Making donations to NIL, THON, and your local chapter are commendable. THON is a very noble donation. I was taken aback by a few in here last year that said they no longer donate to THON because of the BOT, which boggles my mind at the logic. I can’t speak for anyone, but myself. I have no harsh feelings toward Joe. Quite the contrary. Joe was a great educator and motivator. A fantastic coach and a fantastic role model for young men. He was one of a kind and is a legend because of as many things off the field as he was on the field. My only complaint towards Joe was that he stayed too long. I was, like many, of the mindset that he earned the right to leave when he saw fit. Unfortunately, I don’t think he was able to recognize when it was time to step away. Further, this inability to recognize that bit him royally. My frustration is with those that are still holding on to a grudge 14 years later. Some, so much so, that they criticize EVERTHING PSU. The school, the BOT, the president, the professors, tuition, new hires, stadium renovations, Franklin, the players, new development in town, etc. It’s tiresome and some do it on a daily basis. I can’t comprehend that logic and I also can’t comprehend coming here on a routine basis to profess it. I would imagine none of you care how I feel, so I wouldn’t throw my anger out to you on a specific subject. Now, I also recognize some do it to stir up the mob mentality. I get it, I just don’t think doing that here accomplishes anything other than more frustration. To each his own. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I hope those that have a negative attitude on all things PSU can find something more enjoyable to spend their time on.