It may be difficult for you to comprehend but I think Joe was the greatest educator/coach (in any sport) of all time. Holding Joe in the highest regard does not preclude having respect for what James Franklin has done.
Even the most ardent Joe supporters recognize that when BOB and then Franklin came along.....many things were in need of improvement. Coaches salaries and facilities to name two.
Easy for me to comprehend.
I respect what Franklin has done. But I believe he has proven that his ceiling has been reached. I am far from alone in that opinion. It is a runaway majority opinion.
Will only get tougher as I think it is almost universally accepted that Frankin is not a good Xs & Os guy. Probably why you never hear his name as rumored to get a HC position in NFL.
As the final steps are completed in making CFB an NFL minor league, this will make it even tougher from Franklin teams to compete.
As for Joe, I just like to remind the uninformed just how great he was…kind of like you like to repeat xxxx more years for Franklin.
I part company with you in that I believe Franklin has had plenty of time to prove he can take the program to next level. Nothing to be ashamed of, but it is what it is.
He has come up short - primarily in failing in over 95% of the big games he has coached - including a complete failure in establishing the ability to win a big game on the road. This is not my opinion - this is a fact.
Time for someone else to get a chance.