on record to say the balloon was successful in its mission, that means we cant believe anything government officials ever say. Like any of them when it comes to something that would expose the US as unprepared. So any comments about anything like that by any government official in any administration- all of that is worthless and cant be believed.
Thats what happens when you dismiss comments using your reasoning- nothing can be believed.
You are basically say that all we can ever believe is anonymous sources. Holy hell thats absurd.

Pretty much where I'm at now. I don't believe any government official. Trust in institutions is at an all time low across the board. It's a sad state of affairs.

More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letter outlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden, pictured here, “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation."

They all freaking knew. ALL OF THEM. The FBI knew a year before that letter.

So no, I don't believe a word out of the mouth of ANY government official at the federal level. Local and state is where we need to focus for change.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You truly love to see your own posts. I’ve concluded this long ago.

If you can look at the amount of votes from “mail-ins” that were almost unanimously all for Biden that all came in the dark of night and not think to yourself “that’s quite amazing”, then maybe you’re the one that needs to at the kid’s table and do as daddy tells you. Just a thought.

And again, I’m not making any claims, only laughing at liberal mocking of obvious oddities.
The scenario you described has been addressed countless times by media on the left and the right. Political analysts that identify as both D and R have explained what you seem to think is inexplicable.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2011
You truly love to see your own posts. I’ve concluded this long ago.

If you can look at the amount of votes from “mail-ins” that were almost unanimously all for Biden that all came in the dark of night and not think to yourself “that’s quite amazing”, then maybe you’re the one that needs to at the kid’s table and do as daddy tells you. Just a thought.

And again, I’m not making any claims, only laughing at liberal mocking of obvious oddities.

Here's another way to look at it. Democrats played the game. Because of COVID many states changed their rules (in some cases illegally) but the Dems did a better job of playing the game than the republicans.

Do I think 81 million people voted for Biden, hell no. Do I think there were 81 million votes for Biden? Yeah probably.

You see, during 2020, people were able to go gather up ballots and put them in mailboxes to be counted. Many states passed laws to send a ballot to every person registered. So the smart play would be to go find all those people and ask them to fill out their ballot and you'll personally deliver it to the mailbox. Dems did this in every swing state. Republicans didn't.

I might be wrong on this recollection but I think trump told people not too, VOTE ON ELECTION DAY. That's moronic.

So, did 81 million vote for him? I doubt it. More likely, enough workers spent enough time gathering enough ballots to get to 81 million.

Whose fault is that? The Republicans, because they could have instituted the same ground game but they thought it was "illegal" and whined about it.

So, either the Republican get their **** together and start ballot harvesting or they continue to lose.

The 2020 election didn't have "much" fraud, what it had was the bending of the rules and it turns out the dems were better playing the game.

See LSU for recent examples.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
The scenario you described has been addressed countless times by media on the left and the right. Political analysts that identify as both D and R have explained what you seem to think is inexplicable.
Got it. Obvious oddity isn’t obvious to you.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Got it. Obvious oddity isn’t obvious to you.
This seems like a classic 'I did research' moment.
Actual experienced people who are Conservative/Republican political strategists have explained what you seem to think is unexplainable, and yet you ignore that because you 'did research'.

When I went to be on election night with Biden down then woke up and Biden gained ground, I was surprised. It did seem odd. Then I took all of 10 minutes to learn why and it was no longer odd.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2022
And again, I’m not making any claims, only laughing at liberal mocking of obvious oddities.
"Oddities" are not evidence. Opportunities to commit fraud, do not prove fraud was committed.

Oddities create reasons to investigate. Those investigations found nothing.

The surge of mail in votes for Biden was predicted for months before the election as the "red mirage". Anyone who didn't see it coming was not paying attention.

I know, the hard core conspiracy theorists claim the media was in on it, so the people predicting the red mirage were just setting it up to help make the steal look legit....and I feel sorry for those conspiracy theorists.
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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
This seems like a classic 'I did research' moment.
Actual experienced people who are Conservative/Republican political strategists have explained what you seem to think is unexplainable, and yet you ignore that because you 'did research'.

When I went to be on election night with Biden down then woke up and Biden gained ground, I was surprised. It did seem odd. Then I took all of 10 minutes to learn why and it was no longer odd.
Got it. Oddities don’t strike you as odd when explained regardless of how odd as long as you get patted on the head.

I eagerly await your next 3 paragraph response.


Active member
Feb 14, 2023
Let's see...

Cocaine in the White House
A topless tranny on the White House lawn
Chinese spy balloon allowed to surveil sensitive sites
Cluster17 Afghanistan exit
Inflation - Fed expected to raise rates two more times this year
Billions of dollars to Ukraine with no end in sight

good thing the "adults" are in charge.

The pretzel logic you have to have to think things are better now than they were under Trump. SMH.

We have lower Inflation than any other developed country
Why should we not give the Ukrainians weapons to defend Ukraine vs Russia?

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
I've noticed that the mods tolerance for lengthy political **** throwing contests increases quite a bit in the heat and boredom of summer.
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