OK Boomer..

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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
It’s SPS Rumspringa.
This would be a great topic. I talked to a guy that lives in PA surrounded by Amish. He said Rumspringa is crazy. Legit hotel rooms rented out filled with illegal drugs and every form of debauchery imaginable. Kids get hoped up on pills and race buggies and 3am with naked chicks along for the ride. Apparently the goal of the older generation is to shock their system so bad they realize they like what they had before.
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May 4, 2016
That’s not just a boomer problem
Just my thoughts here. I am mid 50's and have to admit that my generation as a whole has sucked in preparing the now 15-30 year olds for certain parts of life. Obviously there are always exceptions but think this is true for the majority. We let our success make our kids soft. We (wife and I) made a point to try to make kids not just physically, but also emotionally and psychologically grounded and strong but it was a constant battle against the influence of their peers. Their generation is on average, really soft and it's our fault as parents.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
No doubt folks like Matt Getz and AOC as non boomers will be better able to solve this country’s problems.
That’s something I was thinking about the other day. When you think of noteworthy congress people the only Gen Xer that comes to the forefront is MTG. Most of the left and right firebrands are millennials. The statesman are all Boomers or even silent (RETIRE!!!), Kevin McCarthy is literally on the Boomer/X line.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
This would be a great topic. I talked to a guy that lives in PA surrounded by Amish. He said Rumspringa is crazy. Legit hotel rooms rented out filled with illegal drugs and every form of debauchery imaginable. Kids get hoped up on pills and race buggies and 3am with naked chicks along for the ride. Apparently the goal of the older generation is to shock their system so bad they realize they like what they had before.
Is there a set time for Rumspringa? If so that sounds like a great Bachelor/Divorce party destination. I would be a alcohol god to those no zipper wearing kids.
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Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Just my thoughts here. I am mid 50's and have to admit that my generation as a whole has sucked in preparing the now 15-30 year olds for certain parts of life. Obviously there are always exceptions but think this is true for the majority. We let our success make our kids soft. We (wife and I) made a point to try to make kids not just physically, but also emotionally and psychologically grounded and strong but it was a constant battle against the influence of their peers. Their generation is on average, really soft and it's our fault as parents.


Active member
Sep 27, 2011
Are you crazy.
I know I'm not the one coming off as crazy on this topic. All I've said is that they're not evil, stupid, and lazy as a whole. They're 10s of millions of individuals. Many are great. Many suck. Just like any other group that size. For every negative you could list, I could list a positive.

Literally every generation has had to come behind the previous generation/s and work with what they've been left. That means fixing the problems they created, building upon their progress and successes, and generally just continuing on with what was learned from them (and that includes how NOT to do things). The generations that follow us will have to do the same thing, and many of them will feel the same way about us as you do about the baby boomer generation.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
The biggest problem with the boomers in general is the complaining with no action, and just the lack of initiative to learn anything new. The other things can be summed up to people being people. But to just sit around and bltch, when many times the solution is within their grasp (like weight and health problems) just grinds my gears.
Just so you know there are physiological reasons that make it challenging, in general, for older people to understand new viewpionts/change their mind. Long story short, their mind simply isn't as malleable as it used to be. So it isn't obstinance in most cases, it is part of aging.


Active member
Sep 27, 2011
it's our fault as parents.
It's certainly fine to accept some, or the even the majority, of the blame. But in the end, people have to accept responsibility for themselves. This is kind of the crux of the entire argument. Some people just want to point at anyone else and say "it's their fault" because they just can't accept that they may not be perfect either.
Aug 22, 2012
From a Gen Xer I just have to say this Boomer.
1. Thank you for your sacrifice with a war that a lot of you didn’t agree with but got told you had to be a part of. I’m from a generation that did not have to be drafted and am damn grateful we didn’t.
2. Thank you for giving the country a diverse identity. It’s hilarious to me that theyounger generations give you so much **** for being intolerant, but you were literally the generation that showed what deviation can look like.
3.Thank you for Fleetwood Mac’s Chain. And Looking Glass’s Brandy. They may be the most 2 perfect songs ever recorded. Sweet Caroline is in the running.
So to wrap it up, Boomers, YAY!
Chill out bro

he isn't going to give you a raise
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Correct. They paid what they owed into it, and now people are mad that they are using it.
Not quite. They "paid" for it when the ratio of workers to retirees was great. Then, when they are the retirees and the ratio sucks, they ***** and moan and mooch off their kids.
Subsets of the group as a whole voted in the policies you reference, many of them did not support said policies. Kind of exactly how it works today. They had no better ability to control the idiots in DC back then than we do today. A lot of the "problems" blamed on their generation aren't even real problems, or were unforeseen back then. People unsatisfied with their current circumstances need someone to blame, and they're an easy target. Just like their predecessors were easy targets for them, and we will be easy targets for our successors.
The Boomers, by virtue of being the single largest voting block, have been catered and pandered to by both Parties for decades. That is not the same as other generations. Remember they are not just another generation, they are an outsized one. They had political power that no other generation has had, and they squandered it.
Are they perfect? No way. Are there negatives with many of them? Sure. Are other generations really any different? Not a chance.
Would other generations have been better had they had that outsized power? Maybe, maybe not. If not, that gen would deserve the same criticism that the Boomers have EARNED.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
It's certainly fine to accept some, or the even the majority, of the blame. But in the end, people have to accept responsibility for themselves. This is kind of the crux of the entire argument. Some people just want to point at anyone else and say "it's their fault" because they just can't accept that they may not be perfect either.
Gif search is really letting me down by not coming up with the hot dog costume guy here.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Just so you know there are physiological reasons that make it challenging, in general, for older people to understand new viewpionts/change their mind. Long story short, their mind simply isn't as malleable as it used to be. So it isn't obstinance in most cases, it is part of aging.
In all due respect. What exactly are we boomers being blamed for here ? The vast vast vast majority simply worked hard, played by the rules we were handed, paid our taxes and tried to give our families a better life than we had (which, in retrospect was probably our biggest mistake) WITHOUT blaming the previous generation for all of our problems.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
In all due respect. What exactly are we boomers being blamed for here ? The vast vast vast majority simply worked hard, played by the rules we were handed, paid our taxes and tried to give our families a better life than we had (which, in retrospect was probably our biggest mistake) WITHOUT blaming the previous generation for all of our problems.
There was no need to blame the previous generation. You know, the greatest generation. They created a model society of white picket fences.


Active member
Feb 14, 2023
In all due respect. What exactly are we boomers being blamed for here ? The vast vast vast majority simply worked hard, played by the rules we were handed, paid our taxes and tried to give our families a better life than we had (which, in retrospect was probably our biggest mistake) WITHOUT blaming the previous generation for all of our problems.
But you didn't "pay your taxes" you slashed taxes dramatically for the rich.
The YOUNGEST Boomer was 18 when Reagan cut the top rate from 73% to 28% the lowest this rate had been since 1925.

And now you ***** about " we cannot pay for XXX" you cut the funding for it, what did you expect?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
It's always entertaining to read how boomers screwed it all up from the all-knowing younger generation. Boomers get to say "young kids these days yada yada yada and millenials and genZers can complain about boomers messing up all sorts of things preventing utopia. What have the boomers ever done for us (I'm gen x, btw, although I really don't care about that)?


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
But you didn't "pay your taxes" you slashed taxes dramatically for the rich.
The YOUNGEST Boomer was 18 when Reagan cut the top rate from 73% to 28% the lowest this rate had been since 1925.

And now you ***** about " we cannot pay for XXX" you cut the funding for it, what did you expect?
Taxes were too high. Western European countries cut marginal tax rates too. Funding for most things is still up. What programs do you think have been cut too much? We spend more on public education than almost all other countries and more on majority non-white public schools than on majority white public schools, and we spend about the same amount of our gdp on social programs as Canada does. Smart, rich people do know how to arrange outcomes in their favor. Smart, rich social workers, for instance, know how to get jobs in government and with non-profits that focus on helping the poor that pay a lot more in salary and benefits to them than the poor get out of those programs.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
your pictures skipped the Boomer generation and GenX completely...

By your Meme, The Boomers are the weak men created by good times, that are responsible for today's hard times...
"responsible for today's hard time" O.K. help me out and I'm being serious. Poe's Law?

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
In all due respect. What exactly are we boomers being blamed for here ?
According to LordMcFvckethead "every issue we have in this country" is a result of us Boomers. He hasn't given any specifics in any post just throwing out generalities blaming everybody that he assumes to be a Boomer.

"They are terrible leaders" Again, a generality, who is "they"?

"It is past time for their reign to end and for them to acknowledge their role in every bad damn thing with this country" Once again, no specifics just generalities "their reign", "their role"

But fret not, LordMcFvckethead and his posse are on it and going to save us all, even though we don't know what we are being saved from........

"We are dumbfounded on how bad they 17ed it up and now are standing in the way as we try to correct it." and at the same time blaming Boomers for interfering with his posse so that when they do nothing, they can blame somebody. He never said who "we" is either


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
But you didn't "pay your taxes" you slashed taxes dramatically for the rich.
The YOUNGEST Boomer was 18 when Reagan cut the top rate from 73% to 28% the lowest this rate had been since 1925.

And now you ***** about " we cannot pay for XXX" you cut the funding for it, what did you expect?
1st Why must you stereotype ? I'm not bitching about anything. 2nd Well you got me on the second part I voted for Ronald Reagan over Jimmy Carter in '80' and Walter Mondale in '84'. Choices I'll regret to my dying day **** .


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Yeah, the older folks do a lot because they have to, their kids won't move out and contribute. I love how they biatch and still do nothing about moving out and buying their own home.

One out of Three

If your adult children are still living in your home past when you thought you’d have the place to yourself, well at least you’re not alone. Nearly a third of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 (and more than half of those 18-24) live with their parents, according to data from the U.S. Census. And those numbers have been steadily increasing over the last 60 years. (The pandemic gave those numbers a boost in 2020, but they’ve retreated somewhat in 2021; see table below for a deep dive)
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
In all due respect. What exactly are we boomers being blamed for here ? The vast vast vast majority simply worked hard, played by the rules we were handed, paid our taxes and tried to give our families a better life than we had (which, in retrospect was probably our biggest mistake) WITHOUT blaming the previous generation for all of our problems.
My comment was just a general comment on aging. I'm very appreciative of my parents and what they had to do to allow me to stand on their shoulders and take the next step.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Just remember anti-boomer millennials and gen z'ers, it's not all bad. Boomers created xanax and other benzodiazepines to help with your anxiety along with cialis so they can continue to get it on with you know who after an early-bird meal and a quick ride around the hood in a golf cart. A win-win for all. One day that'll be all yours.
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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
When each Generation got dress to go out on Friday.

Gen Y Parents- "Goodbye."
Gen Z Parents- "Oh you look so cute".
Gen X Parents- "You know if you go out dressed liked that you are going to get your *** kicked."
Boomer parents_ "No hell no you are not wearing that out."
Greatest Generation- They were just happy to have some clothes.
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
The biggest problem with the boomers in general is the complaining with no action, and just the lack of initiative to learn anything new. The other things can be summed up to people being people. But to just sit around and bltch, when many times the solution is within their grasp (like weight and health problems) just grinds my gears.
That's not a boomer problem, it's a PEOPLE problem. It will never go away either.
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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
The more things change, the more things stay the same. Y'all hating on the boomers sound just like the boomers did back in the day hating on the generations that came before them. This generation stereotyping is hilarious. Every generation has about the same proportions of good and bad. The world goes on anyway.
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Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
This ****** list is all that is good with boomers.
Every issue we have in this country is directly related to their actions and inactions. They have zero balls to fix issues in this country. Zero. They are generally terrible leaders.
Probably true. And all the problems this country had when boomers were younger were directly related to "Greatest Generation's" actions and inactions. And all the country's problems next will be directly related to us Gen Xer's actions and inactions, then the Millenials. That's kind of how it goes. It's easy to romanticize, but the greatest generation fought and won a horrific war the lost generation was responsible for getting them into then themselves caused the calamity of Vietnam and the reactions to the Civil Rights Movement. On and on it goes.
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